Beasts of Beyond
WHERE DID YOU GO? ☆ proper introduction - Printable Version

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WHERE DID YOU GO? ☆ proper introduction - SAINTKIT. - 12-31-2020

Up until now, Saintkit hadn't been particularly friendly in how he viewed other Pittians. The only two Pittians he truly knew were Aine and Gael, and even just saying that he knew them was stretching the definition a bit. Initially, the young feline hadn't particularly wanted to change this. After all, he was still reeling with grief after the sudden loss of his parents, and the stress of meeting a bunch of new people just felt like too much. However, as the days had dragged on and eventually stretched to a week or more, Saint had realized that the way he was going wasn't very sustainable. He couldn't just avoid everyone else for the rest of his life, or for however long he chose to stay within The Pitt. He had already gotten a few strange looks for scampering or hiding away whenever someone even looked like they were going to interact with him. The sad part was, the boy wasn't even particularly adverse to meeting new people. Before his parents' untimely demise, Saintkit had been perfectly happy meeting all the new faces that he encountered as his family traveled through the neutral lands. It was just the new heaping helping of trauma that had been accidentally inflicted upon him that was leaving him a bit unsociable.

However, he now wanted to change that. He still didn't really want to grow throwing himself into any of the decent sized crowds that could form during particularly bush times of day, but he could deal with introducing himself. Properly, this time, when he wasn't starving, dehydrated, and on the verge of tears. So, the ragdoll had waited until the bustle of the central plaza had come to a bit of a lull, with only smaller groups of Pittians milling about and talking amongst themselves. Once that had happened, he had made his way to the middle of the area, a small amount of sand kicked up in his wake as he rolled over a decently sized, oval shaped rock. He laid it flat in the middle of the plaza before moving to stand atop it, clearing his throat and tilting his chin up slightly. He wanted to look as though he had the confidence that he was so severely lacking as of late. Thankfully, it seemed to be working, at least a little bit, considering he got at least a couple of others to actually look over at him. Not only that, but he wasn't turning tail and bolting when they did – that was progress, at least.

With his claws curling and scraping lightly at the stone beneath him, Saint started his introduction simply, "Hello there... uh. Hi, everyone. My name is Saintkit, and I guess that I'm a new member of The Pitt. I only arrived pretty recently, so I haven't gotten a chance to really meet anyone, yet." Already, he could feel a sense of anxiety buzzing in his chest, begging him to turn and walk away. Despite this, he pushed through, his voice firming up slightly as he continued, "I'm pretty young, so I don't really know how much I'll have to share, but... if anybody wants to ask me any questions, or introduce themselves, that would be fine with me." And with that, Saint was finally able to let out the sharp breath he had been holding in, having to actively keep himself upright as he nearly slid off his stone platform from relief.

Re: WHERE DID YOU GO? ☆ proper introduction - aine. - 01-02-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Soft-spoken natured, the petite deer-fox was not one to push.  Happy to see Saintkit recover.  Gain strength.  Being social was up to him.  His pace.  She wasn't so sure she'd be so confident to stand up like that.  Much less back when she was as young as him.

Aine smiled softly, shouldering her herb satchel quietly as she trotted over.  Maybe she could be some reassurance to him, at the very least.  "... I think," her hazel hues gleamed, happier than they often shone as of late. "I think I have a-a question."  In the spirit of encouraging his little introduction.

"Do... Do you have a favorite flower, Saint?" Besides.  That was useful information... To her.  It still felt a little silly, her hooves scuffing the dirt gently, but she meant it earnestly.  Curious.

Re: WHERE DID YOU GO? ☆ proper introduction - gael - 01-02-2021

As one the two the child somewhat knew, the vulpine arrived quietly -- offering his presence with no words at first.  Likeminded to his daughter, Gael saw little use in forcing anyone to be social, but it was reassuring to see the child up and feeling well enough to embark on an introduction regardless.

He would incline his head in a simple nod, acknowledging the youth.  He had no questions to ask, though he heard Aine's with bemusement -- no doubt she had gifts and little demonstrations of her abilities planned already with that kind of inquiry.

"If you have your own questions, Saintkit, I do not mind answering."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: WHERE DID YOU GO? ☆ proper introduction - SAINTKIT. - 01-04-2021

As soon as Aine made her way over, Saintkit found his mood brightening, layers of anxiety melting away in her presence. She was the first one that he had met after stumbling into The Pitt's territory, and she still left him with a warm sense of familiarity he couldn't quite place. Her question was one he hadn't been expecting, as demonstrated by the way he let out a soft ah. A thoughtful hum left the child afterwards, his head tilting down as he tried to recall what flowers he had seen with his parents on their travels. Eventually his head popped back up, and his voice gained an enthusiastic edge as he answered, "Ah, I know! I was having trouble remembering the name my parents taught me, but my favorite flowers are hibiscus flowers. I think all the different colors are really pretty, and I like the way it opens up... do you have a favorite flower, Aine?" Saint seemed unaware of any potential plans Aine might have had with that information, far too distracted to be thinking of gifts.

Of course, further distraction soon came in the form of Gael, the boy's purple gaze darting over to the ardent as soon as he spoke. Saint didn't hesitate in giving Gael a similar smile to the one he had given Aine, once again struck by that strange sense of familiarity. He seemed to hesitate then before speaking, his paws shifting a bit in front of him before he spoke, "I do have a bit of a question, but... I think it's a little broad. I just... what is it like, living here in The Pitt? I was really disoriented when I first joined, and I've slowly been getting settled, but... I wanna feel like I belong. I could really use a place that feels like home, after what happened..." Saint then trailed off, his eyes locked onto the ground in front of him as his mind traveled back. He wasn't sure when he'd be able to forget what had happened, or if he would ever be able to.

Re: WHERE DID YOU GO? ☆ proper introduction - Kian. - 01-11-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
This brings me back.  The Irishman threw up his usual jolly grin as he heeded the boy's call.  Settling beside his cousins, he allowed them to speak before offering Saintkit a relatively dramatic bow of his head.  Perhaps my brother does rub off on me.  "Dia dhuit, Saintkit."

"'m Kian O Faolain; a cousin of Gael's.  I come from the Typhoon, but I'm sticking 'round here for a little to be with the family," he'd finish with a playful nudge aimed for Gael, clearly indifferent to the other's more disciplined demeanor.  His whiskers twitched amiably as his sea-green eyes gleamed. "'s nice to meet you kid."

"If you don' mind my two cents, kid, I'd say livin' in the Pitt is whatever you make of it, so long as you're loyal." He felt as though his cousin may agree with him, but they'd see.  "You've got a tough past to live with calling yourself a Pittian, but the bonds 'ere are strong."

"The land's difficult, the reputation others know you by rough 'an judgment is sadly quick in some places, but I know the people 'ere care more about each other than any of that 'an that's the point.  A Pittian doesn' need to be one way or another, so long as you're proud to be one 'an quick to aid the others who call themselves the same.And that's why I like it here, even if it's far from the sea.
We'll all be returning, if we sail together