Beasts of Beyond
THERE'S A TIME FOR LIFE AND DEATH ☆ return - Printable Version

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THERE'S A TIME FOR LIFE AND DEATH ☆ return - hushsound. - 01-03-2021

Home. It was what Hushsound had always considered The Typhoon to be, no matter how long he was away from it. He had other homes in the past, of course, over the countless lives he had lived before, but none of them were like here. None of the others had allowed him to meet someone like his sister, Goldenluxury – although he had certainly made some good friends in those past lives. Needless to say, Hush hadn't wanted to leave The Typhoon. Rather, he had needed to. He had been plagued by reoccurring dreams, filled with wise and soothing voices telling him that he needed to go. He had someone to protect, and he had a feeling he knew who it was. Someone who had gone through many names, through many lives... all alongside him. Whether her name was Zelda, Tetra, or even Hylia, Hush knew who she was, in his soul. And all he had been told was that she was in danger, and he needed to do something about it.

The instructions were far from clear, especially considering they didn't have the who or the where of Zelda. Still, he had been determined to make sure he did what was ultimately needed. He had told only Goldie of his leaving, knowing that she would understand. After all, she had experience with odd spirits and gods appearing in her dreams – or her nightmares, depending on the day. Hell, he had even considered that perhaps Goldie herself was the one he needed to protect, but he had ultimately decided against it. She had the same smarts and eloquence as Zelda, but there were many things, from the way she called down thunder at will, and the way that she fiercely protected her people, that reminded him very much of someone else. Someone he respected much the same, but someone he knew did not need his protection. And so, he had left, to go search, figuring that Goldie would be fine in his absence, and that he would return to find his sister alright.

Unfortunately, it seemed as though fate enjoyed a cruel sense of irony, because Hush had still been in the middle of his search when he heard news of the Coalition, and the takeover of the Typhoon. Immediately, he had changed his path, long legs carrying him back towards his home as quickly as he possibly could. It was a long journey, especially since he had been scouring every corner of the island, but eventually he had made it back. He seemed slightly tired and wobbly as he walked slowly along the tracks leading into Typhoon territory, a grim expression on his face. His sword bounced in its sheath against his hip, and he was extremely glad to find that the scent of the Coalition on the air seemed to be mercifully staling. Once he reached the bell, he heaved himself up onto his hind legs, shoving his front paws against it and listening as its call echoed out through the territory. He then sat back on his hind legs, using his claw to carve out words carefully in the ground, "WHERE IS GOLDIE?" No matter how far he traveled along throughout the beyond, his desire to talk aloud became no more prominent.
welcome to the land of the permanent sun

Re: THERE'S A TIME FOR LIFE AND DEATH ☆ return - Keona. - 01-03-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The bell.  The familiar sound catches her ears, dim but clear.  Another newcomer?  Or... Perhaps another familiar voice to be heard as with the pattern as of late.  Keona's tail twitched idly, paws carrying her swiftly towards the sound.

Only to freeze.  She knew that scent.  She knew... She sped up, trying not to be too sure of herself.  But if it was Hushsound....  She was glad... She was glad he was safe.  Alive.  Back.  She hadn't realized how much she needed the reassurance of that... Her pale hues flickering with a storm of unkindled concerns.

"Hush?"  Seas.  It hurt worse with him.  She knows him.  Her paws dug into the ground, ears flattening against her skull.  Hesitant.  She'd been pushing on.  Steady.  Someone had to be steady.  But he'd want to know... She knew he'd want to know but it hurt with him.  And she didn't want to break.  Someone had to be steady.

"You're back." It's short-lived relief in her cracking voice, burdened by the swirling thoughts.  He'd want to know.  He needs to know.  "You're- Hushsound... I- I'm sorry.  Goldie.  She doesn't- she doesn't remember.  You're back... An-and she doesn't.  She doesn't remember."

