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Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - Printable Version

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Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - SirDio - 01-03-2021

[Color=black]While she was usually confined to her Papa's house and sometimes her Dad's own, the cub wanted to get out and look around. Maybe fold paper, one of her favorite pass times aside from sleeping and playing with her fathers, or sleep in the sun? There was so much to do! Hopefully Dad and Papa would be okay with her staying in the center of town.

Sneaking out was... easier than she thought. With a bag of paper, she began to drag herself to the center of town, where that marble slab stood. Why didn't they get rid of it? Kind of an eyesore, right? She sat down beside it and took out a piece of white paper. In the high sun she almost was blinded by the stark white for a moment, but then her eyes adjusted. Able to correctly see now, she began to fold it into random patterns. Meaningless shapes but pretty to her eyes and she set it to the ground beside her. A strangle folded mess of nothing in particular.

Missingkit glanced to a little lizard that scurried nearby, marveled at the fact that it was outside in the cold. [color=#b76e79]"Hello! Do you like the cold?"

Tanglewood - 2 months - Golden Tiger

Re: Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - newkit - 01-03-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]new was beginning to realize just how many siblings he had- hint: it was a lot. he thought he might be one of the oldest of the siblings, but he couldn't remember. he'd ask his dad, eventually, see which of the kids from his litter was born first, but with the more recent litter of kids, missingkit's litter, he had really slotted into the big brother role pretty well. he watched them when the dads couldn't, or if they just needed a break. newkit didn't mind too much, he loved all his siblings, and sometimes he would get sal in on it for some help.

so, when he saw missingkit out and about without either of the dads, he might've panicked a bit. he'd scrambled to his feet, wobbling the whole time as he made his way to her side. "hey, missy, where's dad?" was the first thing he asked, ears tilted back in slight worry as he looked down at the papers, he slowly lowered himself to the ground, using his singular front paw to tap one of the papers. "are you making shapes?"
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Re: Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - SirDio - 01-03-2021

[Color=black]The lizard scuttled away, earning a small squeak from the child before she realized it was Newkit who scared her new friend. She squinted at him. [color=#b76b79]"you scared him away!" She said in mock anger. A glint of playfulness was in her eyes. [color=#b76b79]"Dad's probably out in the swamp and Papa is at home. I snuck out." she shrugged.

Looking to the shape, she nodded and smiled. [color=#b76b79]"Yea! They're still not good though.."

Tanglewood - 2 months - Golden Tiger

Re: Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - wormwood. - 01-04-2021

Re: Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - SirDio - 01-04-2021

[color=black] The cub turned to face her dad, smile bright despite knowing what he would say. [color=#b76b79]"Hi, Dad!" She exclaimed as he approached, but she slightly frowned at his words. [color=#b76b79]"I know.. Sometimes it's fun to sneak out!" She smiled against his touch, looking back to the shape she made. [color=#b76b79]"I'll get better! I wanna make paper flowers!" She giggled, turning her attention to a lizard that scurried over the folded paper.

[color=#b76b79]"You came back!!"

Tanglewood - 2 months - Golden Tiger

Re: Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - newkit - 01-04-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]as the lizard scurried away and his father finally approached, his ears pinned back and his back straightened. he loved his father, of course, but he figured missy might be old enough to be out and about- he hadn't been allowed out so young, couldn't go anywhere at her age.. she could. she had claws on all her paws, she could walk just fine, so what was the point in keeping her locked away? any of the others, for that fact? or him, even?

"don't worry, dad, i'm keeping an eye on her!" he reassured, though he hadn't been watching her the entire time. he hoped that his father did think that, though, if only to keep missing from getting in trouble. he could handle a scolding, he's been scolded more times than he could count. "and i think they're great, missy! they're cute!"
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Re: Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - Grimm - 01-06-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]It was apt to deem Salvia somewhat out of his depth, confusion overlaid efforts he viewed as the best he may attribute in assisting with the watch of the youngest brood, but he often fumbled. Only so far may the detached manner he handled each, differing in ways he did not register yet were there all the same, get him, all performed on basis of expectation. For now he maintained such distance, thus often his absence from the shared abode when occupied by the young cubs.

