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Why can't we all be friends // May leader meeting - Printable Version

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Why can't we all be friends // May leader meeting - jacob w.c. - 05-15-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — At first, Jacob had started arranging this meeting in the tunnels but then decided against it. Obviously he didn't mind Deniz visiting but he didn't know the other two well and his experiences with Tanglewood had been less than pleasant in the past. He'd still managed to keep Snowbound from the impending conflict but he didn't like the idea of anyone just knowing how to waltz into their camp. So, he found an old cabin. He didn't dare to start the fire but he did find a way to turn on the lights and he set blankets and pillows around the entire room. He made different types of pasta and sauces and snacks. They may as well eat if they were going to be talking. Besides, Jacob knew he'd be stressed and he'd probably eat most of the pasta. Deniz would be here, though, so he couldn't get too crazy.

Honestly, Jacob was anxious about seeing all of them. Deniz because he wasn't quite sure where their relationship stood. They certainly weren't just friends anymore but maybe it'd all only happened because Pincher had been kind of drunk at the time. It was just a kiss. That probably didn't mean anything to someone like Pincher. It sure seemed like it had, though. Then there was Beck. He'd only met the ghost once but that had been quite enough. He went to them with an idea and gifts and he'd been plainly turned away. It didn't seem like they were interested in interacting with anyone and they certainly didn't like the Typhoon, which Jacob expected would soon become a problem. Then there was Starry. The man seemed nice enough, from what he'd heard, but they'd never met and he hoped he wouldn't think he was unbecoming. From what he'd heard, the Ascendents seemed the most similar to Snowbound but he hadn't yet had the opportunity to interact with them much.

In any case, he wanted to make a good impression. So, he made the little cabin looks as cozy as possible with, of course, had cups of Snowbound's signature hot coco. He had got his newest sweater out, which was a bright yellow, and put on the bandages that were adorned with little blue jays, his favorite type of bird. He had paced around for quite some time until he heard the first knock at the door. He hadn't wanted to keep it open, wanting to keep the cold air out. The husky made his way over with a deep breath and opened the door with a wide smile. "Hi! Feel free ta' come in!" —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Why can't we all be friends // May leader meeting - Starrynight ! - 05-15-2018

//poor jacob,,, beck and starry don’t eat or drink

Starrynight was becoming a little apprehensive about the monthly meetings that seemed to have become the norm amongst the leaders. Leigh wouldn’t be there this time. He’d heard a little about his replacement- a husky named Jacob. That was all he knew, though. He wasn’t looking forward to the next fight between Pincher and Beck. But there was always hope, right?

As he crossed the terrain towards the cabin, - this was the right one, right? - his cheeks puffed out with a sigh. The Ascendants never shorted him of things to do. In fact, the list only ever seemed to increase. Not to mention the politics. But he would keep his head high, no matter how hard it got! He could trust his members to stand behind him through any kind of trouble. Of that he was certain.

Pausing at the door, his forepaw, rippling and pulsing softly with that ever-present purple-y pink aura, he knocked on it softly. ”Is anybody in there? This is the place for the meeting, right?” The Seraph pushed the door open to peer through the crack. Warm smells greeted him, drawing the milky feline inside. Oh, was that him? ”Are you Jacob? It’s a pleasure to meet you! I’m Starrynight, leader of the Ascendants.” He took a seat on the floor.


Re: Why can't we all be friends // May leader meeting - beck. - 05-15-2018

    Aw, Becky, do we have to? We could just kill 'em all instead, slit their throats and no one would hear 'em scream! A tempting offer but it would be a waste of his time to even think about the other leaders -- and considering he had an eternity of time, it was saying a lot. Beck could only silence the whining demands inside his skull, staring down at nothing as he trudged knee-deep through snow. To pass the time, he did entertain the impossibility of murder, earning a deranged smirk splitting across his disfigured maw. Jacob and Starry were easy picking, and he didn't even need to worry about Pincher, although his neck would take a couple swipes to saw through. That scumsucker would be the first to go, and from there it would be a bloodfest. He wondered if Starry's glittery blood would stain more than regular crimson. A bloodcurdling snicker wracked his gaunt figure, until he snapped out of his trance and glared up at a wooden door.