Re: THERE'S A TIME FOR LIFE AND DEATH ☆ return - Grimm - 01-03-2021

[div style="margin: auto; background-image: linear-gradient(to top left, #af6159 50%, #d69374 50%); max-width: 475px; height: auto; padding: 2%; border: 1px #1d1d1d solid;"][div style="margin: auto; background-color: #1d1d1d; max-width: 475px; color: #fefefe; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; border: 2px #1d1d1d solid; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Caught in the aftermath, war concluded in manner befitting conductor, yet new the battle before. Weary had she grown though recent had been the closure of her formative year, fraught those bygone days with peril. Jade obscured, dull replacement for once comforting rose hue, chest restricted about aching heart supposedly overgrown with scar tissue.

Trajectory had been unguided, plan lacking as she trailed along grains gently heated beneath the bright illumination, a golden halo painting all in tones that felt wrong. Celebration had concluded, though sparse those who continued when seen fit for such, unimpeded her movement as the frivolous events once more led into daily routine. It was the chime which halted her momentum, a song that swelled into brief din, upon salt laden breeze carried. Too long had it supposedly been since last another had arrived in such fashion, the dock welcoming stragglers the sea rejected without care to their health. Brief her moment of thought, the necessity of her presence and overall disinterest near enough to sway.

Begun once more her languid steps, transition occurring in due time, sand and stone falling away beneath loose soil and undergrowth. Familiar the path, winding once when inexperience acted as poor assistance, too short by far now as surprise struck. Few the times she heard the voice of Dealer, preferred of the pair had she the courage to speak aloud such unfavourable opinion, yet drawn closer was the jaguar, by Keona her final halt conducted. Unsure did Eulia grow now with proximity so close, tongue tied as she addressed another, known to her yet not the draconic feline, soft her words as she spoke first to Keo.

"It's okay, take a deep breath," gentle murmur bypassed lips that barely moved, down head shifting though she made no move to establish contact. Risk was present in such, heightened by the diminutive size of the Dealer compared to her own, her hope such may quell some of her worries was meagre, however, further snuffed when attention turned. "I'm afraid I do not know you, but Keona seems to trust you so I shall too, for now." Hard the edge present as direct addressal was given to Hush, though this began to fall away as her next were hesitantly spoken. "Goldie… she was hurt, if you wish for the details you will need to speak with Roan."

Re: THERE'S A TIME FOR LIFE AND DEATH ☆ return - hushsound. - 01-07-2021

She doesn't remember. Goldie... she was hurt. The words from both Keona and Eulia cut through Hush like a dull blade, settling between his ribs before it began to sink in further. His breath seemed to hitch momentarily, feeling as though all the air had been stolen from his lungs. When Keona had initially come running up, the canine had been glad to see her. Among the few that he knew within The Typhoon – the few that still resided there, anyways – she was one of them that he had missed the most. He was glad to see her face again, but to see such distress on it... it immediately dampened everything.

Her words were skipping. Rambling and frantic, obviously effected by what happened to Goldie, but seemingly made worse by his arrival. He couldn't help but wonder when it had happened. Was he only a moment too late? Could he have prevented what happened? He wasn't sure, but he found it best not to dwell, at least for the moment. Instead, he sought to comfort Keona. He took a step forward towards the dealer, one paw reaching out to hook the petite feline into his chest. As he hugged her, his voice was a raspy mutter, barely able to be heard by anyone else, "Keona... it is good to see you. It is... alright. I know what this is like... she will be okay." Their situations were not wholly similar – at least as far as Hush knew – but he knew what it was like to lose memories. He knew what it was like to lose entire lifetimes. So, he would do everything in his power to help Goldie, no matter what.

As Eulia approached, Hushsound's gaze turned slowly, the canine's eyes passing over her briefly before he was vaguely able to guess where she was from. Or rather, who she was from. Roxanne. Was she still around? He hoped that she was, considering that he knew how incredibly important her presence was to Goldie, at least in the past. Even with memory loss... he doubted that such a thing would change. Turning towards Lu, the wolf fell silent once again, instead reaching out to write on the ground, "MY NAME IS HUSHSOUND ROUX. GOLDIE IS MY SISTER. IS SHE AT THE TEMPLE?" In the back of his mind, Hush was forced to wonder if Eulia would even be able to read what he was writing. After all, she did seem to be a child, and her reading abilities could've been limited. Unfortunately, outside of interactions with Goldie and Keona, the hero still didn't feel particularly comfortable speaking aloud. It was a wonder he had even done so just a few minutes ago.
welcome to the land of the permanent sun

