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try as you might // hunting - Printable Version

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try as you might // hunting - Grimm - 12-26-2020

Beneath the dense and interwoven canopy suspended well above distant concept grown illumination, filter of still needles breaking each beam apart until mere pinpricks adorned the dark ground. Lacking snow in abundance that adorned shore beyond, gentle the dusting atop aerial roots and discarded needles, withered leaves among crackling with each step. Forgotten winter almost, relative peace surrounding in a haze of earthen hues. Or, at the least, may have been if the air did not hold tight to a chill.

Outward thin coat bushed, still the frigid air carded through those fine strands, dug into delicate skin below. Back and forth the length of his tail flicked, similar the state in which it bristled, annoyance worn apparent along silver and ivory countenance. On did he continue despite it all, beneath those twisted and entangled boughs treading with a set desire. Soon enough may he discard the nursery, the subterranean housing grown too small for those who needed it, caretakers and wards alike grown short as each child grew further. Too long such, however, each morning arising with a bright flare of shimmering golden light only further reminder more must pass before his time arrived.

Movement halted, above the soil paw hovering, stopped mid step. Back and forth ears moved, an angle sought that may assist in pinpointing where slight rustle had originated from. Hope dissipated with a heavy sigh as silence prevailed, once more his futile search begun. Rather idiotic his plan overall, the notion he may prove himself and thus be elevated early wishful thinking, yet still prior offer lingered in his thoughts. Unexpected, and all too much, the chance to claim a rank above his station, the excitement and terror a potent mix that caused instant denial. Now regret gnawed at his stomach, chance whisked away for he had not understood the implications. Time enough would there be for such, and lie would it be to say Foam cared for any such power that was tied to the rank, he simply wished to be freed from the restrictions about his current days.

Once more the undergrowth moved and his thoughts shifted, body acting before assessment may be performed. Welcome the influx of life that populated the twisted woodlet as the unexpected storm dissipated and time was permitted to prepare once more for winter, though meagre the number still. All the same it seemed desperate, or simply a fool, the rabbit that was adorned in a splotchy coat, brown losing out to the white steadily taking hold. Lax was it, stretched out upon the soil with no movement to show it lived still, the lack of blood confusing as closer did the kitten crawl, belly scrapping along the earth. Outward paw stretched and he lightly prodded at the animal, back jumping a few steps when it did not move.

"Hello…?" His voice rang out, a ringing sound echoing off the silent trunks clustered about, response given only in a harsh croaking call. The moments passed and, lacking substantial reason to believe the creature had been a product of a hunt, taken was the supposedly open prize. Awkward his hold, the rabbit near enough his own size it dragged and legs entangled with his own, harsh puffs escaping his nose and strained groans muffled by the fur in his mouth. For a time he seemed well and fine, no challenge was made, until once more the harsh cry sounded.

Darkness all he saw, wings buffeting his head, sharp the pressure about ear tip roughly tugging. Dropped his load and outward paws blindly struck, a raucous call heralding the departure of what he realised to be a bird. About did Foam look, briefly heartened to see how snow gathered thick about where the trees thinned and the light cast a glare against the ivory, yet still was it a fair distance to travel with the rabbit. Taking hold once more he hurried as quickly as his little legs and waning energy may allow, yet once more was forced to stop with his own shout as the bird took another chance at driving him off. Futile it's attempts, over the top of the prey Foam positioning himself, the fur along his spine bristling as he hissed at the bird in retreat once more. There they were left, the disgruntled crow watching from up high as the kitten waited, claws kneading the soil as both grew reluctant to act first.
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i think that's a burn but we seldom learn, you know fire's too strict a teacher, stoking up the coal with another pull silence and smoke poured out, but there'll be time in distant days, time enough for me to shape my ways where my ambitions lift my indifference and no more of the day is a waste
code by Wisker

Re: try as you might // hunting - RHINESTONE. - 01-01-2021

With all that had gone on in Rhinestone's life, especially during the last few months, it would've been difficult for the legate to remember what his first hunt was like. It had been so many months ago, when he had still been so small and clumsy, his inexperience showing with every step that more threw him forward, rather than carefully pressed him forth. He had tried to start off with aquatic hunting, figuring that his natural aptitude towards swimming would provide him with an advantage over the others who wished to become their own best apprentice selves. However, he had been foolish then. He had floundered in the water, struggling to maintain a balance between not letting himself drown while also trying to dive down and cling to his prey. All he ended up doing was flailing downward, scaring off any potential catches before he was forcibly dragged up by his mentor, a scolding tone in their voice. Of course, now, such a long time later, the male was well aware of what he had been doing wrong. He knew exactly what he needed to do to catch things underwater nowadays, and he even had his own techniques. He also knew that everyone needed to go through that learning process, and they needed to be able to make mistakes.

With all that in mind, Rhine hadn't particularly expected to have to worry about Foamkit's trials and errors just yet. After all, the other still wasn't old enough to become a discens, and although it was obvious that the boy had ambition, he was still only a child. Honestly, he really shouldn't have been out of camp as much as he was nowadays, but the legate just didn't have it in his heart to demand that the other stay in one place. Besides, he knew that trying such a thing would be a fool's errand. Caretakers in the past had tried repeatedly to get Foam to slow down, and not rush things. However, the little feline had always managed to find a way to escape, slipping from camp with surprising stealth. It would've made Rhinestone proud, if it weren't for the fact that it filled him with anxiety, as well. He had really hoped that, even with all of Foam's grandiose plans, the other would be able to wait until he was old enough to properly get a mentor. After all, it was only a short amount of time until the ceremony would come, only less than two weeks. In spite of this, it seemed as though Foamkit would not be satisfied until he managed to impress everyone, and be ahead of the pack.

The presence of Foam's scent leading out of camp wasn't exceedingly surprising to Rhinestonestar, although the serval still found himself sighing as he climbed the ramp of sand out onto the open beach. He had been planning on going for a swim, but considering where Foamkit's scent led, he decided that could wait. Taking a deep breath inward and letting the scent lead him along, Rhine followed in the boy's footsteps, like a worried father traveling after the clue trail of his son. Before long, the tom's long legs and unimpeded path proved to be a boon, as he caught up to Foam in a much faster time than the other had achieved making it there in the first place. Upon spotting the other, Rhine couldn't help but be slightly stunned, staring down at the rabbit that Foam was clinging to, and protecting. It was impressive, but still, there was a chance it wasn't what it seemed. In addition to that, the sharp call of a crow from above caused Rhinestone's head to snap up, frowning when he saw the jet black annoyance nearby. With a huff, the male reached up and gestured with a paw, trying to use his air elementals to knock the annoying onlooker away. Whether this worked or not, Rhine would then turn to Foamkit, questioning curiously, "Foam...? That's... an impressive find. Did you manage to catch that all on your own?" Rhinestone had his doubts, considering the lack of blood on the prey's pelt, but he wanted to give a chance for Foam to tell his story.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades