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circle of life / joining - Printable Version

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circle of life / joining - ASVINI - 12-31-2020

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It hurt.

Opening her eyes, it hurt, the sun, the blaring thudding in her temple. How long had she been out? A groan left her muzzle as she picked it up, leaf litter and cold driving from her body as she slowly moved. Where was she, and where was her sword? Slowly, her eyes shifted about her, nose twitching against the cool wind. Beach, sea, salt water. She picked herself up slowly, her joints creaking and body aching. A dry tongue lapped at her lips as she stretched her body out, tail lashing behind her. She started walking, heading for the gate- the railroad tracks, they brushed at her paws and cooled them.

The water was freezing, as she came to a stop at the gates. Winter, it seemed, had already approached. When was the last time she was awake, then? Her head turned, and slowly she padded herself into the jungle, her giant paws nimbly avoiding the roots and rocks of the vast wooded area. She stopped at the edge, Deldrach's eyes widening a bit. She tossed her hair a bit, before looking up towards the destruction. She grimaced, looking at the awashed crater from the meteor. That.. had been a while ago, judging by the water's rise and.. well. Burnt area surrounding.. Slowly, her head turned, padding quickly back towards the jungle, then towards the port. She broke free of her cover, coming to a slow stop.

People looked at her as they passed, and a soft snort left her muzzle. "Well shit." She stated, letting a breath leave her muzzle. That wasn't a change she had been expecting.

// deldrach is a rather tall jaglion! tan and red in color. tags are on their way <3

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: circle of life / joining - michael t. - 01-01-2021

Unlike some of those who still resided within The Typhoon, Michael knew nothing of who Deldrach was, nor what her history with the group as a whole was. However, it would've been pretty hard to miss the way that she attracted attention, heads lifting and turning in sync as she went by. It was obvious that she was someone noteworthy, and that instantly attracted the bobcat's attention. Not only because it was his job to welcome in others – whether they be newcomers or older, returning members – but because he was just curious. He liked positive excitement, and whoever Deldrach was, she was certainly causing some exciting gossiping. So, after dusting himself off and getting up to his feet from where he had been relaxing on the shore, Michael made his way after her, and towards the port.

Unsure of how else to get her attention, the thief just picked up his pace a bit, short legs struggling to keep up with the jaglion's longer ones. He cleared his throat once he would be close enough for her to hear, a toothy smile on his muzzle as he spoke up, "'Ey there. Never seen someone like you around here before, and you're certainly causing a buzz with some of the other members. The name's Michael... what's yours?" The dealer's head cocked to one side after that, making sure to keep a healthy amount of distance between himself and Deldrach. He was fairly sure that she was stay, considering how she had just strolled in with an obvious sense of familiarity, but he wouldn't put it past the Coalition to pull some kind of sick trick at a time like this. He wasn't sure he'd be able to stay upright if the large jaglion before him just attacked.

Re: circle of life / joining - Grimm - 01-01-2021

[div style="margin: auto; background-image: linear-gradient(to top left, #af6159 50%, #d69374 50%); max-width: 475px; height: auto; padding: 2%; border: 1px #1d1d1d solid;"][div style="margin: auto; background-color: #1d1d1d; max-width: 475px; color: #fefefe; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; border: 2px #1d1d1d solid; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]A civilisation preserved within memories, false and fickle the recollection grafted with imagined scenes to fill in each space. She knew the weight of such, how desire twisted and waged war against all staged in aftermath, mind longing for that time had scoured and made anew. Lighter that she bore aloft, felt still though pressure elevated as mind grew numb and slipped beneath the waves of the fantastical without reserve, assistant her own short frame.

Yet such snapped, a rubber band beyond the limit it was allowed, scattered thoughts of a past she had wallowed within for months as familiar voice penetrated consciousness.

Unlike others there would be no blatant curiosity, awe, or maybe even terror located in depths securely locked to war worn figure, imposing her cut. Poor the vision that trailed over assembled, sought something akin to normalcy in the wake of all that had occurred, catching upon whom she supposed may be deemed her uncle. Closer Eulia tread, unease shifting the pale expanse tethered to her sides, briefly exposed membrane alight with golden illumination she wished to indulge in. Such she would not allow, once more tight the press of wings in tense resting position.

