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Hello, my old heart / Return - Printable Version

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Hello, my old heart / Return - SirDio - 01-02-2021

The Wranglers had stolen her away at the wrong time. Word by travelers and bird had stirred that sense of purpose in her. But still she smuggled and stole and lived a wild life. She didn't feel the same. And on the last night of her stay with her old friends, she had been inflicted with a wounded leg, nerve damage from the knee down. Her right hoof had become numb and she was unable to move it. But still she left in the dead of night, a mere note left for her friends.

Days and nights dragged on but before long the railroad became visible and hope surged in her. Many scents mingled together but were fading. She tore her way to the archipelago she made home to, quick despite her injury. Hoof clacked against wood as she passed the gate, eyes wide behind veil and mane. She could smell the aftermath of war, but she continued on.

"Michael? Damania? Scarlet? Hell.. Someone?" She called out, "Ah heard what happened.. But Ah wanna know if it's true.. If anyone can fill me in on things.." She sat down, looking to her numb leg. "I really shoulda been here.. If I can make it up in any way, I'd love to know how."


Re: Hello, my old heart / Return - Keona. - 01-02-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The name is only vague.  A crewmate, but not one the petite dealer had known personally.  But that was why she kept her ears perked after all.  To know at least something.  Incomplete knowledge was better than none at all.

Keona trots up quickly, soft paws following the resentful voice with little hesitation.  Her pale hues lifted, following the sound.  "I can fill you in," she offered with a blink, tail twitching behind her idly.  "What's the last news you heard?"

Re: Hello, my old heart / Return - bubblegum - 01-02-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

She was taking the opportunity to explore the archipelago slowly, moving quietly throughout the beaches, eyeing the jungles. Stopping to watch a crab, or seagull, or fish along the shoreline. There was so much to be seen, all the time, she wonders how anyone could stay focused long enough to get anything done. Though she supposes that part of that difficulty in focusing came from the concussion she'd been dealt, only able to stay on one task for so long before feeling the throb pulsate once more. That was alright, though, she'd rest as needed, and would continue to do her best at listening to others. It was the most she could do for now, after all. So, upon hearing the call of a stranger, the female's attention would turn from the shore to the direction of the sound, moving her body until she reached the other.

"Aye, greetings." The tigress would state with a nod, there's a slight nervousness, an air of discomfort in her voice. Her name had not been called in the list the female provided, but she still only hopes this was not yet another who'd known her before. The female glances to the other's injured leg, tail twitching. She could help lead the other to the temple, or see if anyone more useful was nearby. Though, in her quick assessment, it'd seemed Keona would appear. She's not sure what the other knew of herbs, but perhaps she could help. "D'ya need t' get to the temple?" The female would ask gently, gesturing to the other's injured leg.

Re: Hello, my old heart / Return - michael t. - 01-03-2021

Michael had honestly become used to others calling his name. Whether it be his husband, his kids, or even just a regular member looking for a dealer to help out, the bobcat had become used to a bustling schedule. However, when he heard the call from Magnolia, a voice that very much wasn't a member of his family or someone who had been around for a while, he had to admit he grew a bit worried. Especially since her voice was absolutely dripping with anxiety, and at least a bit of pain. So, the thief was quick to make his way over, short legs working overtime as the jewelry covered feline grew close. Upon seeing Magnolia, he found his eyes widening as he saw the awkward way that the other was holding her leg. He immediately frowned, adding onto what Goldie had said, "Yeah, you look like maybe you could use Roan, or Rosemary... your leg doesn't look quite right." Admittedly he didn't know much about hooves or anything like that, but he had seen some pretty bent out of shape legs before.

He then processed what Magnolia had originally been asking about, a small frown pulling at his muzzle. As he tilted his head to one side, he questioned, "Are you talking about the raid...? Cause it was admittedly something that needed to be planned pretty fast. You couldn't have known that you needed to be here..." There was honestly so much the other could've been told about, considering how much had gone on recently. The original Coalition takeover, the huge raid, what had happened to Goldie... one could've easily felt bad about missing any of it.

Re: Hello, my old heart / Return - SirDio - 01-03-2021

Her eyes settled on the small feline, nodding gently. "yeah - uh.. last thing I heard was-" She stopped as GoldenLuxury arrived, offering a brief nod in greeting. "Howdy, Ma'am.. Right now I don't quite care 'bout my leg.." She admitted, taking off her hat and setting it on the ground beside her. Hidden eyes settled on Michael and she nodded to him. "Yeah, last i heard, a raid had happened." She winced at his words.

"Still, I shouldn't be waltzing around with old friends while I have a new home to help defend."
