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Cats are I? | Open - Printable Version

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Cats are I? | Open - Onyxdreams - 12-29-2020

~ ☼ Despite the fact that she spent a vast majority of her time huddled up in the nursery, beneath at least several blankets, when she did go outside, Onyx had a strange penchant for finding the oddest things. There was the time that she had found that tiny, colorful ball in the sand, the one that bounced off any surface she tossed it at, except for sand...and water, she still hoped she could find another one. That wasn't the only one though, her other finds to date included several lengths of string, a rope, some colorful ribbons carried in on the breeze, several shiny rocks, an even shinier rock, and some weird, colorful square thing, all kept right next to her bed in the nursery. It was a good collection, and yet, she was still finding things to add to it, like this...thing. She didn't know what it was, other then that it was tall, round, and she almost see through it, everything on the other side was just a little distorted

Whatever it was, it looked nice, so the hybrid had brought it back to the nursery with her, setting it just outside while she inspected it before bringing it in. Taking a look at it from a few different angles, the kit finally got around to sticking a paw into it, watching from the outside as it dipped down, slightly wavy and strange from whatever this thing was doing. looked cool, really cool. Lifting her head to peer into it, she quickly realized that it distorted things from every side...even the inside, which meant...if she put her head in there, would everything look weird? Cautiously sliding her head in through the somewhat more narrow opening, she glanced around and...oh, oh that was really cool! Everything was all weird, that was really neat! That settled it, this thing was going to the really cool part of her collection, right next to the shinier rock!

Lifting her head up, she gazed around the camp a bit, watching in wonder as the weird thing made everything all wobbly and strange, struggling a bit under its weight, but still having an utter blast. Smiling brightly, she set it on the ground, a bit of a strange idea. If she was in there...what would she look like to everyone? Would she be super wobbly too? There was barely a moment of thought given to the idea, to any of the consequences, as she pushed her head straight back into her strange thing, then, her shoulders slowly followed, a bit of wiggling needed to get her wings fit in there. A weird noise came came from her toy as she slipped further in, her scales sliding along it, making it a little harder for her to fit, but by this point, with her hind legs off the ground and her entire weight put into it, there wasn't enough resistance to stop her. Then, finally, she was fully inside, curled up as best as she could, with her tails sticking partway out and into the are, alongside just a bit of the ends of her wings.

It was a little tight, but...strangely cozy, or it would have been, if it wasn't still a fairly cool day, the glass had started to cool, and she found it getting a bit uncomfortable to stay. Laughing a bit at the thought of how weird she must look to outsiders, she made to turn herself around and free herself...only to find that she couldn't. A few wiggles only moved her ever so slightly, before her scales made that weird noise again against her new toy, and suddenly she wasn't moving anymore. She had gotten in so easily though, so it couldn't be hard getting out...right? As compacted as she was however, she just couldn't manage to grip anything, or move in any way that did anything other then make that soft, sliding sound again. She....couldn't move? She...she couldn't move! As realization set in, her face flashed from confusion, to fear, to full on panic, her tails flailing wildly, clinking against the rim of her new prison. "Help! Help!!" she cried out fearfully, the sound echoing around in her confinement, until her cried bled off into high pitched cries of distress, hoping that someone, anyone, could free her from this place

Re: Cats are I? | Open - RHINESTONE. - 01-01-2021

Rhinestone had definitely noticed the large and varied collection of objects that Onyxkit had taken to dragging with her into the nursery. While he wasn't always around to see whatever she had found on a particular day, he certainly ended up hearing about it. Whether he was told about her collection from the excitable other children that came rushing from the nursery and straight up to him, or from the signifers that watched over Onyx in his absence. They would often come up to him, vaguely worried and co fused expressions on their faces as they explained to him what was going on, often gesturing over in the direction of the nursery. However, the legate had never found himself especially worried about what Onyx had decided she wanted to collect. It didn't seem as though any of the objects she had thus far were dangerous, and he wasn't going to discourage her just because such a hobby could be seen as strange. After all, Rhinestone himself had made a hobby of collecting things when he was younger, although that had primarily been focused around human objects. He had always found it so fascinating, seeing how close he could get to the boardwalk in order to snatch something up before he bolted back away.

Since he didn't really have any worries about the collection, Rhine hadn't taken to checking in on what was actually in the collection. Of course, whenever he went to visit Onyxkit and she wanted to show him what was new that she had gotten, he was eager to sit and listen to her talk excitedly about whatever she had dragged into the nursery. However, the discovery of the bottle had been so recent that the serval had not yet had a chance to check in on Onyx, or see what she had. Even if he had a chance to see that she had the bottle in her possession, he probably wouldn't have been too worried about it. After all, his first thought wasn't to go crawling into a bottle, so why would it be the first thought of his daughter? Of course, it had been quite a while since Rhinestone was a little one, so he had forgotten how children had a habit of letting their curiosity get the best of them. Curiosity killed the cat, or so the saying went. In this case, he supposed it was curiosity killed the dragon cat. Although he dearly hoped that such a mishap wouldn't end in something as serious as death. Instead, Onyx was just... in a really awkward situation.

