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shooting star - joining - Printable Version

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shooting star - joining - brandykit - 01-02-2021

There was.. a burning. In his mind, his body. It felt like his soul had been even aching for some time. He didn't want to open his eyes, to face what was outside. He didn't want to.. lean into the events ahead. He wanted to sleep, for forever, to keep his mind asleep. But some force, some lethal thoughts tugged at his body, the strings of his hearts. The thudding of his mind, his ears, his eyes. The smell, the burning of his lungs. Brown. He was brown, the color of his fur. His mothers names. Marina, Goldenluxury. His momma, Sam. The taste of acidic betrayal, the burns.. what burns? He didn't have any burns on his throat.

Bubbles burst from his nose and his mouth as his eyes split open. Water surrounded him, drowning him, thudding against his heads, the pressure splitting his head. He swam up, his wings struggling underneath the water. His paws flailed, and it took just a moment longer before his elemental manipulation kicked him, jetting him out of the water. A gasp tore from his lungs, coughing, and it took him seconds too long to start moving his wings. By the time his green eyes focused on the ground, he was just about to meet it.

"Oh fuc-"

His paws outstretched, grimacing, before he slammed into the sand. It cratered around him, wings splaying out and the screaming pain in his wrist flaring up already. Water dripped from him as he heaved and coughed, head rolling gently and groans coming from him.

// he's on the beach, landed from about 30 feet in the air, sopping wet, with a broken front right wrist and extreme confusion and dehydration!



Re: shooting star - joining - riftweaver - 01-02-2021


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Riftweaver, currently unaware that the male he approached was not just a brother, but rather himself, approached slowly. The male cast his two-toned gaze upon the stranger, tilting his head. He felt a familiarity, a kinship, though he shook such feelings away as he would the dust of a storm. "Hello. Are you alright?"


Re: shooting star - joining - michael t. - 01-03-2021

Brandy. Michael knew of the kid, although it was occasionally pretty hard to keep track of what was going on with him. Brandy, Elduin, Rift... there were so many names in the bobcat's head for just one person, and every time he was reintroduced to everyone, the dealer felt as if he was meeting someone entirely new. Despite this, he never saw any reason to be rude to Brandy, or had any desire to dislike him. He just occasionally got confused, especially since there was so much going on as of late. Of course, this whole situation wouldn't make things any easier for the poor thief, who had just been trying to hold a bunch of things together as of late.

Michael had been out on a walk along the shore when he heard the sudden startled call of Brandy, just before the other went crashing into the sand. The dealer found himself wincing, just imagining how much such a crash must've hurt. He was quick to head over afterwards, arriving shortly after Rift as he muttered, "Jesus, kid, are you alright? You took quite a fall, there..." Perhaps if Michael had been a bit more focused, he would've caught on to the fact that something was... odd about this particular encounter, especially with Rift there as well. However, instead his focus was on Brandy's injured wrist, a frown curling on his muzzle before he questioned, "Your wrist... can you move it? It looks kinda... broken..." He was no doctor, but he didn't think that anybody's wrist was supposed to bend like that.

Re: shooting star - joining - brandykit - 01-05-2021

Pain was the first thing in Brandy's mind that registered, firing on all engines. He groaned aloud as he slowly rolled to his side, his eyes squinted up at the sun and his ears flattened against his head. His wings gently slapped at the sand, before his ears twitched and rotated. Footsteps. Oh, thank fuck, someone was going to find him. What he didn't anticipate, however, as he raised his green eyes, was himself to be staring back down at him. His fur stood on end, his eyes widening and his teeth gritting. It was like sparks were smacking between them, something causing every fiber of his being to want to move, separate or.. join with them. He couldn't tell.

It was all too much.

Brandy stood up, holding his broken wrist close to his body and his ears lowered to his head, narrowing his eyes. "I'll be just fine, once y' give me my body back, y' phony." He spat, his wings flaring out to his sides and pushing up to make his body seem bigger. Still, something ached in his soul. Like it devoured him to be together with Rift, to push them together and fuse them again. It wasn't something he could fathom, and as the reaching and crying of his body and soul together raved in his mind, he stumbled- and coincidentally, right onto the wrong foot.

A sharp cry of pain came from the.. well. Half Brandy as he stepped back onto his three legs again, wings lowered to shield his body as he brought his paw up to his chest. He barely had time to consider Michael as the pain in his brain started as well- a solid concussion slowly starting to show up now that the focus was off of well.. the imposter, and the fact he was rather injured.



Re: shooting star - joining - riftweaver - 01-06-2021


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As the other stood, Rift would blink back his surprise. Phony? Did he just get called a phony? The tiguar felt his leafy mane spike, felt his tail bush. An irrational and, really, quite irrelevant anger coursed through him.


He did not go through everything he has been through just to have some stranger show up and call him a fake. "Explain what you mean by your body, before I really lose my cool." And there it was, the threat dangling like low hanging fruit above a starved man. Riftweaver may not have been able to explain the ache he now felt, the draw to this stranger, but he did know that he was himself and this was his body. Nobody could take that from him.


Re: shooting star - joining - ROSEMARY - 01-06-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
“Michael’s got a point. I need to take a look at your wrist for you.”

