Beasts of Beyond
NEED TO FACE THE TRUTH ☆ MEETING 12/29 - Printable Version

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NEED TO FACE THE TRUTH ☆ MEETING 12/29 - wormwood. - 12-29-2020

Re: NEED TO FACE THE TRUTH ☆ MEETING 12/29 - butch kennedy - 12-29-2020

Firefly quietly rumbled out the names that were given.  She wasn't too sure if the animals on this end of the earth cared too much for loud stomping and choruses of roars and growls, so she kept her louder expressions to herself.  However, it was nice to get a shout-out and her rounded ears pricked up a little higher when her own name was called.  No promotions for her, she hadn't really done much except slither about (and make hissing noises when no one was around.)

But she did have something to say.

"Aurum?  So I recently learned that my brother is in the Typhoon and I wanted to see if it was alright to go see him?  Maybe bring him some flowers from my new home now that I've got one?"

template credit to guppy

Re: NEED TO FACE THE TRUTH ☆ MEETING 12/29 - rhosmari - 12-29-2020

Her head swung up, eyes of dark green blinking slowly as she looked at the lion as he began his walk toward the marble slab. She did not recall a meeting since she had been here that wasn't because of the Coalition. Annoying worms they had to sit and listen to before fighting broke out. She pushed herself to her paws and wobbled slightly, taking a moment as she blinked her gaze. Trying to see past the shape of the thing that was haunting her. Her tail waved back and forth and she sat down with the rest just as the lion began to speak. His talk of Vigenere and his passing made her look down. A thing she could not remember but she had been told what Stryker had done. How he showed his strength and speared their former Luminary. Let his blood soak the ground as if he meant nothing. It saddened her that nothing could have been done and she sighed before focusing back on the meeting. Aurum would make a good Luminary, he would help Tanglewood to become strong she was sure.

The next to come was that of welcomes as they did have a lot of new faces. There were many of them and some she had greated herself. She hoped they found their place here, especially Dazir as she needed a lot more care and understanding. A soft whisper breezed her ear and she tensed shortly, feeling her jaws clench as she ignored the question tone. Shaking her head she focused on Aurum, taking in his voice and his words. Her head shot up as she was suddenly addressed to become a Shadow Reaper? At first she was almost questioning till he explained that she would be his second in command. He trusted her despite her troubles she had and that meant something to her. Gave her the option on if she was strong enough to do this. The king cheetah sat up and she debated, her maw still as she thought. She didn't want to let him down, she didn't want to be hindered by this and not at least try. She was strong. She knee this. Her eyes hold a bold look to them as she looked at the Luminary. "She thanks Aurum for the chance. She wishes to take the position and prove herself capable." She could do it.

Whatever this was that was ailing her she would seek out help. Perhaps from a mender who could sew the mind. Regardless she pulled her ears forward as Moth was named Reaper of Medicine. A position she understood and she smiled in congratulations. A longer discussion was made about the Coalition and one that was needed. They would always be number one enemies as far as she was concerned. They were vile and she was happy to know they could be attacked on site and killed for their transgressions. A truce with a group she barely knew was also talked about. The Pitt. She had heard of them but not much was for interactions. Perhaps she could have one now and see.

Re: NEED TO FACE THE TRUTH ☆ MEETING 12/29 - wormwood. - 12-30-2020

Re: NEED TO FACE THE TRUTH ☆ MEETING 12/29 - arrow - 12-30-2020

The sense of nostalgia that flooded her mind for the brief seconds following the initial call was immediately shot the moment Vigenere's name passed Aurum's lips, as if she'd been struck with a sack of bricks that could only hope to match the weight that reeked havoc on her heart when the realization set in. She was never one to express her grief or pain in the eyes of others, however, especially not when the wound was dealt during a time where she should have kept her head up high. Arrow grit her teeth together, swearing she could almost feel the grinding of the sharp ends against each other and pressure pushing into her jaw, but it was merely a trick of the mind. She truly felt nothing. What was that now? Four? Five down? A strained sigh quietly left her before she shook her head clear and skipped over the grounds, bouncing lightly off the ground as if to spite gravity itself.

She was, despite the grief locked deep within her chest, beyond proud of Aurum.

"Well look at you, big guy! I hope taking all them damn kids under your wing makes being our beloved supreme leader a little easier." Arrow winked with a wide grin, throwing a very undisciplined mock salute his way. She still felt a bitter taste in her mouth hearing the Pitt once again, as if she had yet to forget the crimes against Tanglewood humanity that took place. She would have liked to wish that the new generation would not be inflicted with such traumas, but the Coalition had seen to it they would be left with the same sting. Luckily, she had not been alive to relive her experiences once more. No telling what she would have inevitably done, if the last troubled time had left her clawing her own face off in a state of agitated panic. She wasn't proud of that.

Re: NEED TO FACE THE TRUTH ☆ MEETING 12/29 - trojan g. - 12-30-2020

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The jaguar knew that as soon as she had spoken the words picking who she thought who should lead the group, she had chosen the correct animal for the job, and she was glad that it seemed as though those around Tanglewood agreed with her. It seemed as though her brother was very quickly adjusting to the position as well, seeing as he held a meeting so soon after her own announcement the day before. She was glad for it, for some order in the chaos that had happened only days prior.

Hearing the call to gather, Moth made her way to the middle of town, ears pricked as her wings lay at her side in content as she listened to the words Aurum spoke, nodding along with them. For once, she wouldn't say anything against violence, the Coalition were the only ones on Moth's shit list, and she wouldn't object to violence if they dared show their face on their border again, not after what they pulled.

She was happy with the decision to put Elsweyr as shadow reaper, as the other female had been around quite a bit of time and had been helpful during the takeover. She didn't know the other very well, though she could say that for most of the members of Tanglewood, considering she hadn't been around too much. Which was why she was surprised when she had been asked to be the reaper of medicine. "I-" She would begin, stopping herself for a moment, "I'd be happy to." She would speak, offering a smile to her brother as soon as she had done so. She liked medicine, and would be glad to take it up once more, hopefully be around more this time around. "And I'd be glad to hold a training session, I'll gather some items to do so." As soon as the meeting was over, that was.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder