Beasts of Beyond
BUT YOU WON'T REACH FOR ANY HANDS // Diya - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
It felt odd coming back to an empty house. Vayne found the cabin that her and her littermates had stayed in with Aphra and a cold sensation caused the kitten to shiver as she entered the home. The foxgloves that her mother had kept around were wilted, clearly not taken care of (who would have done so?) but truth be told, Vayne was a little bit relieved that the plants were dead. Aphra often talked about how toxic and dangerous they were, and how she could easily poison one of her crewmates with them if she wanted to - but of course, she never acted out on those words. Despite that, Vayne wasn't entirely sure whether or not Aphra was just saying things half of the time, or if she genuinely meant her words as a threat.

Vayne forced herself to move on upstairs, towards her room. There was a little bit of hope in her chest to see her siblings there but unfortunately, there was no sign of either of them. Were they even still around, or had they gone off in search of where their family went? Pushing away that thought, she went into her room, gathering a couple of seashells that she had collected and liked. She didn't want to stay here, in a place where bad memories lingered, but honestly was staying by herself much better? Your sisters had no choice but to go off by themselves... She told herself, realizing how scary it must have been for them.

Once she gathered up her shells in a little bag, Vayne went back down and left them by the door. Please, nobody take them. She prayed silently to herself before she turned around and headed back towards her room.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BUT YOU WON'T REACH FOR ANY HANDS // Diya - Simon F.M. - 01-03-2021

Between things with Goldie, and her raising her own children, a lot of things had gone under her nose, events she hadn't seen herself. She hadn't been present for Vayne's return but, it didn't take long for word to reach the Privateer. She'd made it a mission of hers to check on the small child, aware that she was only slightly older than the vampire's own children.

She couldn't help the rage in her chest as she thought of Aphra, of how the other snowy feline had claimed to be a better mother. Yet, which of them had abandoned her children, allowed them to suffer in such a way? Vayne needed someone to look over her, of that she was certain. The typhoon could band together, find someone to take care of the little one. A thought cropped up in the back of her mind, one she would tap down until she could speak with Roxanne later that night.

She would approach the Cipher house, muzzle wringing as she looked upon its disrepair. Hopefully, Vayne wouldn't want to remain here. It wouldn't be good for someone her age. Her claws scraped lightly against the wood as she approached, a paw lifting to rasp against the door. She winced as it simply swung open, eyes moving across the abandoned cabin to the foxgloves that sat wilted. Keeping something so deadly around children, who often at a young age will eat anything they can get their hands on? It was sickening for her to think about. Instead, she looked to the bag of shells sat by the door, curiosity rising.

Was the kitten... packing? Where was she intending to go? Shaking her head, her ears pricked until she heard the sound of soft paw steps a floor above. "Vayne, dear, are you here?" she called out softly as she moved further into the house.


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Although Aphra was far from a perfect mother, Vayne and her littermates had nothing to really compare her to; Aphra made sure to keep her kids around her as much as she could, when she didn't keep them locked up in their rooms, that is. One thing for sure, however, was that Aphra did make sure that her children didn't eat the poisonous plants that grew in the home, for whatever that was worth.

At first, Vayne was completely unaware that Diya had come into the home, so whenever someone called out her name, the little she-cat let out a squeak of surprise. "Um... Yeah?" She called back, yelling so her voice echoed through the house (not that it was very big, but still). Hesitant, the Cipher spawn walked out of her room towards the staircase and peeked her head around the corner. "I'm up here." She responded again in a softer tone, blinking at Diya.

This was one of her crewmates that Aphra had warned her about, but Vayne didn't entirely understand why. Diya always seemed so nice in the background, and Vayne remembered seeing her play a lot with her own children and was envious of how happy she seemed with them - in comparison to Aphra, who seemed to huff every time her kids wanted to do something with her.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BUT YOU WON'T REACH FOR ANY HANDS // Diya - Simon F.M. - 01-11-2021

If asked, Diya would say that the fact that Aphra insured her children didn't eat the poisonous plants came as a surprise but no, was not good enough. These are all hypotheticals, of course, as such a conversation would never take place. Instead, a much more important one needs to take place.

She was glad to see the small face blinking owlishly at her, pausing at the bottom of the steps with a paw gently settled on the wood. She gave a gentle smile, choosing to wait there instead of cornering the young feline. "I was hoping to check up on you, once word had reached me that you'd returned," she informed the young girl, paw tapping idly against the stair. She glanced around the empty home once more before looking up at Vayne. "It seems that you're packing? Where are you planning to go?" she asked, a motherly and worried tone to her voice. She felt uneasy about leaving the pale-colored cat all on her own, not wanting the other to go through the struggles of growing up alone.

She considered what her next course of action would be if Vayne admitted to having nowhere to go. Her first instinct, of course, was to welcome her into her own home. But, she had her own children and a soon-to-be wife that would have to agree to it. If they didn't, though the chance of that was low, what would she do? She wouldn't shuck the small child off with Roan in the temple, perhaps Rosemary would be interested in caretaking? THe child was apprentice aged, surely? The most she would need is a companion and a teacher.


[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne's expression changed from a more relaxed one to a saddened, lost one at Diya's question. She bit her lip as she thought of a response, "I-I'm not sure, honestly." She squeaked. "I don't know where to go, but I figured there were some empty cabins somewhere. I don't, um... feel comfortable staying here by myself." She admitted, moving a paw side-to-side in an embarrassed manner. She half-expected Diya to scold her here, telling her that she was just being irrational.

"I don't know where my littermates are, but they probably had to go off on their own. I feel so bad." Vayne was getting emotional now, sniffing as she tried to fight back the tears. "I wish I could have stopped Aphra from taking me, or-or convinced her to stay or take them with us..." Her voice trailed off as it started to crack, her tail unconsciously wrapping around her small body in a protective manner.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]