The ocelot stepped past the bobcat and leafy cat, her whiskers twitching. The leather satchel bouncing against her shoulder smelled strongly of herbs and medicines, and her eyes fixed on Brandy’s injuries. One pair, at least. The other darted between Brandy and Riftweaver, squinted to slits, as the two damaged souls looked... symmetrical to each other.

“Brandy…?” Rosemary whispered, more of a mutter to herself than anything else, as she sat next to the wounded feline. Her four eyes zeroed on Brandy, and her right ear twitched as she listened to Brandy’s words, and the witch lifted a paw to rub her temple. “We can figure out all this who’s the original Brandy and whatnot later, okay? Right now you need medicine. And I can’t treat you if you keep flopping all over the place.”

One pair of eyes drifted to the tiguar, and she huffed, “Calm down. The more you escalate or rise to Brandy’s anger, the more likely you’re going to make this harder for everyone. Breathe.” The eyes zeroed on Branday as she added, “And that goes for you, too. You can snap at each other later. Right now, it’s most important you stay still and explain what happened.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: shooting star - joining - riftweaver - 01-06-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

The male huffed, stepping back. His mismatched eyes lingered on the male, the golden stripe through each seeming to flash with contempt. Rift did not necessarily want to start a fight. He'd embarrassed himself enough at the rescue raid, with Goldie's cage. No need to add more fuel to the fire. It was this, and this alone, that made the leaf-maned Roux restrain himself.

"Obviously I'm me." he muttered in response, his nostrils flaring almost unnoticably. Even with the display of arrogant confidence and conviction, it felt like a lie. He had felt out of place ever since he'd come back from sea. Now, with Brandyskies here before him, he felt the tug he'd spent months ignoring, a strong urge to embrace himself in his entirety, to become whole. He felt as he had upon boarding the ship all those months ago, like he was on the precipice of belonging.

He shook it off, lashing his spotted white tail. "Who else would I be?" The question was directed at no one in particular, or maybe at himself.

Re: shooting star - joining - brandykit - 01-06-2021

His lip had been bit. There was no way he could have fabricated those memories, all of those things he had felt back on the beach, the fight with Ry- Samantha, Goldie, the upcoming uneasiness in the face of the Pitt. His ears flattened, his head pulling back and his green eyes flashing with contempt and anger. His throat itched, and the acidic feeling at the back of his throat had him heave a breath, inhaling through his nose, and out through his muzzle.

Rosemary's words, in truth, made sense. There was no way Brandy could be lying, after all, so what did he have to worry about. He sat his rump down, both eyes trained upon the imposter. His nostrils flared. He opened his mouth, snapped it shut, before speaking- his tone was beheld with anger, but it was bordering on civility. Brandy wasn't an idiot. He lifted his paw. "The last thing I remember is coming out as Elduin." His eyes trained on Riftweaver, his ears pushed forward and a grumpy look on his face. He didn't look at Rosemary while he spoke, nor Michael, his intent but delaying anger held inside his chest and throat, ready to spring free like a dagger.

His eyes finally shifted towards Rosemary. "After that it goes dark. I woke up inside of the sea, as if I had been.. hibernating. I forced myself out and I crash landed." He gestured with his head towards the crater, his ears twitching and rotating. Finally, his gaze shifted towards Michael again- almost pleading at this point. As the adrenaline settled and his paw started to ache more and more, not to mention the real fear that someone could've been posing as him all this time, settled in.

"Please. I'm the real Brandy, the one who fought Trygve on the beach, burned my chest in turn. I remember you getting lost in the forest." His last sentence was directed, well, directly at Michael. His eyes shifted back towards Riftweaver, his eyebrows drawing tighter to his eyes- the anger was starting to bubble over. "You have to believe me."



Re: shooting star - joining - ROXANNE R. - 01-07-2021

The draconic feline would approach the scene brushing up against Michael before fixating her gaze on their newest arrival which made a frown form itself on her maw but it did make her realize that the boy looked an awful lot like Riftweaver or had some similarities anyways. She had to take a moment to process everything that was currently happening in her mind and it was only giving her a headache already, she would breathe out with a small shake of her head "Oh great fucking seas..." The both of them were arguing and trying to prove who was the true Brandy, it was slowly irritating her but she paused from snapping when she heard what Brandyskies said. The fight on the beach.

"Be quiet, boy." She said to Riftweaver with her ears twitching lightly, Roxanne would lash her fluffy tail to the sides as she approached Brandy with a frown on her maw before it shifted into a soft smile "There you are... A troublesome boy you were when you were younger... Even so troubled now," Her whiskers would twitch knowing full well who was the real Brandy or that's what she believed anyways, she knew that Brandy wouldn't try opening an already open gate that's for sure. The memory made her chuckle though she would add with a curt nod "Welcome back, Brandy... I'm sure your brothers will be happy to see you again."

Re: shooting star - joining - riftweaver - 01-07-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

Riftweaver blinked. That was his memory. One of his missing ones, anyway. The words rang a familiar bell within him, causing his eyes to narrow. Imposter. He thought to himself, his nose scrunched as his irritation grew. "How did you steal my memories?" The question wasn't accusatory, surprisingly, but rather confused. Maybe even a touch violated.