The frantic call of the kit drew Rhinestone over near immediately, although he froze when he saw what had happened. His black eyes widened in surprise as he took in the way she had squeezed herself into the bottle, scales dragging against glass and straining it in a way that couldn't be healthy. The lanky feline winced, trying his hardest not to laugh or even giggle the faintest bit at Onyx's current situation. Even with how ridiculous it was, it was pretty clear that she was struggling greatly, and he didn't want her to think that he didn't care. So, after biting down fairly hard on the inside of his own cheek, Rhine took a deep breath and moved over, voice soothing, "Onyx... how'd you end up like this? I... don't panic, alright? You're gonna be alright. We'll get you out there, and you'll be back on your paws in no time. Promise. Okay?" He smiled as reassuringly as he could at her, moving closer and tapping one of his paws against the bottle. It barely seemed to budge, and he glanced over it thoughtfully, trying to think of what to do. It probably wouldn't be a great idea to just try and yank her out by force, considering how firmly stuck she seemed to be. They would probably only end up hurting her in the process.

After several more moments of contemplation, Rhine felt his heart beginning to sink. He had an idea of how they could get Onyxkit out, but he had a pretty good idea of how little the child was really going to like it. After a moment of hesitation, he murmured in the gentlest tone he could manage, "Well... I know that we can get you out. But... we'll probably have to break you out of the bottle in order to do it. I'll be careful, so that you won't end up hurt, but it does mean that we'll have to get rid of the bottle afterwards." Hopefully how frantic she was about being stuck would outweigh her desire to keep the bottle for her collection. That way, he wouldn't have to worry about her protesting or asking him to think of some other way.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Cats are I? | Open - Onyxdreams - 01-12-2021

~ ☼ She didn't know, how was she supposed to have known that this thing would trap her like this! If she had fit into it, then why could she not escape, why did no amount of twisting or turning pry her lose, free her from the trap she had fallen into. It was confinement on a level she had never experienced before, even the fleeting memories she still held of her time within her egg had not been this bad. There it had been warm, comforting, up until the very end, and even then things had not been as uncomfortable as they were right now. She had just wanted to have fun, but now she was stuck here, pressed up against the slowly cooling glass, discomfort only growing as time passed on, but at least her position, curled up as she was, wasn't too straining to stay in.

Faintly, she could hear someone approaching, steps distorted from inside her strange prison, her head tilting as much as it could from her position to try and see just who it was that had come to rescue her, spotting a familiar blue just out of the corner of her vision. Papa! Her papa was here to save her, if there was anyone who could get her out of here, it was him. "Looked cool...wanted to see" she called out from within, it wasn't her fault though, she had just wanted to have fun, to experience that cool wobbliness from the inside, how was she supposed to know that she couldn't just climb back out? The casilisk didn't quite stop squirming or attempting to get out, but her papa's reassurances did help her beat back the worst of her fear, he would get her out, he promised.

Onyx didn't like the silence that followed for a little while, as her papa sat nearby, probably trying to figure out how to free her from the inside of this thing. It should be easy though, shouldn't it? She had slid in without too much difficulty, so why could he not just pull her right back out, why had he not already started doing that? It didn't help her slowly mounting panic much, the thought that it might be harder to get her out then she thought, that she might be stuck in here for a while. Then, he mentioned his idea, to break this thing, this bottle to free her, much like she had broken her own egg to be free. had trapped her, she was stuck, but...but it was still hers, it was still so cool, and she wouldn't do it again if she got out. Indecision flashed clearly through her eyes, she was stuck, but she didn't want to break her new possession, but she was stuck, but it was hers. "Pull...pull me out? Can you?" There had to be other ways to free her, without breaking it, maybe he could pull her out, or...or if she just wiggled a bit more, she could get free, maybe she was just doing it wrong...

Re: Cats are I? | Open - RHINESTONE. - 01-16-2021

In a way, Rhine could understand why Onyx was already attached to the bottle that she had found herself confined in. After all, she considered it to be a part of her collection, and why would she want to break it, even for this? However, the serval just wasn't sure of how much help he could be if he didn't break the bottle. She had managed to get in, but could he really just pull her out? The last thing he wanted to do was risk hurting her somehow, but it seemed as though he had to at least try. A faint sigh left him as he nodded, muttering to his daughter, "Alright, alright... I'll try to get you out without breaking it, okay? But I'm gonna need you to relax completely, okay? If your muscles are tense, you're only gonna press yourself more up against the bottle and make this so much more difficult..." He then sighed, reaching out one of his dark blue paws to carefully tilt the bottle over, and hold it in place. He couldn't have it rolling around all willy-nilly if he wanted to get Onyxkit out. Things would only get so much worse if she ended up getting sick in there.

With his paw set firmly on the lip of the bottle, Rhine then tried to stick his paw inside, attempting to hook it around one of Onyxkit's legs. It was a rather awkward way to pull her out, but considering she had gone in face first, he didn't have much of a choice. Taking a deep breath inward the legate muttered reassuringly before he moved any further, "I'm gonna try and get you out now, okay? Tell me if it hurts too much and we'll go over to plan b, alright? I'd rather try and find another bottle than have you get seriously hurt..." Once he was sure that she had heard him, he began to pull on her back legs with his paw, trying to yank her from the bottle and hopefully back out onto the comforting and familiar sand. At the same time, he tried to manipulate what air was left in the bottle, trying to make it shove Onyxkit out at the same time. He wasn't sure whether it would work or not, but it was worth a shot. He did have to say though, when he had first discovered his air elementals, this hadn't been how he imagined using them.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades