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LET IT GO | BLIZZARD - Printable Version

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LET IT GO | BLIZZARD - gael - 12-28-2020

It began overnight.  The temperature had seen a dip in recent days, but the Pittians had never known a truly frigid winter to prepare them -- finding it too easy to pass the change as a cold front temporarily relieving them from the heat of the day.

The dark clouds lingering overhead were what truly concerned the Ardent; the overcast days made for good hunting and relaxed patrols but promised a potential storm to come.  Gael had yet to see a true rainstorm over the desert -- perhaps one was overdue, but he preferred to be prepared.

Yet rain never arrived.  Rather, during the dead of night, as the Pitt slept, something often unseen among deserts began drifting from the sky.  White began to coat the sands.  A gentle snowfall seemed all that it was, until the wind began to pick up; turning that gentle snow into a harsh flurry, only growing in strength.

Gael rose with the wind -- the sudden slam of angry air currents against the walls of his treehouse enough to startle him awake.  He knew a storm when he felt one.  They had to move quickly to avoid the full force of what was to come.  "Get up, Lottie, we need to go to the temple!"

Grim and determined, the vulpine stepped onto the porch to the leading staircase below, squinting against the onslaught of flakes and ice.  His lungs stung in protest as he attempted to re-direct the wind surrounding his home, providing a clearer path down.

"Get to the White Temple!" He called against the wind, urging all those he ran into towards their best shelter.  Stocked with medical supplies, it was the most reliable place to wait out the blizzard -- the treehouses he feared could collapse under too much force, while the tunnels would be completely snowed in.


The Ardent stood resolute outside the White Temple, intent on ensuring everyone made it inside before the storm grew too strong -- he did not plan on losing anyone to a blizzard.

// This is the beginning of a extreme seasonal weather change for the Pitt -- where the desert will begin seeing colder winters before the return of spring and summer!  Following this blizzard, the territory will remain colder until the seasons change again
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: LET IT GO | BLIZZARD - Kold - 12-28-2020

The pittian woke to a harsh wind against her side. Cold snow forced her cooling body to get even cooler, and she moved sluggishly as she stood up. Over the winds, she heard Gael's call. Starting a fire under her paw, she started for the temple, nudging along others in her path. "We must go, we cannot get caught in the snow." She hushed toward a straggling elder, sticking to them until the two managed to the temple. Before entering the temple she canceled out the flame on her paw. She led the elder inside, then went to stand out alongside Gael. "Should we lose anyone in the snow, we will go and look." She nodded to Gael. It was not a question, but a promise.
[Image: zcjv34l8ek2z.jpg]
I LIVE INSIDE MY OWN WORLD OF MAKE-BELIEVE. Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities. SOME DAYS I FEEL SKINNIER THAN ALL THE OTHER DAYS. Sometimes I can't tell if my body belongs to me. I LOVE EVERYTHING. Fire spreading all around my room. MY WORLD'S SO BRIGHT. It's hard to breathe. BUT THAT'S ALRIGHT. HUSH.

Re: LET IT GO | BLIZZARD - SAINTKIT. - 12-31-2020

He is scared. Terrified. Petrified. Once again, only mere days after the deaths of his parents had left him rattled. Once again, it feels as though his world is crumbling down, but now he hasn't even had time to enjoy it.

The young kit had noticed the cold, of course. It would've been impossible for him not to, considering how vividly he could remember the unbearable heat that had greeted him upon his initial joining. He had hardly been able to keep himself upright then, and he would've been lying if he said he didn't enjoy the cold front, somewhat. It was a nice departure from the usual temperatures he had been faced with for the last few days, and it reminded him of the varying climates he had traveled through before. Unfortunately, it didn't seem as though things could just remain simple, and peaceful. He wasn't sure when exactly the snow had started up during the night, but by the time he was awakened by Gael's frantic shout, it was clear that something was wrong. The world was a blur of sickening white, so unbearable and overwhelming that the child stumbled slightly at the sight of it. Vaguely, he was able to hear Gael's voice over the howling winds, the ardent's tone urgent as he told everyone to go to the temple. The temple... he knew where that was. Didn't he? If it was a temple, it had to be big enough to be noticeable. But with all the snow... everything seemed so far away.

Saintkit felt paralyzed in place, his limbs unable to move as he felt the wind whip at his fur. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out, the feline rendered silent by the chill that had already begun to seep into his bones. Wearily, he could feel snow beginning to devour him, coming up over his paws, and then burying his legs with shocking efficiency. With a grunt, he felt his legs give out beneath him, chin colliding with freezing snow, and eyes drooping as he was struck with sudden tiredness. The child was sure that he wouldn't be able to go anywhere, already able to feel the blizzard burying him. Tears stung his bright purple eyes, and he managed to open his muzzle just enough to call out, weakly, "H... Help. Please... anyone? Something's wrong..." He felt so useless, and defenseless. What could he do? Was he going to die here, frozen over in a giant mound of snow? Had his parents sacrificed their lives for him, only for him to end up dying here?

