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( build yourself an empty home — cooking ) - Printable Version

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( build yourself an empty home — cooking ) - Grimm - 12-30-2020

Together the days had run, repetitive grown once more as lax mockery of a faux reign unravelled beneath internal turmoil. Yet discarded the usurper and the lapdogs he fed on meagre scraps, eager for a war he may not keep in hand, again broken the routine. Positive the bent of this change, at the least, assault their own to lead and thus done so, the shackles discarded and repair begun. Time all they needed now, life renewed among flora choked walls, alight the air with victory hard won, and new the reign offering promise.

Such the conundrum his mind may not fully comprehend no matter the manner it was turned. His father now carried the title of monarch, took rightful place from serpentine pretender.

Ecstatic the child upon hearing of such, though dimmed his excitement, begun again his own struggles. Pressure had been present prior yet now it seemed tenfold, the expectations built until he may be crushed. What if he proved a poor match, did not reach the level to which Aurum occupied with few equals. But what of the achievement proving possible, may he overcome his father and become lesser for it. Aside the notions pushed, for now their consideration only hampered. Rather than dwell Salvia thought to celebrate, though limited his options.

Decided upon taking the responsibility of making their evening meal, a simple task but one he may remove from Aurum. About had he plodded within the tavern, the space catering well to his needs but ideas is what he came to lack, the stored meats offering little. Finally settled upon a rather plain affair, taken a prepared rabbit into the wider space acting as a kitchen area. Disgust adorned soft cream countenance as carved out chunks, messy and rather different in size, some containing bone as he fiddled with them and tried to take the larger out. With an array prepared each was pushed onto metal skewers, the end product rather far from appetising.

Momentary left behind assistance was sought and outside the tavern a small fire was built, the crackling flames begun with lumps of coal and fed wood once assured it may handle the larger fuel. Eager the eye which observed the tongues of heat that licked along splintered edges, his post abandoned only long enough to retrieve the prepared skewers. Among the coals and wood each was nestled in turn after a brief moment of consideration, no other method seeming suitable. Singed the paws drawn back, beneath chest tucked as Salvia drew himself in tight besides the fire, tufted tail tip flicking about as he watched the chunks brown and blacken soon after.

Re: ( build yourself an empty home — cooking ) - arrow - 01-01-2021

If there was one thing Arrow absolutely missed as a ghost, it was eating. She would be lying through her teeth if she said she hadn't contemplated asking politely to borrow some poor sucker's body just to get a few mouthfuls, at this point it literally didn't matter what it was. Hell, it could be just terrible food, food you wouldn't feed your worst enemy, she'd still probably take a bite on principle. Sleeping was lame, and it would be some time before she missed the feeling of minor injury like the dull thud as a direct result of bonking her head against something. Or taking a tumble off one of the many things she liked to stand upon to feel tall.

So, when caught Salvia attempting to cook what could have been a decent meal, she wasn't sure, her curiosity and nostalgia for enjoying food got the best of her. She could just say she was uh....watching the fire. That worked.

"What'cha up to over here, little dude?" Arrow asked, tilting her head slightly as her green eyes went from Salvia to the fire and then the now blackened chunks resting above the flames. She gently pawed at the sparks that jumped from the wood into the air, frowning when they passed through her form as was absolutely expected. She could have jumped right into the flames without a second thought or any consequences to her body, but that was just unnerving. She decided to change the subject in her head. Bringing up the fact that the flesh and bone upon the skewers was starting to look like the lit coal below probably wasn't the best route to take, she didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything else that would make her writhe with guilt. She might have dumb, but she wasn't that dumb. "Cookin' up a storm?"

Re: ( build yourself an empty home — cooking ) - newkit - 01-02-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]salvia had always been able to do things he couldn't. walk, run, jump, all things he hadn't been able to do and some he still couldn't do, and he'd been jealous for no more than a few months until he got the hang of standing. he didn't see any point in being jealous anymore, really, he just wanted to enjoy life and have fun while getting the hand of the things he still couldn't do.. like turning. turning was a struggle because he always fell over when he tried, he wasn't steady enough for that yet even after months upon months of practice.

thought, seeing that his brother couldn't do something was.. a relief. there was something they both couldn't do, which meant salvia knew what it felt like to struggle with it. he wouldn't wish any form of struggle on his brother, but it was still comforting in a way to know they shared some experiences. event then, when he pushed and pulled himself into the tavern, saw his brother burn himself, he couldn't help his worry, his scurrying to his side. pushing himself up to sit next to salvia, he leaned over to try and nudge his shoulder with his nose. "are you ok?" he inquired, trying to get a look at his paws in hopes that they didn't get burned too badly.

"try stepping on a wet cloth or something? not to get the things out but to stop it from hurting."
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Re: ( build yourself an empty home — cooking ) - wormwood. - 01-04-2021