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EVERYTIME YOU SMILE [ books! ] - Printable Version

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EVERYTIME YOU SMILE [ books! ] - COAL - 01-03-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]coal didn't have the slightest clue how to read. that, however, never stopped him from hoarding books in the past. he would collect any book he came across on his travels, and he used to carry them around in a sack but those got taken away by the raiders he'd been taken by, and he hadn't been able to have books since.. well, now, really. he had freedom to roam around, to pick up anything he'd like without being electrocuted until he couldn't feel his toes, and it was exciting. he could enter abandoned houses, fill his silence as he rummaged for books, could do it all without a care in the world.

"i wonder what this one says, coal. do you think it's got a super awesome title like.. coal and the twenty seven killer robots out to get him? orrrr maybe coal and the super awesome journey he went on?" he asked himself, stuffing the book with the red cover and the pretty artwork into his bag that he'd been lugging around that whole day. it had collected sand from being dragged around, which would be annoying to get out of the books, but he'd deal with it. "i don't know,  those titles do sound kind of dumb. what about.. raider killer or something like that? that sounds cooler than coal and the twenty seven killer robots.. but coal and the twenty seven killer robots that he killed does sound pretty bad ass, though, you have to admit!" a soft sigh left him, as he picked up another book.

this one had a human girl on it, settled into a corner as a dark figure loomed over her. in a way, he saw himself in that girl, but he'd gotten rid of his shadows so easily that it was almost funny. "alright.. i'll admit it." he mumbled, slotting the book away with slow movements as he looked over the book shelf for any more that may have been preserved somehow. he didn't want any of the burnt ones, just wanted the ones with the pretty covers and the bright colors. "it does sound pretty bad ass."
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Re: EVERYTIME YOU SMILE [ books! ] - Keona. - 01-04-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
"So this isn't just a one-time habit of yours," the tiny dealer mused softly, brows creasing in bemusement.  So selective in the thoughts she expressed, Keona could hardly imagine the... Point, so to speak, of speaking aloud to only one's self so often.

Her pale sea-green hues danced and flickered, attempting to trace the sounds.  The wildcat was an avid reader, but she was awfully limited to what she had available.  She could only read braille after all.  But it did sound like he was rambling on about book titles.  Her tail twitched idly behind her, realizing that if he had to make up the titles then... Could he even read?

Her ears twitched.  It did sound like he was going through a shelf.  But what was the point if he couldn't read?  "Are you lookin' for something in particular?" Her quiet voice buzzed with honest confusion.  She couldn't quite bother herself to even try hiding her bewilderment.

Coal was talking to himself, rummaging through an abandoned bookshelf making up titles because he couldn't read.

Re: EVERYTIME YOU SMILE [ books! ] - michael t. - 01-04-2021

Michael had never really been the biggest fan of books, if he was honest. He knew how to read them, and there was one or two stories that he enjoyed reading and re-reading on occasion. However, the dealer much preferred movies over books, any day. Granted, movies were a lot harder to come by in the beyond, especially considering the limited technology of the island, and the fact that projectors weren't exactly commonplace. In spite of this, Michael had managed to get his paws on a decent sized collection of various different films that he loved, constantly able to quote from them and ever eager to explain their storylines. Trevor was the one most commonly subjected to the thief's utter joy over certain movies, but others had certainly fallen victim to his rambling as well. It was usually brought on by them just casually asking what it was about the films that Michael loved so much, and that would be enough to set him off. So, needless to say, the bobcat could certainly understand wanting to collect something for yourself – even if he didn't quite see the point of books if you couldn't read.

The male knew that he had met Coal once before, but it had hardly been under the best of conditions. His memory of the whole incident was kinda fuzzy, considering he had been sort of busy licking Coalition blood from his chops. Still, he remembered that the guy's name was Coal – which was a pretty fucking weird name, at least in Michael's opinion – and he was a pretty weird dude. It was really of no surprise to the dealer when he came upon both Keona and the new feline, just blinking a couple of times as he processed what the other had been rambling about. He was... making up titles? Nearby, Keona was asking him about what he was looking for, but the thief couldn't help but be much more direct, sounding bewildered, "You... you were just muttering your own titles to yourself. Are you... do you not know how to read? What the fuck is the point of gathering books if you don't even know how to read them?" Honestly, Michael didn't seem mean spirited or aggravated as he said that, just... bewildered.

Re: EVERYTIME YOU SMILE [ books! ] - COAL - 01-04-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]the small but familiar voice made his hackles raise, startled by her seemingly sudden existence.. existence in the sense that he was now aware of her- anything he was unaware of didn't exist in his head, he completely forgot about them until memories came flooding back at the sound of her voice. not that he'd truly forgotten her, how could he ever forget someone so impossibly tiny? tinier than a child, even. "habit?" he echoed, tilting his head at her before he realized what she meant. "oh! you mean the talking to myself! well, no, i do it to fill the silence, i know theres not really anyone there to speak to. it is a habit, i guess, but it's mostly out of boredom and the silence can become so deafening sometimes,"

there was a little shock a jolt from his collar that made it's little green light die and the red light up for only a second, before the red died and the green returned. his face twitched, muscles tensing for only a moment before he seemed perfectly back to normal.

the next person to make themselves known was michael, the vampire he'd met while out wandering one day. he'd killed a man, which was an interesting enough thing that he had slotted that memory away for another time, and asked if he could take the corpse. coal could go on thinking about their interaction for years, but he wouldn't, and he'd just send a glare his way. "whats the point of having all that metal on you if all you can do with it is wear it?they're to sit and look nice." he stated before he turned his gaze back to the bag of books. "i like collecting them. they look nice and i like how the covers feel."
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