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WHO LIVES WHO DIES ☆ new years celebration - Printable Version

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WHO LIVES WHO DIES ☆ new years celebration - RHINESTONE. - 01-01-2021

The start of a new year. It was a special occasion, and Rhinestone knew that. Even if the passing of years didn't mean as much to the groups, since some of them didn't even know about human calendars, Rhine certainly cared about it. Human calendars had been some of the very first items he had discovered on his journeys near the boardwalk, and he had always been fascinated by their strange numbers and pictures. When he had eventually managed to decipher them, it had been like a dream come true, being able to know when it felt like there would be another big shift. And now, the time had come for yet another one of those shifts, and Rhinestone couldn't have been more happy about it. Even though he was incredibly proud of how far the Palm Glades had come, he couldn't deny that they had also gone through plenty of hardships throughout the year. Needless to say, he was hoping that this one was going to go a bit better. So, he had decided to throw a little celebration to acknowledge this changing of the years, deciding that he would combine it with the bonfire task that Quasar had given him, as well.

Most of the setup for the event had been relatively easy, besides getting a few smaller fireworks to set off for it. Those had been the hardest part, since not only had he spent a ton of time scouring the boardwalk for proper fireworks, but he also had to figure out how and where to set them up. It wasn't as if he could just line them along the shore, considering the flames to light them would get put out by the tide coming in. Thankfully, he had eventually figured out a place in the sand to set them up, their fuses laid over each other so he could light them all at once. He had then gotten to work on the bonfire. Setting it up near the middle of the shore and making sure there was plenty of prey to roast, as well. By the time the sun was beginning to set on the horizon, the serval was feeling pretty secure in knowing that it was time to celebrate. With a grin gracing his muzzle, Rhinestone turned and called out cheerfully, "Anybody who wants to come and ring in the new year with some fun, feel free to gather around!" He would leave the actual lighting of the fireworks for later, when everyone was already gathered around.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades