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when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - Printable Version

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when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - vellichor - 03-17-2018

hi guys!! so daphne's tags are linked in her signature but if you have any questions let me know!! her history is a lil confusing because i literally didn't edit it at all and it's all in present tense for some reason (i don't know why i did that but ya know) so just let me know if you want/need clarification lol

open to:
- friends!!
- enemies (she'd just be really passive aggressive and sassy so nothing too malicious lol)
- someone to teach her new things (literally anything, she loves learning)
- doing arts and crafts with y/c
- her teaching y/c anything about cooking, baking, music, crafts, stealing, sneaking around, or mild poisons. 
- y/c trying to eat her
- her trying to take care of y/c (even if they don't need it/don't want her to)
- pulling pranks with/on y/c

- crushes
- romantic relationships
- her adopting someone as family
- best friends
- y/c finding out specifics about her history

closed to:
- serious injury
- death
- biological children

Re: when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - Guru - 03-18-2018

i love daphne's whole personality! perhaps these two could bond somehow.

Re: when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - vellichor - 03-18-2018

Aw, thanks so much! And I’d totally be down for that!! Uhh,,, maybe they could bond through Daphne trying to teach her something?? Daphne knows a couple languages pretty well and maybe Guru thinks people will think it’s impressive if she learns something like that from her??

Re: when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - Guru - 03-18-2018

Seeing that Guru wants to form close bonds, she'd love that. What languages does Daphne know?

Re: when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - vellichor - 03-18-2018

i actually haven't decided lool
but from the little mission things she's done that i've already decided are gonna be canon in her history for sure she'd know at least greek and german!

Re: when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - Guru - 03-18-2018

hmm, i think either language would do well! french would be the generic though.

Re: when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - vellichor - 03-18-2018

alright!! she actually doesn't have great french lol but she can teach her what she knows if you want. do you want a thread for the two of them?

Re: when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - Guru - 03-19-2018

of course! could you make it?

Re: when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - vellichor - 03-19-2018

sure!! i'm not sure if i'll be able to make it tonight but I'll get it up as soon as I can! Smile

Re: when will my life begin // plotting with daphne - Guru - 03-19-2018

take your time, daphne!!