Freedom a bitter taste against his tongue as his own return was conducted, though he arrived from edge bordering the twisted boughs rather than the moisture heavy swamp. Wished clear his head, abd walk deemed sufficient for such, only further had piled atop the existing, however. Low head held, shoulders slumped forward as heavy steps drew him about the perimeter of the town, set only upon another task to occupy himself. Short would he stop, ears swivelling forth as voices arose, familiar though drawn into an indecipherable mess of sound.

It seemed Missing had found herself a little friend. Along soft features alighted a soft joy, away whisked as identity of others registered. By no means may one be found wrong in calling Aurum over protective, though he had reason for such he might not speak of often, recalled with a frown curling his lips the further exploration into the bunkers. Living space had he ended up within, regret and sorrow evident, though what befell once occupant Salvia may only guess about. Such he would not do, rather he merely accepted and understood the need to protect them Aurum held, at least, once he had.

Closer he stepped, behind situating himself, forward leaning until he may lightly prop his chin atop New's head. "New is the best baby watcher." Light mirth seeped through his words, a proven fact many times over. Distinct the lack in next, bright the tone yet unease was present in each drawn out syllable as though feared not careful examining each may lead to poor results. "You're already so good, I think we gotta call you the best shape maker."

Re: Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - SUNKIT ! - 01-06-2021

Sunkit is next to stumble upon the group surrounding his sister, wide eyes taking count of everyone present. All family, it seems, which puts the cub more at ease. He's happy to have so many familial relations within Tanglewood - who needs friends when you have siblings to play with? 

Absently brushing his flank against his father's leg, Sunkit briefly puzzles over Missy's response to Aurum's scolding. It's fun sneaking out, huh? That's a bit concerning. The last thing Sunkit wants is for his sister to wander too far and get lost. He tells himself he should keep a better eye on her in the future - after all, he can do as good a job as anyone else at watching over her.

Doing his best to ignore that obnoxious little lizard darting all over the place, Sunkit squints down at the paper shape Missy has made. "Bein' the best at making shapes? Sounds boooring," he says, adding emphasis to the last word. How'd she do it, though? And, she planned on making flowers out of paper, too? That probably isn't possible, even for her. After a brief silence, Sunkit tacks on, as nonchalantly as possible, "But, you gotta make somethin' for me, okay, Missy?" Alright, so they were kinda cool.

Re: Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - arrow - 01-07-2021

Every single one of these kids were absolutely precious. Arrow never tired of seeing both batches of babies out and about, doing whatever it was kids do in the confines of the town borders. Currently, Missingkit was up to making little paper shapes, which was the least intimidating crime when taking into account that technically she wasn't supposed to be there, at least not without one of the dads.

"Hope I ain't intruding on family bonding time." Arrow joked, peeking her head out from behind Aurum, positioned between the big dad on campus himself and Newkit, currently being used as a makeshift headrest by Salvia, who she realized with internalized bitterness was the only one that didn't make her feel like the rabbit that had just been added to the pile of woodland creature corpses for later feasting. After all, it wouldn't be long at all before they towered over her, no? Despite feeling as if she was frowning on the inside, externally, at least, she just seemed as laid back as ever, tilting her head at the paper. Everything that could have been said about the origami session had been covered, or at least she felt like it had.

Hearing the sound of something scuttling on the paper, Arrow's attention span was immediately directed to the lizard, who looked as if it was trying to escape, or maybe was just really bad at origami, given its little hands. She slowly shifted her body until she was sitting, hunched over ever so slightly as her eyes darted along with the tiny reptile. "One more of these little men and I'm nicknaming you the Lizard Whisperer."

Re: Cotton Candy Skies ; Intro, Paper folding - wormwood. - 01-09-2021