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turn into a graveyard packed with hearses {{ power discovery - Printable Version

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turn into a graveyard packed with hearses {{ power discovery - Alexandre - 12-27-2020

Blue waves paraded across the shore, their subtle white fizz caressing the sand and the paws laid within. As the soft feeling of the ocean grazed his chest, the feline let out a soft sigh. A sense of tranquility breached him. His chin lowered into his paws. Orange hues traced the horizon, noting the stars in the distance twinkling within the night. For a moment, he closed his eyes. Alexandre's head throbbed, but he kept himself afloat as the world began to fade. The reverberations of his own thoughts brought comfort. With time, the environment around him had gone silent and there was nothing for Alexandre to acknowledge besides his mind and it's deep, intriguing notions.

As the rambling of his thoughts collided together, anxiety began to swell inside his chest. The worry of the world around him dwindled into view. His mothers. His siblings. The Coalition of the Condemned's control. It all alluded to his internalized stressors and soon Alexandre was spiraling. Alone and without someone to confide in, the boy let his mind wander to eventually discover his subconscious intentions and fears. What laid within, despite his own confidence and exploratory personality, caused him to recoil. The idea of death manifested in his head. Roxanne. Diya. Goldenluxury. Torsten. His family. Existential dread and horror for the future caused him to get flustered.

'What happens if they... D̵̫̿͑͐̽͐̈Í̵̪̪̩̯̖͂̀͛Ȩ̴̨̛̘̪̫̣̼́͊̄? Where...? Ẁ̴̲̗͗h̵̛͚͛ÿ̵̥ ̵̦̃ṁ̸̬è̵̲̪͝'? Who... M̶̘̟͊̽͠O̷̖͐N̸͎͔͆̑͆̑̓͆͑ͅŜ̸̢̙̫͉͊T̵̻̎̆́͗̌E̴̜̣̖̬̞̅͛̆́R̵͈̹̺͔̼͚͚̟̻͆͒̎̿̓̉̀̀͘. What if...?'





Alexandre had reached his breaking point... but his damning introspection continued. With a shiver running down his spine and tears beginning to form within his eyes, his gaze shot open. The light of the lighthouse blinded his vision. Orange hues squeezed shut in protest and a ragged hiss left the kitten. A moment later, he retried, but the rotating light of the tall building and the stars above only remained a persevering blur.

His claws unsheathed, digging into the floor as he dove further into his thoughts. He began to tremble in his spot. The waves mixed with sand brushing against his paws began to feel like glass scraping against his skin. He blindly shuffled backwards. The feeling persisted. Alexandre jolted backwards, jagged bits of rocks rolling across his skin as he did so, causing him to keel over. As he collided with the floor, pain shot throughout his body. A agonizing yell left him.

The call of his voice caused the life of the beach to awake. The clattering of talons and wretched flapping of wings started to arise in the distance. Their wicked wave of wings echoed in his ears. As seagulls ascended into the sky and encircled around him, their squawks filled the silence of the night. Alexandre pressed into the floor and with a desperate scream, he pushed his paws over his flattened ears. They were too loud. Too much.

Cowering in the floor, his body remained still. With every movement, breath, and touch, the environment pressed into him. Tears streamed down his cheeks and Alexandre pushed his head into the sand, urgently wishing for his release from this overwhelming environment. A soft cry left him.

"What's going on?"

// tl:dr; He's gaining enhanced senses for a future plot/condition. Your character can find him on the beach, screaming and pleading, unable to assess what's going on. Everything seems fine... but he's in pain? Strange.

Re: turn into a graveyard packed with hearses {{ power discovery - Lokisaurus - 12-27-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]FOR YOU, I'D BLEED MYSELF DRY, IT'S TRUE — 。+゚.[/glow]
Pearl was the first to discover the younger cat.  Cats had a strong sense of hearing to begin with so it was not hard for Alexandre's cries of pain to reach the old tabby's ears.  Pearl had a bit of medical training from years ago, but he could sense that this was no ordinary pain.  This was not to say that Pearl knew of Alexandre's developing power - he had no idea - rather, Pearl came to the more mundane conclusion that the kitten was experiencing some sort of sensory meltdown.

Pearl looked towards the rolling waves that crashed feebly into the sand about a foot away from them and then to the seagulls that had taken off.  The amount of sound was probably a trigger, along with the feeling of the surf on the young cat's body.  Pearl's face twisted into a mask of concern and thought.  It was unwise to touch a child suffering from an overload but there was no other way to remove the stimulus...

He took the risk.  The cat moved to nudge the child into action.  "Come on, kid, let's get you somewhere quiet, hm?  Maybe with a nice, heavy, safe blanket and some un-salty water?"  He tried to keep his voice low and rumbly so as not to overwhelm the youngster anymore than needed.

template credit to guppy

Re: turn into a graveyard packed with hearses {{ power discovery - Keona. - 12-28-2020

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Ever since she could walk, the tiny wildcat heard and felt more than perhaps most.  Sensitive to every little sound.  The slightest touch.  Vibrations.  Perhaps to make up for her inability to see.

She didn't know her senses to be 'enhanced' in anyway.  Thought she was perfectly normal for a girl born blind.  Even though thunder could shake her to very core and she couldn't always handle the overwhelming patter of rain on the tavern roof.  Figured she was just a little more sensitive to those things.

Keona heard the cry.  Then the clamor of flapping wings.  Sharp enough to draw her ears down, startled by the sudden volume of both.  Teeth caught the inside of her cheek as the petite dealer scrambled up to her paws and took towards the source.  She came to a quiet halt besides Pearlcatcher, the tip of her tail twitching to and fro with antsy energy.  A sensory overload?

Uncertain, the fae took a soft step back.  Unwilling to crowd.  She hated being crowded and she didn't want to make Alexandre feel worse. "Alexandre," she murmured gently, keeping her voice low.  "You're okay.  It's okay."

"Your moms can help, yeah?  We can take you home.  Get everything quiet."

Re: turn into a graveyard packed with hearses {{ power discovery - Simon F.M. - 12-29-2020

Keona;s offer would not be needed as one of his mothers approached, perhaps the best one for the situation. Her eyes landing on her struggling son and her heart ached. She quickly came to a similar conclusion as the dealer, though she suspected she knew the roots. She wouldn't be surprised if it was the vampire within him developing, new abilities spiking.

She came forward slowly, careful not to grow too close and crowd. Her eyes landed on Pearlcatcher and she gave a small shake of her head, hoping they caught the signal to back away. She would lay herself flat before her son, face a foot from his. She'd lay a paw forward, offering but not touching. "Mon soleil, dear, I'm here," she cooed softly.

Re: turn into a graveyard packed with hearses {{ power discovery - ROXANNE R. - 12-29-2020

It didn't take long until the draconic feline made her way over with an expression of worry on her face, she didn't seem to hesitate in making sure that her screaming child was alright. She approached the small group with both ears pressed flat against her cranium, she drew near Diya with a small frown still present on her maw trying to figure out what was overwhelming her son. His wailing was enough to overwhelm her, she knew that something was wrong with her genetics since Trygve and Jaime had grown scales... Jaime had died and Trygve had turned into a gigantic draconid beast, it made her wonder if he would stay like that or if he would change back to a jaguar.

But she pushed those thoughts away as she looked at Alexandre with a softened gaze, she would speak gently "We're here, sweetheart... Take steady breaths, mi amor."

Re: turn into a graveyard packed with hearses {{ power discovery - michael t. - 12-29-2020

Sensory overloads were something that Michael knew well, although they had mostly happened when he was younger. It was hard not to get overwhelmed when he was just a kit, struggling to survive with his father's disdainful gaze and sharp claws as a constant threat over his head. Most of the time, his young panic had evolved into outright panic attacks and sensory overload, and he had shoved himself into the smallest corner of his old home. He could remember the way that his entire body had trembled, and every scrape of claws against floorboards and brush of chilled winds had only ever made things worse. He was amazed that he had survived those days, especially back when he had been in the moment. He had fully expected himself to die in that house, either from his father's actions, or because he failed to catch his breath after a particularly vicious panic attack. Thankfully, he had survived. He had made it through his childhood, and he had ended up escaping into a life that he now loved dearly. Of course, he had never dealt with the circumstances that Alexandre was currently dealing with – he had never been plagued with advanced senses – but it had certainly felt that way, whenever he was having an overload.

A frantic call from the shore is what caused Michael to raise his head, the bobcat flicking an ear as he got up and slipped put of his hut. He wasn't sure of how much help he would really be, considering he wasn't a medic, but he could still try to offer some support. Thankfully, he was far from the first one there, so it didn't seem as though he would have to help Alexandre out alone. He eventually came to a seat just a bit behind Roxie, a faint frown pulling at his muzzle. He hesitated for a moment before he spoke, his ears flattening against his skull as he gritted out, "I've had days like this, when I was younger... but I never had so many people looking to help me. I hope that he feels better..." He didn't know what else to say, his words mostly directed at those around Alexandre. After another long moment of hesitation, he decided to address Alexandre directly, the dealer's voice softening, "You'll... you'll be alright, you know. I know it feels like you won't get through this, right now, but you will. It's hard, but it's manageable, I promise." Of course, he had never gone through the sort of overload that Alexandre was experiencing. Despite this, he sincerely did hope that the other got through it, and didn't fall apart. He didn't deserve that, and neither did Diya or Roxie.

Re: turn into a graveyard packed with hearses {{ power discovery - Alexandre - 01-18-2021

A paw nudged him forward. Pearlcatcher tried his best, but Alexandre tensed into the floor and refused to move. With a soft groan, he tried to raise up from the floor and open his eyes, only to shoot back down and continue to shake. The thump of approaching pirates rushed forward. His tremors grew as they piled in. Conversation broke out. Their voices. They rang in his head. Tones collided. He couldn't figure out who was who while their phrases muddled with the nature's call. The kitten pressed his head further into the sand. His ears pointed downwards, trying to tune out the culmination of their worries.

The boy started to slowly traverse away from the sound, vibrating as he shuffled away, but the voices followed and the flapping of wings around him failed to stop. Too much. Too much. "Mom, Madre..." he softly cried, hopelessly unaware they were one of the few voices present. "I need... help." He needed quiet. The dark. Something that wouldn't torture him.

Paws stumbled forward as Alexandre shuffled to his feet. Eyes beginning to slowly open, squinting out into the bright sky. Orange hues scanned the skyline quickly. Successfully finding the southern horizon, he blindly rushed forward into the distance and flew away towards the Crystal Caverns.
