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rumor has it - open; feral creature - Printable Version

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rumor has it - open; feral creature - rhosmari - 12-31-2020

To be without her pack was odd. To her it was unnatural, unnecessary, and wrong. But she had little idea as to what happened to her sisters. Where they would have gone. The idea that they were dead had passed across her primordial mine though a sense of sadness never crossed any threshold within her figure. She instead began to search with the single minded thought of survival and perhaps the lingering chance that she would be able to find one of them. Maybe. Though it was not necessarily her goal. A large foot dropped upon the ground from the sudden and vigorous scratching that had taken the figure of the youngest raptor that had once had a pack. Her fiery orbs roaming around the area as if she would be able to detect something moving. And she could, she was born a killing machine, designed for the purpose of tearing through her prey without any hesitation or thought.

At times she had even the most volatile of the pack, but she held herself in line perhaps till that day that she could become the alpha. She was prone to more hostile maneuvers than her sisters. The bright green and black stripped reptile stepped forward then with the thought of food on her mind, tail wavering behind her and she curled her lips to show large and curved back teeth. A hiss emitted from her jaws as she curled her hands against her side. There was bound to be food her and her jaws snapped at the air as she slipped her way into the foliage from her years of learning. Ambush was most certainly one of the ways to kill and it had helped bond the pack at one point. Perhaps it would serve still to grant her food.

Re: rumor has it - open; feral creature - michael t. - 01-01-2021

There was something big in the jungle. Michael's observation skills had admittedly been a bit shaken, given recent events, but he was at least sure of that. There was something in the trees, and there was a non-zero chance that it was something bad. It was because of this that Michael had originally been hesitant about going on his own to investigate. He still wasn't at one hundred percent following the recent battles, and even if he had been, he still wasn't an amazing fighter. He had contemplated going back to the tavern and gathering some sort of search party to go in slowly, but had ultimately decided against that. After all, there was no telling how much time that would take, and if the thing in the jungle was dangerous, it could end up hurting somebody. The dealer wouldn't have been able to forgive himself if someone else within The Typhoon ended up injured because he had been too much of a coward to go into the jungle all on his own. So, after a few minutes of nervous packng back and forth, the bobcat decided that he was going to go in, no matter what.

After taking a deep breath inward to gauge just what scents he was able to find, Michael headed into the clustered trees of the jungle, his heart roaring silently in his ears as leaves crumbled beneath his paws. He made no attempt to be stealthy, instead raising his voice and calling out curiously into the undergrowth, "Hello...? I know that somebody is around here, so just come out and talk to me. If you're not a threat, then you have no reason to be hidden on Typhoon lands. Come on." He then stood there, jaw lightly clenched as he waited to see who would emerge to face him. Keeping his paws firmly on the ground, he reveled in the feeling of dirt and plant growth beneath his feet, knowing that his earth elementals would be his only line of defense if this strange did attack. He was weak from using them far too often lately, but if things were between having a few weeks of recovery and dying, he would definitely choose the former.

Re: rumor has it - open; feral creature - rhosmari - 01-02-2021

Large feet paused as something spoke, words holding no meaning to her but sounds did. The sounds spelled fear to her, uncertainty and thus could potentially mean a meal for her. Her head tilted to the side quickly much like that of a bird's before she moved forward to follow the outspoken sounds that gave away her meal's location. Slowly she pushed through foliage, bright fiery orange red eyes focused on the thing that had called out briskly. Something she had not before seen but she knew one thing. She was the dominant figure here, this place was her's and this creature was potential prey that she could endulge in. Slowly her body tensed as she took a threatening step forward, leaps peeling back to reveal thick curved back teeth to hold on to those who were unlucky to get trapped in her jaws.

It was here she gave a test, a low and aggressive hiss as she displayed her aggression. Which would happen? A fleeing creature attempting to outrun her and fall victim to her teeth and claws or a display of dominance that would be a most likely threat to her. Her claws hands curled slightly, the long sickle like claws scrapping against one another as she approached the feline before suddenly she snapped her jaws forward in an attempt at intimidation. To push some sort of reaction to drive her instincts forward.

Re: rumor has it - open; feral creature - michael t. - 01-03-2021

Fuck. Well, the thing in the forest certainly was large, and now it seemed angry. Or, at the very least, looking for some kind of fight. As the low hiss was thrown out in his direction, Michael's ears pinned back, mismatched blue eyes glistening as he responded with his own hiss of displeasure, "This ain't a good idea, friend. These aren't your lands, even if you'd like to think that they are, sorry." The earth was still thrumming beneath his feet, just waiting for him to call upon it. It ended up happening just a second later, as Charlie snapped her jaws forward in an attempt to intimidate him. Rather than properly intimidating him, it just spurned him into action. With a sudden snarl of displeasure, Michael summoned spikes of earth and rock from the ground in Charlie's direction. They weren't long enough to truly hit or hurt her, instead just keep her back, and away from him. In the same breath – even as his head had already begun to ache – he took a cautious step back, muttering to Charlie, "I said this ain't a good idea. Stand down." His voice was more firm than it usually was, driven by aggravation and adrenaline.