Beasts of Beyond
GET ON YOUR KNEES AND BOW DOWN // Ninazu - Printable Version

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[glow=black,1,400]I MOVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS, I DON'T NEED ANY PROTECTION !。+゚.[/glow]
Okay, so admittedly, it probably looked really bad at how Caesar conveniently disappeared around the time that his littermates were captured. While Atbash didn't bother the savannah too much, Vigenere definitely made Caesar uncomfortable, even if he knew his brother was locked up somewhere. In a way, Caesar was convinced that this was part of Vigenere's plan; to get captured, escape, and kill him on the way out. His brother was absolutely a lot stronger than Caesar was, by a long shot, so of course the pesky little fireball wouldn't be too keen on having Vigenere around.

However, when he heard that his brother had been slaughtered by Stryker and the Kingpin had hid the Tangler's crown somewhere, Caesar started coming around more often. In the background, sure, and nothing worth noting; just trying to figure out where Stryker had stashed Vigenere's crown. This is mine. The demon growled to himself, angry that Stryker had the nerve to even keep it. Without me, you wouldn't have caught him. Or at least, that's what Caesar told himself, anyway.

Deciding that it would be best to go early in the morning, assuming that everyone would be asleep, Caesar snuck off towards Stryker's den, his sole attention on trying to get the crown. It wasn't hard to find the piece made of literal gold and an excited grin appeared on Caesar's maw as he caught sight of it. The savannah slithered over to where the crown was on display and tapped at it so that the crown would fall on top of him. Which... wasn't so great of a plan. Caesar's legs buckled underneath him as the "crown" settled itself on his shoulders, almost as if he were wearing some sort of bulky necklace.

For fuck's sake! This wasn't even a god damn crown! Caesar groaned as he got up, temporarily getting the wind knocked out of him from that sudden fall. But... Despite it not being a true crown, it did look pretty fancy, not to mention the fact that it was Vigenere's and if his brother ever decided to return back, he could rub it in his face. So, with that, Caesar took off, aiming to leave the Coalition's island forever with his stolen crown.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GET ON YOUR KNEES AND BOW DOWN // Ninazu - ninazu - 01-05-2021

Ninazu stalked after the serval, leaving a trail of scorched earth in her wake. He thought he could clumsily sneak around her home without waking her? She’d woken at the slightest whiff of his stench, and it’d taken all her willpower not to bash his brain in like a moldy coconut. For, this time, she would have proof of his selfishness. And she had it the moment the fuck shit’d grabbed the crown and trotted off.

Why Stryker tolerated the yellow demon, she’d never know. He lacked even the basic intelligence to cover his scent after stealing from them.

When the savannah reached the beach, the lioness had reached the end of her patience. Clearly, the shit intended to leave. Otherwise, he would’ve needed to cover his tracks and hide the treasure. Smoke curled out of her nostrils at the realization, and the lioness’s golden eyes narrowed to slits. She sped up, leaving glass pawprints behind in the sand.

Ninazu rushed forward, attempting to leap on top of the smaller feline, teeth bared at his throat. If the impact of her body weight didn’t already paralyze or break his bones, then her attempt to choke him with his own crown-necklace would pin him. Waves lapped at her paws, and she attempted to press him into the wet sand.

“I believe I lost something. Have you seen it?” she growled. Her lips curled up as she tugged at the crown. “It’s a crown fit for a lion, you see, and I’m afraid a vermin’s gotten his grimy paws on what’s mine.”

Salt water rolled over her paws, splashing her healing injuries from months of conquest. The stings annoyed her, adding oxygen to her anger’s rising flames. She bared her fangs, saliva and electricity crackling off her chin.


[glow=black,1,400]I MOVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS, I DON'T NEED ANY PROTECTION !。+゚.[/glow]
Caesar was completely unaware of Stryker's wife stalking behind him, almost celebrating in the fact that he managed to get this far before being caught. Now, all he had to do was possess a flying or sea-dwelling creature and-

An overwhelming strong force knocked the demon over, knocking the breath out of him and forcing the crown-necklace to slightly dig into his throat. Caesar grit his teeth at first, trying to focus on who snuck up on him. Lo and behold, it was Ninazu herself. The lioness's teeth were dangerously close to his neck before she started to tug at the crown that he stole. "It's mine! Stryker wouldn't have gotten it without my help." The savannah spat, more so frustrated at being caught and pinned right beside the damn ocean. How the hell was he supposed to light himself on fire as a defense mechanism if there was water literally lapping at his fur? Bitch knows what she's doing. It definitely wasn't a secret that Caesar was a pyromaniac, so of course Ninazu would know what his first move would be. That's irritating.

So instead, Caesar threw his head back in an attempt to free himself from Ninazu's pulling (and getting choked as a result of that). Using this momentum, Caesar crackled up electricity in his jaws and tried to bite NINAZU's leg and send a jolt through her. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GET ON YOUR KNEES AND BOW DOWN // Ninazu - ninazu - 01-09-2021

“Your help?! Lazy bastard, you didn’t lift a paw to help!”

Ninazu snarled as he bit into her leg and pain radiated through the limb. His teeth puncturing beneath the skin and his lightning burned the surrounding tissue before she managed to absorb the energy. However, this came at a cost, and blood dripped from her ears.

The lioness attempted to backslap his face to daze him. In the meanwhile, she concentrated on the sand shifting beneath them.

The little particles gathered together and hooked to Caesar’s crown-collar. She attempted to use the earth to drag the crown deeper into the sea, taking Caesar with it, into deeper water. He couldn’t exactly bite and lob lightning at her if he was barely able to breath, after all.


[glow=black,1,400]I MOVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS, I DON'T NEED ANY PROTECTION !。+゚.[/glow]
Alright, alright, to be fair, he did completely deserve that backslap. But what he didn't deserve, at least in his opinion, was the disrespect he was receiving from Ninazu. It was true that he had seemingly vanished after Stryker caught Vigenere, but that was due to his own fears. "Stryker would have never gotten Vigenere if it weren't for me." He spat, glaring at Ninazu before he tried to scramble back to get his crown.

That is, until the sand started to shift underneath him. Panic flared in Caesar's chest - a strange, sharp feeling that was rather uncomfortable - as he was forced under the waves. The savannah tried to flail as much as he could, but of course to no avail; stinging water was starting to fill his lungs and if Ninazu didn't let go... Well. She had quenched this flame.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]