      The boy didn't wait to be let in; when did anyone open the door for him anyways? Slipping through the wooden panels of the cabin itself thanks to an intangible body, Beck lurked in nonexistence for a while, unseen eyes burning into a pacing Jacob's back until the bumbling husky moved to open the door. Upon Starrynight's cheerful arrival, the poltergeist revealed himself, materializing in the corner of the cabin with an incoherant grumble. Flickering back into sight, the first thing Beck did was purposely smear muddy pawprints over the wooden floor and slouch back against the wall, scarred arms crossed over his shallow chest and lantern-like glare catching the firelight as he scowled back at the two leaders without a word. A twinge of jealousy stabbed through his being at the sight of the offered beverages, pinprick pupils snapping to Jacob accusingly. Accidental exclusion at its finest, and not only in the allied sense.

Re: Why can't we all be friends // May leader meeting - PINCHER - 05-19-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Unlike Beck or Starrynight, Pincher had been eager to be in a meeting since he had not gone to the previous one. Even if it had been in his territory, the male had not cared much for it and instead, had desired to focus on other more important matters for he knew what would mainly happen in every meeting that connected the four leaders together. The commander of Tanglewood would be glowering in some musty corner, The seraph of the Ascendants would probably be mingling decently with the chief of Snowbound, and the captain? He would either be bickering and clashing heads with the little shit stain from the swamp area or he would focus on Jacob since Leigh was no longer the one that looked over Snowbound. His thoughts danced inside his head on the curiosity of what had happened to the large unicorn, rather missing the male since he had been quite interesting in the eyes of Pincher. They lingered at the back of his skull as the male pushed onward against the dense surface of bone white snow, the soft crunching opposite of the lazy splashes of water he was used to. The temptation to melt a path to the nearby cabin was growing but he decided against it, his energy rather low due to the traveling and all the recent shit he was currently working on. Besides, as he grew nearer, his mindset shifted to being able to see Jacob again though their relationship was one of mixed confusion.

His sea glass blue eyes fluttered upwards when his sleek angled ears caught the sound of a door opening, managing to catch the figure of Jacob and Starrynight, the seraph entering. Pincher wasn't sure if Beck had arrived or not but guessed he would be given an answer when he reached the cabin. As the tall onyx colored doberman reached the destination, the captain decided not to knock and instead simply push open the door with a gust of bone-chilling wind pressing against his back as he walked in, upper lip curling in disgust of the cold. His short pelt wasn't one that mixed well with a frozen wonderland but Pincher didn't really like wearing coats or anything of that sorts, it only made him feel stuffy. His electric blue gaze first flickered towards Jacob before bouncing to the ivory form of Starrynight and then as he predicted as he rotated his head ever so slightly to the side, the smaller form of Beck. He allowed a cool magnetic smirk trace his lips as he chewed softly on the end of a cigarette, using his back leg to kick the door closed.

"What's up, fuckers. Hope y'all are doing swell..." Pincher commented with a low rumbling chuckle tickling his throat as the canine stalked past Beck and Starrynight. His eyes briefly fluttered back to Jacob as he passed the husky, the smile faintly faltering as he felt a sudden pressure of tension but he simply turned back to the food that Jacob had decided to bring for the meeting. Pincher began to chew the cigarette in his mouth before swallowing it, a horrible habit that his doctor warned him to quit but Pincher was too focused on trying the food to care. He stepped forward to bite down on a small cookie, tiny crumbs popping in the air before falling on the ground in front of Pincher. His eyes drew over to Beck as he chewed, a wicked glint of devilish amusement dancing in his eyes. Well, this would certainly be fun.
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