Re: THERE'S A TIME FOR LIFE AND DEATH ☆ return - bubblegum - 01-09-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Most of the first week had been spent resting, the golden tiger's face hidden away within the temple, only for those who would visit and the soothsayers to see. She'd tried the first few days, to get up, and move about, but she'd reached her limit quite quickly. The archipelago was gorgeous, and she wished to see more of it, but her body was very limited at the present moment, and it would not take long for another headache, another migraine, more dizziness. But still, she'd rested, and she wanted to try again. She wanted to do something more than simply lay down, using the resources and time of others she could not even remember. Surely there was more she could do than rest, if she took her time. It feels as if she's only just barely seen this world she'd been given.

And so, once more, could she go on her short walks, leading her to the small crowd today. Slowly did she approach, the tigress viewing the scene from a slight distance. She watched as the silent boy wrote into the sand, her stomach twisting as she sees her own name, and the distress. Her head is held low, pawsteps pulling her closer quietly. Where is Goldie? That was the question. The female was right here, but the one they'd known, the one they'd seek, was far away, lost underneath the tides, drowned in her own blood. But...she was alive, and she was right here. Whether or not she'd ever be who they wanted, who they missed, she could not promise. She didn't know who she was in the present moment. Just a girl, with a lost memory, and a desire to do right by those around her. A desire to make their pain go away, but an unclear answer on how.

Still, she had to try. Her brother stood in front of her, wishing for answers just as she herself did. "Hello," she'd greet hesitantly with a nod, blinking towards the male. There was an instinct, and a clue, given by his writing, that she'd be better off speaking to him in another manner. She adjusts herself, moving into a sitting position, so she may not lose balance when lifting her front paws. And slowly, she does, her eyes focused on her movement, seeming to be thinking a bit harder about it. And carefully, she uses those paws to sign, I AM G-O-L-D-I-E. She stops then, moving her paws back down to look towards the other. The muscle memory was mostly untouched, still there, and in a former life, she'd much practice with the language that it was not yet fully lost, just a bit harder to retrieve.

Re: THERE'S A TIME FOR LIFE AND DEATH ☆ return - hushsound. - 01-14-2021

Hushsound couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of stress that Goldie must've been under, given her past and all that had been lost. He knew a thing or two about memory loss – had gone through a cycle of forgetting and remembering more times than he could count – but he didn't have the life Goldie had. His sister had always been a member of The Typhoon, always considering it to be her home through thick and thin, no matter what. She had an entire army of people behind her who knew her name, and knew what she was like, and what she stood for. Hush had been a hero in the past, but he was always... distant. Removed just a few extra steps from everyone else, so that it wouldn't hurt them as much when everything went and repeated over once again. Goldenluxury Roux didn't have that benefit – everyone knew her name, and so many considered her to be family.

There would be so many expectations piled upon her shoulders, even as she wasn't able to remember most, if not all of them. The wolf didn't intend to add to that, for her sake. They may have been family, but he was willing to wipe the slate clean if it gave the former captain someone to lean on.

He was surprised, as she sat back and balanced on her haunches, lifting her paws in the way that he had seen her do so many times before. Sign language had been his preferred way of communicating with her for quite some time, but he hadn't expected her to remember the majority of it. It was because of this that Hush couldn't help the small grin that came to his face, his tail wagging from side to side behind him. The sword on his hip gave a faint clink as he sat back as well, lifting his paws to sign slowly, "Hello, Goldie. My name is Hushsound, and I am your brother. It is a pleasure to meet you once again." He tilted his head to one side after that, hoping his calm smile could communicate his lack of pressure on her. He then gestured one of his paws at his own head, signing afterwards, "Your head. How is it feeling?" He made sure to sign out each word and letter very deli erately, for Goldie's sake. Even if she remembered her sign language, there was no telling how much of it she actually remembered, or how easily she would pick up on it again. He'd hardly mind teaching her some more to fill in any gaps that may now have existed, though. It would give him an excuse to spend time with her and get to know this new Goldie – not that he really felt he needed an excuse. She was stuck with him as her brother.
welcome to the land of the permanent sun