Beasts of Beyond
a soul at a time - open; weekly tasks - Printable Version

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a soul at a time - open; weekly tasks - rhosmari - 01-07-2021

She was asked to hold these tasks, to give something for others to do. There was a lot to do in her mind but she supposed there was room for recovering and recuperation. After all they had just finished moving and restructuring their new home to suit their needs. Dragging herself up from a boulder she had been laying on the woman curled her tail around her paws and looked down among the ramble that was happening. Small idle chitchat, some scuffles going on. The snow had freshly fallen the night before and it was already littered with many tracks and even flattened in other places. Huffing softly she wondered now that they had a decent home if they could survive the cold. It would take some adjustments she was sure but not necessarily something that would be too hard. Shaking her horned skull she would lift a paw up and lightly tap it against her chin as she continued her thoughts in a dizzying circle. ''Well, best not to hold this thing up for nothing.'' She muttered to herself.

With a small movement of hindlegs she bounded from the boulder and into the snow before calling out almost lazily. ''Hey there are things that need to be done! So get over here and get a task and if you finish it you can come and get another one if you would so like.'' She was sure that someone would show up as heads began to turn to her location, eyeing her with different degrees of intrigue.

-- ooc prompts are also available

Re: a soul at a time - open; weekly tasks - ninazu - 01-07-2021

She trotted toward Sojourn, her large paws leaving little indents in the piled up snow. She'd much to do, from fitting the Elysium's greenhouse to their greenhouse and tallying up the noteworthy locations in new territory, but plenty remained to be done. After all, while the Pitt liked to claim their desert hellscape was the most challenging of all the territories, the Coalition's winter wonderland took that prize. However, Ninazu considered the extremely defensible position worth it, especially with the current hostilities towards the group as a whole.

"I'll take a task," she said with a nod. "Let's see what you come up with, hm?"

[ i'll take an ooc prompt as well! ]