Beasts of Beyond
I'M GONNA BE DRIVEN AS HELL;; open - medicine training - Printable Version

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I'M GONNA BE DRIVEN AS HELL;; open - medicine training - trojan g. - 12-31-2020

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
After the meeting had come to an end, Moth had quickly made her way to her brother to congratulate the lion, and to let him know that she thought he did a good job on his first meeting as Luminary. She had no doubts though, considering the length he'd been in Tanglewood and how easy it had been for him to get to know others. Soon after she'd done that, however, she quickly ran off to her own home, gathering what items she had, whether it be the bones that she had collected her first months here in Tanglewood, or the herbs that had dried up to the point where they were no longer able to be used. She'd not want to use their supply of good herbs for a training session, especially since it was just something to see if anyone was actually interested in learning medicine, which there was no guarantee for.

Of course, she hoped that there would be more than just her who wanted to learn and know about medicine and what it could do for those around them, but she couldn't hold out her hope forever. It was a stressful job and most knew that, and those that wanted to look past that and still become a healer was something to look forward to.

"Anyone who wants to learn about medicines, come gather here!" She would speak out as she made her way to the center of town, sitting underneath the stone slab that Luminary sat upon when speaking out to the rest of the group. "If you're interested at all in becoming an apprentice of mine and learning about medicine, let me know as well." She was, after all, looking for someone to pass more knowledge down to, considering this would just be a quick how-to guide on not dying in case someone didn't come right away.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: I'M GONNA BE DRIVEN AS HELL;; open - medicine training - newkit - 01-02-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]well, if he couldn't train like the other kids in camp, maybe he could make himself somewhat useful in camp. while he'd never had too much interest in herbs, or never paid much attention to be interested, at the very least, he liked spending time with his aunt and pestering her to take him out with her when she went on walks and such. so, he'd wobbled his way over, trying to stay steady on his feet and keep moving forward at the same time. maybe he wasn't as great as walking as he'd like to think he was, but he was doing better. that's all that mattered to him.

"sure, i'll learn some. it can't be that hard, right?" he asked, a smile spreading over his face as he settled in front of her, sitting back on his haunches. it was just plants.. how hard could it be?

/short i'm sorry,
☼ tags | updated 1/1:

Re: I'M GONNA BE DRIVEN AS HELL;; open - medicine training - rhosmari - 01-02-2021

Rounded ears twitched as words came forth. She tilted her head against her paws where she laid upon the porch of her own home. Blurry she opened her bright green eyes and she lifted her head up to try and see what was happening. Her mind slowly pieced together that it had been Moth who had said something. Training? Her gaze opened fully then as she pushed her slender body to stretch and curve against the wood beneath her. She had become the Mender here which was important. Life and death a balance in their paws. A hum left the king cheetah's throat as she pushed herself to stand up and make her way toward the woman that had called them to gather. Newkit was already there which she dipped her head to the child before she focused then on Moth. Her gaze trailed from her to the stone slab before she forced herself to relax.

"She would enjoy learning something. Although this one is not particularly good with remembering plants..." Mildly embarrassed but the truth of the matter. She often fell asleep back when she was supposed to have learned anything from her own people. She remember the days where she just aspired to be the best warrior that she could be. Killing, fighting, taking down larger adversaries, these were her goals. Nothing that plants had to do with it and she was always scolded during the teachings. Failing here while excelling in others. The cheetah sat down then and curled her tail around herself as she waited.

Re: I'M GONNA BE DRIVEN AS HELL;; open - medicine training - wormwood. - 01-04-2021

Re: I'M GONNA BE DRIVEN AS HELL;; open - medicine training - trojan g. - 01-05-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Three. It was a nice rounded number, and it made Moth comfortable enough to start on the training that she had planned for the day. Although two of the three were already well positioned within the group and likely wouldn't want to lose their position to go down the ranks to learn medicine, she was glad they were there nonetheless. Offering a smile to each of those there, she would look over what she had quickly before finally speaking once more. "You'd be surprised how hard medicine can be, but today's stuff is just a quick course on survival. What to do in case you break a bone, for example, or if you cut yourself on accident and need something to stop the bleeding. Stuff like that. Stuff I think everyone should know." It'd make her job easier for sure if everyone knew these things.