Re: LET IT GO | BLIZZARD - aine. - 12-31-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
The cooler air had been a welcome change.  Nice.  Unsuspecting.  The thought of rain occurred, but no concept of snow.  Not here.  When the wind slammed against the window, the petite deer-fox scrambled up.  Frightened out of fitful sleep, paralyzed for a moment, before her father's command cut through.  The temple.

Her wings tremble at her side, legs shaky as she stumbled after him.  Only to falter for another's.  Quick to turn and rush for one who needed her.  "Saintkit!"  The world was white and loud and cold, but the druid would try to nudge him back onto his paws, stretching one of her wings over him as shelter against the falling snow. "I-I've got you.  I've got you."

But she knew they were both small.  And the snow relentless.  This wasn't a simple flurry but a building blizzard.  Aine took a sharp breath, turning her head towards the temple.  "Kold!" She thought she saw her.  Just for a moment.  Fire. Kold had... Fire.  The fleshweaver never thought she'd want a flame near her, but if it meant she could get Saintkit to safety...  "Kold! Da!"

Re: LET IT GO | BLIZZARD - j a c k . - 12-31-2020

It was as sudden as the winds turning harsh, the kodkod's own element comming into full swing. Ice bit and tore at the small frame of the deputy, the rattleing under his fur comming out staggered and harsh. Between breaths the decision was made and he released the feeling. Ice shot deeper and he let it out. Small form hearing the calls of his clan- in danger from such was nature to him- the dragon let out a rumble like a growl. Blinking between the sights to spot the healer and kitamungst the storm.

It was easy, laughably easy to gather them both under the shade of his own iced over wings. The dragon lived for this weather- as he was now in his element and breathed the same chill. There was no controlling it, even for his size, but he aimed to grab both of his smaller member's into his jaws and carry both [member=4817]aine.[/member]  and [member=16951]SAINTKIT.[/member] closer to the white temple. Letting them both go at the enterance where her would look back out, trying to spot anyone else in need of help

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO[/glow]

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]AND SAW IT THROUGH WITHOUT EXEMPTION[/glow]

Re: LET IT GO | BLIZZARD - SAINTKIT. - 01-04-2021

It was cold. So cold, and so loud. The wind was whipping all around the child, further rendering him mute and useless as he sank deeper and deeper into the snow. He heard Aine's cry, and he could faintly feel her nudging at his side, trying to help him up and out of the frozen prison he had fallen into. However, it was just so hard for him to move. His paws flailed weakly against the snow, tiny claws outstretched as he rambled, teeth chattering, "I c-can't... I can't do it. Go on wi... wi-without me, Aine." His voice was desperate, the kit unwilling to lose yet another parental figure because of how weak he was.

Thankfully, salvation came in the form of Jack, a large shadow passing over both Saint and Aine, causing the orange kit's head to snap up in confusion. He let out a startled noise as he was lifted up into the other's jaws, twisting and swinging his limbs out in various different directions. Jack's grip was strong, however, and Saintkit was eventually placed back down on his paws, close to the entrance of the temple. He immediately shrank back inside, shivering almost violently as he looked to Aine. His eyes were wide and startled as he spoke to her, confused, "Who... who was that?" In addition to his fear, his body was also still trembling because of the cold, his legs still lightly covered in snow clinging onto him.

Re: LET IT GO | BLIZZARD - aine. - 01-07-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Go without?  Go without?  The druid refused.  "Absolutely not," she argued against the wind, stubborn to keep trying until she got him to safety.  Saintkit was in her care.  She wasn't going to leave him in the snow.  Never.

She could try rigging them shelter, manipulate the earth... Something... Her mind raced, even as a shadow fell over.  Hazel hues blinked, then sharpened in focus and recognition.  Jack.  Dieu merci.  He had the strength and size to carry them both  Even if being lifted brought a new fear to the petite deer-fox, it was better than lingering in the snow.

Her breath is shaky in relief, nudging Saintkit further into the temple, offering her body as support, as she spoke.  "Th-that's Jack.  He's our Imperator. I- I don't think the cold bothers him much."

"Merci...  Jack, Kold, ple-please be careful," she called back out, conscious of how both kept their eyes beyond.  Watching.  Waiting to help anyone else.  They could handle themselves, of course but... She didn't want to lose either of them to a storm.

Her eyes lingered on her father too.  Antsy.  He shouldn't stay in the cold long either... Her teeth caught the inside of her cheek.  He wouldn't come in until he was sure about everyone else.  She knew that.  "Co-come on Saintkit, it'll be warmer inside."