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gods be damned // return of atticus and sweeney - Printable Version

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gods be damned // return of atticus and sweeney - Atticus Roux - 01-06-2021

The world faded in once again as the former Tanglewooder approached the border with weary eyes surveying the treeline. His mind was racing, heart pounding, and paws scarred as he walked closer. Claws scraped against the muddy floor as he trespassed into Tanglewood, unbothered that he passed the border without a word, as formalities were past due. Atticus trudged forward a few more paces, stopping at the field of peace. His golden gaze shifted backwards. Sweeney was presumably following in tow, but he was unsure whether or not if she was keeping up, especially after their long walk.

Injured and tired, Atticus turned back and lowered his haunches to the floor. A huff left him. The male's eyes shifted down to his feet, staring at the large canine paws that he now inhabited. During the raid, the two had managed to snap out of their manipulated state. Sweeney first. Atticus second. In the middle of breaking free of Stryker's hold, for the first time in a long time, rage engulfed his head and the Pittian got heated. As a result, the former feline shapeshifted quite violently into a tabby-coated wolf and plunged into the battle with a vicious rage, unable to control his urges. The result was... brutal.

Despite the beneficial body change, Atticus didn't like to talk about it. He was too tired to... His entire walk back was practically silent, only exchanging few words with Sweeney when needed. Now they were here. The truth was bound to come forth, but he couldn't help but suppress the thought and only swallow nervously. Moving his gaze back to the horizon, he waited others to approach. Even with the new body, he was recognizable. The same pattern and necklace made him indistinguishable from others, so introducing himself would be a waste.

With one last look back at Sweeney to double check, Atticus's scarred body sat patiently.

[wait for @sweeney to post please!!]

Re: gods be damned // return of atticus and sweeney - trojan g. - 01-06-2021

The raids were a constant state of not knowing what was going on. One second Sweeney had been at the border to Tanglewood, the next she was flying in the air above the meeting place, only to blink and she was suddenly above a group she didn’t recognize the territory of from the air, watching as her best friend fought. It had been enough though, to snap her out of her mental chains and dive down toward the former feline, eventually snapping him out of his own state of mental chaos.

She had been too tired to help the other with their rage, something Sweeney was more than familiar with, when he had first shifted into the wolf, only able to watch for a moment and hope that he would calm down soon enough. Though it had been hard to see, she was having her own challenges as well. The normally sassy vixen was silent, eyes uncaring for all but her friend before her as they walked in the neutral lands towards Tanglewood, though they dart from side to side every so often to make sure they weren’t being followed, to ensure they’re safety.

When they reached the swamps border, Sweeney gave pause. She didn’t want to seem like a coward waiting at the border when Atticus had simply walked in, but she had never lived here. She hadn’t been attacked the last time she was on the border but she hadn’t exactly been invited in either. Eventually, however, as Atticus began to move further from her, Sweeney moved past the scent border as well, quickly catching up with the taller canine before sitting next to him, head leaning on his side in exhaustion and comfort.

Re: gods be damned // return of atticus and sweeney - rhosmari - 01-08-2021

[div style="width: 500px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; height: auto; line-height: 17px; color: #080808;"]
''Atticus?'' Came a voice that wouldn't seem familiar to him. Since she had seen him last, before he was taken by the COTC, she had changed. Her voice had become slightly lower, a more rich tone encompassing it and once he saw here she was sure that he wouldn't know whom she was. She was still new to this strange body that she had suddenly been changed to. The experience of how she had gotten it still ringing through her skull. Sighing she carefully made her way toward the tabby coated canine and her bright blue eyes focused on him. There was worry within her gaze though, a sense of regret. They should have known better than to send him on his own to make a run for it. They should have planned better. Something. But because of them Atticus had been captured and she knew what had happened to him. The same had happened to her and from there, fire consumed her life. She was not who she had thought she was and there was still more that she was trying to understand. For now the other voice was silent in her skull and for that she was thankful for. ''Ah, this one is Elsweyr. She is sorry for...what happened to him. We should not have sent him alone.''

The clouded leopard marked white lioness would then turn her gaze on the other woman that was with him. She did not know her but she didn't see a reason to act in hostility. She had been wary and strict for a good while with anyone that had come to the border but she was with Atticus and that meant something she supposed. Dipping her head to the both of them she would glance over her shoulder, flaming mane shifting slightly. ''Aurum will be happy to see the both of them. He is our new leader after...Vigenere's untimely fall. She hopes that both have been okay, yes?'' She thought of taking them to Moth in order to get them checked out. After all things had been rough and Tanglewood was still recovering after everything that had happened both physically and mentally. With a light twitch of a pierced rounded ear the lioness would turn and beckon them to follow her to the town.

Re: gods be damned // return of atticus and sweeney - wormwood. - 01-09-2021

Re: gods be damned // return of atticus and sweeney - trojan g. - 01-09-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Since Atticus had been taken away from her, Moth had been watching the border and listening to the news of NPC's that liked to gossip, in hopes of knowing where her son was, if anything happened to him. She had thought of the worst in the times that the Coalition had taken Tanglewood captive, and had taken Atticus, but she tried not to. There were too many bad things that could have happened to them. Him being hypnotized and forced to fight for the Coalition was not something that had been in the mother's active imagination though.

Hearing words coming from the territory towards the border, Moth had come forward, pausing for a moment as she looked upon the two that were sitting there, watching and waiting for something to fully process. She couldn't think. Her mind wasn't working to it's full extent, and she didn't know how to handle this. Her son was back, even if it was in a body that was not his own original. But that was okay for she wasn't in her original body either - in fact she hadn't been for a very long time.

Finally being able to move her legs, the female would take a few steps forward, looking over the two quickly before wordlessly moving forward in a slight lunge, attempting to scoop her son up in her arms gently in a weird attempt at a hug, tears forming in her eyes. She would try to hide them as she soon let go, offering a smile to the two quickly before a sniff came from her.

"I hope you two are staying here for a while?" She would speak as she turned quickly towards her bag that she carried with her, the smell of varying herbs coming from it as soon as she had opened it. "Here, you two take this." She would hand them each some poppy seeds, "Make the pain go away, give you some strength to make it back to camp fully and we'll get you both healed up." She was working on auto pilot, trying to not let her emotions show too much, not out in front of everyone.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: gods be damned // return of atticus and sweeney - Atticus Roux - 01-09-2021

Golden eyes shifted to the unfamiliar voice. His gaze cautiously scanned the stranger, only for them to identify themselves second later. Elsweyr. He wasn't so concerned of her body change, as he had one of his own. Instead the canine focused on her apology. Atticus lightly bit down on his tongue, frustrating thoughts festering within his head. For as much as he wanted to snap and shout in anger, the Pittian was too tired and just wanted to rest... To see his mom. To go home. "You'd think so," he grumbled instead, internalizing his rage for later. He couldn't handle that now. Not again.

At her mention of leadership, Atticus hesitated on his response. He was glad for Aurum, but seeing Vigenere, a man within his past, fall before them was decimating. In his mindless haze, the feline couldn't step in. Stryker's control held him from going forward to prevent the leader's death and he dearly regretted that. The male felt weak. Being unable to act in a proper mindset, whether that was in a controlled state or blinded rage, made him feel sick to his stomach. Rather than expressing his congratulations for his family, he merely let the subject slide as Elsweyr gestured for them to follow.

Paws traversed forward, only to stop. The lion's arrival was timely and Atticus' grim expression grew content. 'Being alive,' if that's what he wanted to call it, was the least of his worries. Nevertheless, the canine just subtly nodded in agreement. "I think we-" His yellow gaze shifted back to Sweeney to see if she agreed. He knew the girl was a hothead, but an escort wouldn't hurt when there was an impeding threat coming forward. "- would appreciate that." Seeing his mother was a definite though. Whether or not she cleaned their wounds, he needed to see the face of the woman who raised him.

Tired eyes shifted to the rustling underbrush. With a ragged breath, he mimicked her dive forward and he collided into her grip. His snout dug into her neck. Closed eyes in embrace, Atticus let out a sigh of relief and relaxed. A soft smile donned his maw as she pulled away, yellow eyes locking onto her form. "Yes, we'll be here for awhile," he expressed openly. The canine didn't bother consulting Aurum for his opinion, given that he had a right to be in Tanglewood in the first place, especially after risking his mentality and life while defending them.

His large paw enclosed around the small seed. For a moment, he stared downwards, internally making a comparison between his old form and his current. The poppy seed rolled between his fur and paw pads as he shortly contemplated what had happened, only to pop the seed between his jaws a moment later. With a hard swallowed, he continued on. "Thank you, mom," came his light whisper. "That would be nice."

The canine didn't really want to indulge more on the situation in public, especially given his own shortcomings. Atticus tried to redirect the subject instead. His head craned towards the general audience that had showed up, surveying their expressions shortly. "Is everyone else alright?" For the most part at least... Especially the ones he couldn't save.

Re: gods be damned // return of atticus and sweeney - wormwood. - 01-13-2021