Beasts of Beyond
great victory - open; prayers - Printable Version

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great victory - open; prayers - rhosmari - 01-02-2021

She had put this off long enough and the praise was due. She did not went to have her god misunderstand that their help, their protection had been necessary and greatly welcomed. Cipactli was not a deity that waited long and she left her home early to begin. Traveling through the swamp was now second nature to her and she easily traversed through the murkey and algae covered waters. Feeling mud ooze between her toes. The first step to her prayers was to offer a kill, one that was impressive and would serve to be acknowledgement. It took her a moment but her skills were still sharp as she hunted through the area, jaws slightly parted. Her eyes narrowed as she watched the oddly mutated stag. Black as night and with multiple eyes set into it's skull. The battle between them had left one dead and the other exhausted and with a deep gash in her back flank. But the Shadow Regent was successful.

She dragged the buck to the area in which she began. A heavy fog settling over the land, small fires lit. In the middle was a large watery area, crocodiles seeming to gather around and if knowing, understanding. The tribal woman had dressed herself for the occasion, thick patches of black berry paint stained her body. Red coating her face. Beads clattered in her air as her white painted claws tore into the buck to take out eyes and tongue. Splitting open the chest to pull forth the rather enlarged heart. "With these vital organs she gives thanks...." She began as she tossed them into the water, crocs coming forward to thrash and snap at the pieces. She continued on, grabbing the limbs and twisting, jerking to snap them off as blood poured from where used to be. "With these limbs, she honors you." The king cheetah paused for a moment to watch them, taking her time for she knew better than to rush.

After this she lifted her head up, taking a deep breath. "She has come to thank you, Cipactil. For without them, Great Devourer, Tanglewood would not have had the victory over our enemies. She put fury in our limbs, death in our paws. Brought to us champions. She is grateful for Cipactil's help." As she spoke the water bubbled, gurgled slowly like molasses. Water parted slowly, a massive crocodile limb of pure black pushing forth from the thick sludge. A body of many mouthes followed, eyes of deep purple looking as the beast loomed over the king cheetah but Elswyer didn't falter. With ease she snapped the head off of the deer and presented it to the monstrous being who watched for a moment before snapping it up and vanishing in a smell of rot, death, and sulfur. A shiver went down the woman's spine but she was ever grateful as she watched the crocs slowly disperse from the scene. The body she would take back to Tanglewood for food.

Yet intrusive thoughts pushed in, odd and unwelcomed. It should be herself she should be thanking, fire and blood that razed the land. But she kept her maw shut as she closed her eyes to settle herself. Yes, she was thankful.

Re: great victory - open; prayers - wormwood. - 01-04-2021

Re: great victory - open; prayers - rhosmari - 01-08-2021

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One hear swiveled and turned at the sound of pawsteps approaching her location. A gaze still lingering on what had just happened and what else there was to left of the pieces of the prey she had mutilated and torn a part. Her breathing was even and slow but an anger lashed at her gullet, unnecessary and yet she embraced it. Slowly at the sound of Aurum's voice she turned her head to the lion and lifted her head up for a moment to meet her gaze with his own, vivid green almost too open as she shook her head a little. ''He is fine, nothing left to intrude upon.'' She began gently as she turned to look back at the swamp that she had done her worship in. It was peaceful now, the energy was no longer heavy and crowding and she did feel slightly at ease. Her mind was less turmoil and more, something else before she curled her tail around her paws, humming lightly as she thought of how to answer Aurum's question that he came with first.

''It is a type of ceremony. She has done a prayer. One to Cipactil as is deserving after the battles we have fought. They were pleased for the proper honoring.'' She tilted her head as she watched the waters ripple in the murky waters she finally looked back to Aurum and motioned to the rest of the stag carcass, the body. It was still fresh and she supposed that if he wished to take it back that he could. Or she would as she looked to the lion with a small smile upon her muzzle. ''It is time for Tanglewood's new start. She is very happy that she came here. This one would not have experienced a different life if she had not left her tribe, despite her homesickness. Thank you, Aurum for helping her and being by her side. He is a good friend and she hopes to do whatever she can under his leadership. Perhaps we should...hold a burial for Vigenere. Something she thinks everyone will see as a proper farewell.''