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WE SHOULDN'T FEEL LIKE A CRIME ☆ visitor - Printable Version

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WE SHOULDN'T FEEL LIKE A CRIME ☆ visitor - S. PENDRAGON - 01-09-2021

Sophiea took a deep breath deciding that she needed a bit of time away from Tanglewood only to visit the woman that she was slowly getting feelings for, it was hard not gain feelings after the kiss that the both of them had shared. The winged feline had promised the captain that she would visit after the war was over, Sophiea planned to keep it and had packed a few things having her satchel at her side. Bandages still covered her body but she didn't seem to care, she practically had to sneak away just for Eternalknight or Aurum to get on her arse about not resting. Both tufted ears were perked forward, her paws stepping over the railroad tracks and quite frankly, she was very tired from her trip. She was usually used to flying great distances but now she wasn't able to even do that. It made her frustrated in a sense but she was already there so she saw no reason to complain as of yet. "Oh heavens... Why did I come all the way out here?" Unfortunately, Sophiea was unaware of what had happened to Goldenluxury and when she would find out, it would shatter her heart.

Taking a deep breath, Sophiea would walk closer to the gates glancing up towards the bell did she use telekinesis and fire it towards it until it rang loudly. The arrow fell back into the sand where she'd pick it up and slip it into her satchel drawing another soft breath, she closed her eyes for a moment only to call out with a nod of her cranium "Sophiea Pendragon... I am here to visit my dear friend, Goldenluxury."

Re: WE SHOULDN'T FEEL LIKE A CRIME ☆ visitor - michael t. - 01-09-2021

Sophiea. Michael didn't know much about the Tangler, outside of what Roan had occasionally told him about her from their letters. From what he had gathered... she was British. That was about all he knew, really, since Roan wasn't really much of the sharing type, these days. He also knew that she had some kind of correspondence with Goldie, but he didn't know the extent to which the two of them knew each other. After all, he had only been present when Sophiea's veiled letter of distress had arrived for Goldie, and look where that had gotten them. However, he didn't hold that entire situation against Soph, especially since he didn't know all the circumstances of what had happened. Not to mention that he didn't really have the time to be holding grudges – he was pretty exhausted these days, post all the raid and battle shit that had happened. He much preferred having a chance to relax and spend time with his family, rather than fume about shit that didn't really matter anymore.

The sound of the bell ringing out was what drew the dealer over, his gaze scanning over Soph and his perked ears taking in what she had to say. Unfortunately, her words only caused him to wince, knowing that he would probably be delivering some bad news. A soft sigh passed through the thief's muzzle before he looked properly up at her, mismatched gaze meeting hers, "Er... hey. I'm sure it won't be too long until Goldie is here, but... she probably won't remember you. Her head got hit pretty hard during the final raid, and... she's been having pretty terrible memory issues since then. Just letting you know right now." It seemed that the best option would be to be honest with Sophiea, so that she could prepare herself for what Goldie would say. Of course, Goldie was remarkably polite about the whole thing, but it would still hurt having one of your dear friends ask you who you were.

Re: WE SHOULDN'T FEEL LIKE A CRIME ☆ visitor - bubblegum - 01-09-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

It may partially be a blessing in disguise, in this situation, to have suffered the injury she had. The way the past had tugged, had twisted her, it would cause her to hold a fear in ways that the former her wasn't sure she could get over. At least, perhaps not as quickly as Sophiea would have liked. There were no more strings attached, however, and all she could do at the moment was listen and try to learn. She could not remember, and so she'd not try to force herself to do so. That much became abundantly clear within the first few days of her waking up. And while there would be struggle in those that'd known her, known who she was, wishing she was simply the Goldie they knew, the reality was she wasn't. And she didn't like to focus on that so much anymore. She was Goldenluxury Roux, and she would simply have to figure out what that meant now.

The easiest way to try and figure it out was to explore her home, on the short walks she may take during recovery. She could hear her name called, and as usual, it didn't bring a very optimistic feeling in her chest. A dear friend, she'd been called. And by the time she arrives, Michael has already begun to explain. The tigress pauses for a moment, as she sees the other at the gate. The way she watches may seem a little odd, though she cannot help but feel something she can't recall experiencing since waking up. Butterflies bounce around her stomach, heart beating faster ever so slightly. And she's not so sure why, but she can't help but feel an immediate desire to know the feline.

She grows closer now, her eyes locked on Sophiea. "Hi, 'm Goldie," she'd introduce with a nod, offering an almost goofy looking smile. One she'd not seemed to give anyone else before upon introduction so far. She clears her throat, glancing towards Michael. "Is', uh, nice t' meet you...again."

Re: WE SHOULDN'T FEEL LIKE A CRIME ☆ visitor - S. PENDRAGON - 01-14-2021

Sophiea grew tense when a bobcat had approached her, she probably should've thought more on who'd arrive before Goldie yet she stood her ground with both of her tufted ears perked forward, that trademark frown of hers present on her maw feeling like she could handle whatever is said to her. She made sure to keep eye contact and it was rather unfortunate that Roan didn't say much about her aside from being British, it was ridiculous really but it wasn't like Sophiea was expecting the grouchy medic to say much else. When Michael began to speak, the Tanglewood girl would become attentive and she felt a faint hop in her chest hearing Goldenluxury's name. It won't be too long before she is here, Sophiea would pull her satchel closer then the rest of Michael's words had slipped through and sunk. "Pardon?" Sophiea said with her ears swiveling back and pressing themselves against her skull, she didn't want to believe this. Goldenluxury Roux didn't remember her.

Sophiea stood there in brief silence and couldn't help but feel it was her fault for not participating in the raid, sure, Aurum probably would've stopped her but if it meant that she could have saved Goldie then it would have been worth it. "I see... Well, that's a shame." She said trying to keep herself stable and Soph was beginning to regret being there in that given moment but she was frozen in place. She was already here and even if the kiss was forgotten, her feelings for the former Captain of the Typhoon had not. The winged feline was about to say more until someone else decided to show up, she hadn't bothered looking in their direction knowing that they would only remind her that Goldie had forgotten and possibly tell her to go home. She would not, unfortunately, given how stubborn she was.  She fell silent feeling uncertain and hurt as her heart ached though her ears immediately twitched when that someone else finally spoke.

Her heart began to thump loudly within her chest and those flutters tickled her tummy as she stood there with her pupils widening. Sophiea would glance up to see that it was her and she could feel her eyes beginning to sting. Sophiea noticed that goofy smile and that point it was tempting her to break down into tears but she refused, she had to be strong just as Goldie had told her that one night. And by Gods, she would be. The woman who usually wore a scowl or frown would find a shy smile slipping onto her face as their eyes met "And it is a pleasure to meet you, Goldie." The moment that their eye contact was broken, Sophiea would feel her face starting to get warm though she would turn her attention to Michael "I know that I've stated in only visiting but... Would it be possible for me to stay here? I'm sure the brute and knob back at home wouldn't mind," She was specifically speaking about both Aurum and Eternalknight, she was sure that the two grown men could handle themselves just fine without her. That and she didn't want to deal with all of Aurum's sudden children, she had a feeling there would be more.

Even more reason not to stick around and she could only hope that Eternalknight didn't let those new infants enter their shared home or god forbid, her living space. "I promise to make myself useful around here as well... I would love to... Get a chance to properly acquaint myself with everyone here," As she said that though, her attention was fixated on Goldie and the former captain alone. She would never hide her true intentions nor would she silence her own feelings but for now, she would have to do so as not to overwhelm her dear friend.

Re: WE SHOULDN'T FEEL LIKE A CRIME ☆ visitor - michael t. - 01-15-2021

Well, he certainly felt like a third wheel. Even with Goldie unable to remember her time spent with Soph, it was pretty obvious that the both of them liked each other. In the back of his mind, the thief had to wonder if he and Trevor had also been so obvious – he hoped not, if only for the sake of others. Either way, them making heart eyes at each other immediately made him want to turn and take off, if only so that he wouldn't be standing there awkwardly. Unfortunately for him, he did have a position of power within The Typhoon, an it made sense that Sophiea would question him about staying. In spite of this, the dealer didn't try to hide the surprise that spread momentarily over his face, pausing and blinking mismatched eyes slowly at Soph. It took only a moment before he was able to speak once again though, chuckling before he muttered, "Ah... I don't really think that Rox would mind either, considering you're here to see Goldie. And obviously I'm sure she appreciates the visit, since I know how boring it can be in the temple without some company." He shot a small smile over at Goldie, knowing full well just how draining it could be, being stuck in the temple. Not only was there not much to do, but Roan wasn't much of a talker, and Rosemary wasn't around quite as much as he was.

Turning his attention back to Sophiea herself, the dealer then gave a short nod, "But, yeah, I don't think it would be a problem for you to stay for a while." His small tail twitched behind him, the male silently hoping that Roxie would agree with him. He didn't really want to deal with the fallout of her not agreeing. He then added on, chuckling, "I, uh... I'm also not sure that we've properly met, either. I saw you in the initial raid, and Roan has told me a bit about you, but... I'm Michael. I'm Roxie's brother and a dealer around here. Although I get the feeling you don't care too much about meeting me..." He couldn't help the little snicker that left him, glancing temporarily at Goldie before he continued, "Anyways... I can answer any questions you might have later. For now I just... think ill leave you to meet Goldie... again." He was quick to turn and head away once his words were acknowledged, not wanting to be a third wheel for too much longer. He didn't really think they'd have a problem finding things to talk about.

( out! )