Turning behind her and grabbing the bones she had collected, she would break three in half, placing them in front of those learning before making her way back to the front. "Breaking bones can be scary, especially if you're by yourself. If you have a broken bone here in the swamp it can be a little bit scarier due to everything we have around us at all times, but everything can be helpful as well. The broken bones we'll be learning about is going to be the kind that stay under the skin, ones you can't see. They're the easiest to work with." She would let that sink in for a moment before moving over to the side, wing outstretched in a pointing manner to the items that had been behind her. "I've got different items here. Leaves, sticks, vines... stuff you'd find in the swamp. I want to see what everyone thinks you'd do to help get the bone good enough so you can get back to camp, or to someone that knows medicine to help assure you get better."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: I'M GONNA BE DRIVEN AS HELL;; open - medicine training - Grimm - 01-07-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Life held, fine and delicate those woven strands, ascended beyond mortal means those who bore such skill as to hold in cupped palms such. Contradiction to expectation placed atop his shoulders, held in kind yet deceptive such, the cruel scythe of death wielded in place of medicinal aid. Against it a heart soft in cream brushed breast, aloft held no wish to harm and too fresh the attempts upon himself thwarted by another. Terror his leash, a master with an unkind hand, weak the child expected to learn the art of war.

Half lidded the eyes that traced along unfolding scene, watching in muted fascination fanned as the crack of old bone resounded, dry long since plucked clean remains as time did as it might with porous collagen. Other supplies introduced, yet voiced snatched, distance leaving him to lean forth though it did nothing to assist. Brief his ponderance upon intruding, if he may be welcome as a late comer, sucked between and chewed upon lip by teeth that had long since left a mark behind. Know by now how he responded poorly to any conflict, how he blanched at blood, a mess even with his own, yet tutelage such as his aunt may lessen such and assist in his training.

Bolstered by such notion Salvia approached, though lowered his cranium as filled the place beside Elsweyr. Though adored both father and brother well rooted the respect he bore for her, something further strengthened as the days wore on, gentle the smile he offered her before focusing upon Moth. "Is it okay if I join." Uncertainty made his tone soft, volume barely escaping the lower register of a murmur, grown sheepish now as he awaited response.

Re: I'M GONNA BE DRIVEN AS HELL;; open - medicine training - S. PENDRAGON - 01-14-2021

Medicine was something that intrigued Sophiea though she doubted that she had enough patience to handle someone yowling about a thorn lodged in their paw, she would walk over to the session nonetheless with both of her tufted ears perked forward. Her narrowed eyes would survey the small group that was present, she couldn't help but scowl when she noticed that some of the children that belonged to Aurum were currently around but she did her best to avoid them as of right now. She would find a seat within the crowd only to nod in the direction of Moth, her usual frown on her maw but interest twinkled in her eyes as she spoke "I hope that I'm not interrupting but I'd be interested in learning since I'm certain that it'd be very helpful knowledge to possess." She kept her answer curt and brief, Sophiea would have to learn first if she ever did want to try out to become an apprentice to Moth. The older feline seemed more docile in comparison to Sophiea, she could respect that much. The Tangler would fall silent as Moth continued with her lesson, Sophiea listening intently to everything that was said.

Broken bones under the flesh and not visible due to it were the easiest to mend. Sophiea's tufted ears twitched momentarily only to part her jaws to speak with a slow nod of her cranium "You'd use the sticks to try and immobilize the bones into place, leaves for a type of padding or more compression, and finally the vines to make sure that the arrangement stays together. Even so, it would be best not to put too much pressure onto it or weight but as long as that's avoided then that would be enough to return to camp. Ah, keeping alert of your surroundings as well or you'll end up as gator brunch if you aren't watchful." She said at last glancing to the side, she needed to keep her mind busy but some thoughts did not keep quiet. She flinched slightly realizing that maybe she shouldn't have spoken out, ah, it was much too late now. She cleared her throat and lifted a paw to hide her embarrassment. Daft girl, she thought.

Re: I'M GONNA BE DRIVEN AS HELL;; open - medicine training - trojan g. - 01-24-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Eyes turned towards the two others that had shown up, smile on her maw as she listened to their words, nodding her head in response to Salvia's question. "Anyone can join, even if the lesson is almost over, I don't mind reteaching things later too if need-be." It was nice to have someone else know medicine after all, just in case something happened to where Moth wasn't around for any period of time. She began to pass out more bones, the gentle snap making her whiskers twitch slightly as she did so. It was sad to see the bones be broken on purpose, but it was for the best, and at least they weren't collecting dust any longer.

Sitting back for a moment, Moth would watch as everyone thought of different things, eyes flicking over to Sophiea when she finally spoke once more. "Good!" The jaguar would chirp, tail flicking idly behind her for just a moment, "If you have time to as well, it'd be best to try and feel where you think the bone is broken to, to see if it's just a break or a sprain. It's not always easy to tell, but often times bone breaks are very noticeable with the way the bone would move, just try not to hurt yourself or whoever you're helping too much." She would look around for a moment more before speaking one last time. "Does anyone know what kinds of medicine you would give someone for a bone break? I sadly don't have all the kinds here with me to look at, but I have some of the most common ones."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder