Beasts of Beyond
I’M NEVER WHAT I LIKE || o + joining injured - Printable Version

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I’M NEVER WHAT I LIKE || o + joining injured - magnum - - 01-07-2021

Shaking paws shuffled quickly into the run down mansion they had managed to find drifting in the lonely forest. Thick, dark blood dripping onto the hardwood floors below them as they made their way to the living room with a slight pant to their breathing. It was pitch black outside and they group had just returned from a rather brutal fight that left a few marks on the duo, though luckily nothing serious. Though, one in particular looked a little worse for wear compared to the others.

“Magnum! You’re bleeding from your head and nose like crazy! Please, sit down and let me get something to wrap around that dumb wolf head of yours!!”

The assassin peeked from his hat at the small, bruised and bloodied tom before him with a look of determination to help him clean up a bit and make sure he didn't have a concussion of some sort. Magnum bit on the filter of his cigarette, knowing full well that he didn't have much of a choice with this guy and began to make his way towards the dusty couch that had yet to be claimed by the others in the group. His partner moving further into the house to look for a rag or any cloth to soak up the blood dripping from him.

It was a chuckles from his partner that made a chill go up his spine, making him jump back up on all fours, his long claws scraping the floor as he moved ahead to look for the source after such a short amount of time. Magnum’s breathing becoming quicker with each step towards the inky black hall ahead until he couldn't see anything around him. It was so dark and cold, he almost couldn't feel his body despite his thick pelt. That is until something pierced his side, burning his insides and making him writhe in pain

And then he jolted awake, taking a large and gasping breath as he scrambled up to an unfamiliar surrounding and blood-soaked bandages wrapped around his side. The scents of the cedars and the sea breeze flooding his senses along with that of several animals confused him. He didn't have control of the situation and it made him panic, eyes flicking here and there before setting them on a figure that was far too close to his liking. Magnum was scrambling over rocks and leaves left over from the past fall with great fear he wouldn’t be able to defend himself in time only to slam back into a large tree with such force that a stick managed to smack onto his head, falling right back onto his stomach as he found himself stuck under the branch that was just barely what he could manage to lift with his injury.

“  Dammit, what the hell is all this? Where am I even? Get this fuckin’ branch offa me!  “

//watch this oldie not know how to make a proper intro

Re: I’M NEVER WHAT I LIKE || o + joining injured - rhosmari - 01-10-2021

"Wait!" He had never seen someone move so face and certainly not in a state that he was in. The elegant canine like creature frowned delicately as snow grey paws moved after him. He didn't want to see the other get hurt and he most certainly didn't want him to cause more injuries 5o himself. Twin tails streamed behind him as he followed after him, hoping he was okay. At least that was till he careened into a tree and a branch fell onto him. The starry night colored maned wolf would soon catch up, shifting around the other with worry across his golden blue eyes. "Everything is okay. I promise. You're in a safe place, the Palm Glades." He wanted to be the voice of reason for the other so that he would calm down. His pierced nose twitched as he moved around and looked at the branch that was pinning him. He tried to make careful movements, almost exaggerating them too much. Though this body almost made it look flowing to a degree. "I'll get the branch off of you. Just hold on a sec."

Then he moved, shifting and pushing with his front paws to shift the branch off of the other. It tumbled off and he looked at the other with a carefulness. "My name's Sorbet. I live here with a few others and I can get you better help from Vaas." Hopefully they wouldn't mind getting more help but the maned wolf just didn't want to cause him more stress than was warranted.
[Image: lnnqViN.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

%u2014 Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: I’M NEVER WHAT I LIKE || o + joining injured - RHINESTONE. - 01-11-2021

It wasn't every day that the Glades had a new visitor shouting and writhing at their border. That wasn't to say that it never happened, considering they seemed to get far more visitors than most of the other groups. In most cases, though, those visitors or potential joiners were quiet, and generally very polite. That didn't seem to be the case with Magnum, at least if the other's frantic and aggravated call was anything to go by. Rhine had lifted his head as soon as he heard it, only for his nose to wrinkle when it was soon followed by the scent of blood. It was clear that whoever the shouting newcomer was, they weren't doing so well in the health department. So, after taking a deep breath inward, the serval pushed himself up and onto his paws, moving towards the source of the sound. As he did so, he raised his own muzzle up and into the air, calling towards the boardwalk with all of his might – and perhaps a little help from the wind to amplify his voice, "[member=16248]VAAS .[/member] I have a feeling we're gonna need you over here, big guy!" He hoped that it wouldn't take too long for his... companion to appear. He still wasn't sure on what to classify their relationship as, quite yet. He enjoyed the other's company, and it was fairly clear that the tiger also enjoyed his, but neither of them was particularly great with emotions, or labels. For now, though, that wasn't Rhine's primary concern.

Instead, the legate's primary concern was on the bleeding wolf now situated out in the forest of the Glades, obviously confused on where the hell he was. It wasn't long before Rhinestone came padding up beside Sorbet, shooting the other a grateful look for already trying to help Magnum out. Turning his gaze to the canine in question, Rhine then offered a small smile, and some reassurance, "...Vaas is our healer. I just called for him, so hopefully he'll show up before too long to patch you up. I take it that you don't know how you got here?" His head tilted to one side, taking in how confused and disoriented Magnum seemed to be. It was practically a guarantee that the other hadn't meant to reach their shores. It was because of this that the feline offered further reassurance, tail flicking calmly behind him, "As my friend Sorbet here said, you're on the lands of the Palm Glades. I'm Rhinestonestar, the legate around here and the one in charge... we'll take care of you until you're back onto your feet, alright?" Then, the other would be free to continue on to wherever he had been heading before. Or, alternatively, he could choose to stay. He certainly wouldn't have been the first to decide to become a member of theirs after... unusual circumstances.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: I’M NEVER WHAT I LIKE || o + joining injured - magnum - - 01-13-2021

Of course, instinct told him to bare his teeth as soon as the unfamiliar and oddly dainty canid who had followed him long enough to to see him get caught under the branch that currently had him pinned down in the moment. He was completely at this guys mercy and wasn’t even going to know where one of these clan fuckers took him off too. That is, if it was one of them that hid him at what seemed to be the edge of their territory. Magnum pushed away the flurry of thoughts that floated in his head, his gaze fixed on the guy who looked like a wolf on stilts getting even closer to the branch and himself. The wolf was about to growl before he was being reassured that he was safe in this....Palm Springs? Was that what he said? Honestly, he had not paid enough attention as this guy kept creeping closer and Magnum kept pushing and trying scrambling back through the gaps of the branch despite how it scraped against his injury.

“I’ll get the branch off of you. Just hold on a second.”

It almost looked like he was holding his breath, from how still the young wolf got and how wide his eyes were behind his mess of fur covering them up. He could only watch as the stranger managed to get it off without much trouble, though it took a second of gawking up before he had slowly made his way back onto his feet. Finally, a name was put to a face with Sorbet introducing himself and offering to gather up the group’s medic. “ Look, Gelato. I’m not lookin’ to be around here for long, I just need to find my buddy and I’ll-” Magnum paused as he noticed how damp his side felt, glancing to it with frustration as the formerly clean bandage was soaked with blood around the area he seemed to have been struck or whatever. A long sigh passes his lips that were pressed into a thin line now, realizing he didn't have much of a choice. Not to mention all the commotion had led him to fail in hearing a new figure come upon the hectic scene with a cool head and even a smile despite probably hearing his yelling.

I don’t trust some random doc to look me over. As for not knowing how I got here, that's an understatement. I was in a completely different area and I was with my boss before....” Once again, Magnum glanced at his bloody side with disbelief that it was even really there in the first place. The canid looked to the feline as he introduced himself and spoke of taking him in until he was able to get back on his feet. It didn't seem like a bad idea, but he wasn't all into the whole idea of working under such a large group. But, would it still be better than wondering around aimlessly, especially after suddenly ending up here? Magnum wasn’t especially one to believe in fate....but, maybe he should let this path run it’s course until his partner showed his ugly face.
Rhinestonestar.....I suppose can’t really deny the offer of help in this situation, as much as I hate to stay in these places. They get you wrapped up and people get all nice, leading you in this little group of trust on your own volition!” The young wolf gave a slight huff as he rolled his shoulder, his body slumped in it’s stance before the two animals before him.

Re: I’M NEVER WHAT I LIKE || o + joining injured - CAESAR CIPHER. - 01-14-2021

[glow=black,1,400]I MOVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS, I DON'T NEED ANY PROTECTION !。+゚.[/glow]
Well, someone scrambling about was not something Caesar expected to see today. The savannah's ear flicked as he watched the stranger trip over things before he decided to get close, following after Rhinestonestar. His dark gaze studied Magnum for a moment, a snort escaping him at the wolf's comment about how he just seemed to appear here. "Hey, if the guy doesn't want help, why help him?" His words were mostly directed towards Rhine, though he didn't move to look at the leader.

"If he doesn't want to stay either, I don't think we should let him." Caesar added, flexing his claws and digging them into the ground now. "I can gladly finish him off." That was absolutely a threat, one the savannah wasn't going to deny. Now of course, usually, he wouldn't have hesitated to get on this guy's ass, but alas, someone else beat him here - not to mention, Rhine was here; gotta play nice to the leader for a bit to be trusted.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I’M NEVER WHAT I LIKE || o + joining injured - Grimm - 01-16-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Quiet the creaking groan, against smoothed surface light the touch yet still enough, along the whorl marked step gaze settled. Deceptively simple the task of recalling when last he had occupied the shallow valley, the days had drawn together, details escaping among the din. Numerous the times encircled, avoided for reasons that seemed trivial enough to not occupy a portion of his thoughts, or it may simply have been he lacked the care to waste the energy maintaining it. Sigh bypassed lips as they slowly parted, down those few steps slowly walking, strange the transition from solid wood to the shifting and somewhat unstable particles of sand. Momentary his pause, grains parting about his toes, curling until they were swallowed among them, slight the smile forming as he watched.

Surprise washed away his muted joy, forth the call ringing, volume exceeding that he had grown accustomed to even during the more official proceedings. Another addressed, reasoning rather apparent for there was little cause to disturb a medic beyond needing such expertise. Lip taken between teeth, chewed upon for a moment. There was nothing in way of assistance he may offer, the growing presence of his curiosity his only driving force, the meagre information supplied offering too little.

Quick the pace he set, though well he knew such momentum may only last for so long, small still, even for how lengthy his legs had grown with recent development, his steps covered too little ground. Harsh each breath when the woodland arose before him, known a great deal better than he should have at such a point, though rather minimal his exploration thus far. At home the child within the dense undergrowth, withered and browned as winter took as it pleased, sticky the needle lined ground. Rather pointless details such, the voices that arose proving a much more tantalising prospect, about ears flicking in a bid to pinpoint the location they came from. Still was the process rather long, the comments from most lost, all but one, at the least.

Poor the fit of a scowl against such a soft silver and ivory countenance, yet he wore it as best he may, slim tail lashing back and forth erratically. Unheard that which prompted such unsavoury remark, a threat he did not deem as such though understood it was rather tasteless to speak such, the genuine intent behind not necessary in full. Thoughtless his action, wild his charge, a move conducted to strike Caesar upon the leg with the top of his head. Whether contact was made or not his fall was inevitable, momentary his daze as head was roughly shaken, an extended period of inactivity prior to the sudden flurry of action enough to leave ill effects.