"I guess a welcome back is in order…" Gentle the smile that graced pale lips, a sweeping curl she offered both Michael and stranger, though off as her gaze settled about shoulder, skirting away as awaited a name to tie to the shifting figure adorned in pale hues. Further was not shared, though kept the pace as with Dealer for curiosity prickled beneath her skin, a want to learn what had been before.

Re: circle of life / joining - ASVINI - 01-01-2021

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Her ear twitched, then turned as the sound of pitter patter footsteps came up beside her. Her head turned and she slowed her pace, coming to a stop so Michael could, well, catch up. Not only that, chill the hell out too. Deldrach blinked her mismatched eyes, then wore a wry and amused look as she looked down at him. As she spoke, the look fell. Her eyes turned to those walking past, even stopping to dip their heads and murmur softly. She twitched her ear slowly, rotating it, before looking back towards Michael again.

To know she had been missed, even rumoured about, was a surprise. There wasn't much she had involved herself with her most recent.. well. Appearance. She couldn't quite remember what happened last, so she let it disappear from her thoughts. No longer would it bother her. "My name is Deldrach Akaodon." She spoke, her throat giving a gentle rumble thereafter. It was almost warm and inviting, but not quite enough. "Where is Goldenluxuries?" She spoke, her eyes turning away, searching the pier.

She paused, however, when a third joined them. Her eyes shifted down towards Eulia, ears twitching a bit. The appearance wasn't unfamiliar to her, but the person themselves she was unaware of. So many new people. Guess that happened with time passing. She cleared her throat, before speaking quietly. "You don't have to, but it is.. rather appreciated." She said, with a small nod to the far younger woman. Her head lifted, once again, to the crowd. "I didn't think this many people would remember me."

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: circle of life / joining - Keona. - 01-02-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
"'s been a while," the tiny dealer would murmur, padding over quietly.  Her tail twitched behind her idlily.  She knew Deldrach.  It felt like the vaguest of memories.  After all, she had never been close to her.  She'd become just another missing name over the years.  And it had been a year... At least.

"Goldie's probably restin' right now." Seas knew the captain needed it.  Earned it.  The petite wildcat didn't know how long it would take, but Goldie deserved the time to heal after everything.

Keona had little memories of the other pirate.  Little other than the fact she'd been a crewmate.  She'd been young and time past rather quickly.  It still did, and the little fae seemed almost unchanged, physically speaking. 

Her pale hues rested curiously and quietly, towards the direction of the jaglion's voice.  Polite.  But distant.  "Welcome back," she could offer that too, she supposed.

Re: circle of life / joining - bubblegum - 01-02-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

How was she to react, when everyone around her knew who she was, but she'd simply no idea?

Listen, Diya had recommended; listen to their stories. That was who you were then, and though it need not be you now, it was good to listen. And there was some fortune, for the female appeared to be surrounded by family, friends, and her life before simply seemed public to most. The idea of Goldenluxury Roux was something well defined, but she still had yet to learn it all, to know it, to decide if that was who she was to become. And there was still a lot to be discovered, to be told. It was quite a lot for her damaged head to take in all at once, and so she'd done her best, simply, to take in small amounts, stay within the temple, and with those that claimed to have been her friends, her family, to know them once more. And while everyone could be lying to her, feeding her false information, and she'd be none the wiser, she had no choice but simply to trust in their words. She had a feeling, at least, they were truthful. In their grief, in their sorrow.

But Goldenluxury had not died, not yet. There was no need for such feelings of loss. But still she watched it on their faces, heard it in their words. And she dreaded that once more, upon hearing her name, she'd experience it. The tigress had been strictly within the temple the past several days, given her injured head, but slowly she was beginning to be able to move around more. While she'd heard stories of her moving too much, working non stop, she could not see herself doing such a thing right now. She was excited, to see more of what was her home since birth, to rediscover it. It was beautiful, after all. However, the throbbing of her head, fatigue in her legs, told her when she'd reached her limit. And so, she kept herself to short walks. This one today, simply by chance leads her to the jaglion, head held low as she stumbles closer, balance shifting on her three legs.

She clears her throat, looking around for a moment before focusing fully on the female who'd introduced herself as Deldract. "Hello," she greets quietly at first, tapping her paw on the ground. "I'm Goldenluxury. Um, 've recently...m' head...don' really remember much." The female struggles through an explanation, offering an apologetic tone.

Re: circle of life / joining - michael t. - 01-02-2021

Deldrach. It was a name that Michael had never heard before, but it was clear that she knew where she was, and what she was doing. It was because of this that he found himself at ease, dipping his head to her before he spoke in a friendly tone, "Nice to meet you then, Deldrach. Always nice to see old faces around again, and get to hear their stories." He was relaxed, but at the mention of Goldie, he found himself tensing up once again. An echo of pain ran through the dealer, and he tried to ignore the way that the captain's name made his heart sink. He knew that it wasn't intentional. Goldie had never been one to intentionally cause pain in her own members, and that was something the bobcat had always appreciated. She was fair, and kind, and although she had always intimidated him on some level, he had also relied on her, as well. But now... now that was all just gone. She didn't know who he was... couldn't even remember his name, nor the names of her family. He didn't blame her, since there was nothing different that could've been done, especially given Stryker's death by her hand, but... he couldn't deny that it hurt.

He could hear the voice of another, already talking about how Goldie was probably resting. He vaguely recognized the voice as that of Keona, his fellow dealer, but he found it hard to focus, all of a sudden. With a sigh, he forced that same welcoming smile back onto his muzzle, beginning to explain, "Like Keona said, she's probably resting right now. Goldie... she... I mean..." He struggled to find words, but thankfully he didn't have to flail about for long. The woman of the hour herself soon approached, causing Michael's head to snap up in surprise. The thief honestly hadn't expected her to be out of the temple so soon, given the condition that she had been in when he had gone to visit. Still, he just fell silent, allowing the tigress to explain on her own what had happened. Once she was done, he found himself muttering a bit lamely, his own head suddenly hurting, "...Yeah. That." He hoped somewhat desperately that Goldie would be able to just... return to her old self sometime soon, but he had a feeling that wasn't going to happen. He had seen many others with head injuries over his years of thievery, and it was never an easy recovery process.

Re: circle of life / joining - ASVINI - 01-05-2021

[img width=550][/img]
Her eyes shifted towards Keona as she arrived, her ears twitching and rotating. This was one person she could faintly remember, at a reach. The face was familiar, as was the tone and accent of her speech. Deldrach let a sigh escape her muzzle- not everything would be a confirmed difference, then. She dipped her head in the form of a response, just an echo of a yes. Something heavy and depressing was drawing upon those who stood in front of her, and it hung heavy in the air. Her eyes skipped towards Michael. "Thank you, Michael. I'm ah.. yes. Thank you."

Their following words- "resting" brought a frown to her muzzle. Goldenluxury was not a person to rest, but it would be a funny anomaly. But what she found herself facing was not funny. Head held low, ears twitching out of posistion. The rise and fall of her chest, the struggle with walking. The jaglioness found herself moving forward, uncontained, only to stop short as Goldie spoke.

Her heart stopped. No memory. A breath rose and fell, her chest compressing for a moment before those mismatched eyes softened, her ears turning and lowering a bit. To Deldrach, she could see how it was a burden. But from the universe, it could be a gift, living without the pain of lost lives, loves, and battles. Each was a hard story, but every hard story came with twists and turns that made it worth it. The jaglion squared her shoulders, before lowering her head. It was time to tell an older story. "My name is Deldrach Akaodon. I lived here when you were young, very young."

Her eyes turned away not long after she spoke, a bittersweet smile and the ghost of a tear touching her face. Nothing was easy, nor would it ever be perfect. Quite like hibernating in the jungle for months, as her stomach growled. Her eyes lowered to the deck of the pier, another soft sigh leaving from her nostrils. "I think I'll prepare a meal, due to my return. Does anyone want in?" The question was general. No sorrow could account for what had happened to Goldie- nothing to be done but wait. Best to move past it, remember, but not grieve.

But, if one paid enough attention to her eyes, the mismatched golden and silver eyes were aching for something from moons past.

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