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HOPE FAILS | joiner - Printable Version

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HOPE FAILS | joiner - Lokisaurus - 12-25-2020

Aubree Southwind was a sight to behold.  Once an elegant dog, a racer, a beauty amongst her peers, Aubree was now a wraith and a wretch.  Her coat, which once shined as brightly as freshly fallen snow, was now dull and ashy.  Her flesh was shredded from her body, hanging so as to show bone and muscle that she much rather have kept private.  Parts of her flesh were seared, blackened, and covered in old scars - nasty old things.  But what was she to do.  She was cursed with this wretched existence and she couldn't change it, so those who had to interact with her would have to deal with her visage.

The sighthound had been around with no formal introduction, a ghost on the outskirts of partially civilized society.  With the Coalition's recent spike of activity, Aubree figured there was no better time to join in on the festivities.  So, with her head held high and her flesh as clean as she could make it, she padded into the throng of the group and waited for a formal greeting.
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Re: HOPE FAILS | joiner - rhosmari - 12-28-2020

''And you are?'' The woman approached with a keen eye on whoever this was that decided to just waltz into their domain. She was unsure of what the other wanted given the circumstances and with all hell breaking loose around here it was best she kept her guard up. But by the way that she looked it mostly appeared as if this was a walking corpse. She had seen those before, one disgusting maggot had twisted one of her mother's bodies to look similar in a way and she scorned that thing. Still she was happy to say that at least some things were calming down, some. But to a degree where she was happy or that things were okay here. This nothing spit of an island was still haphazard with little food and she often found herself going to claim the prey that they still held in Elysium. Thank the stars they still had that group under their control, considering they were small and pointless anyway. No one was running to their aid she saw which was interesting. Tanglewood and the Typhoon seemed to only care about themselves but she would be damned if she didn't strike them back on her own terms. Not during this crumbling of their empire. ''Speak up, you're on Coalition lands.''

Re: HOPE FAILS | joiner - TIMBRE. - 12-28-2020

It was a disdainful sight, and timbre hungered at the story there at the edge of his awareness. The stranger looked harrowed, tired and lonesome, there was a confidence, a swagger that Timbre was instantly put on guard about, and as his sister stepped up to greet the other Timbre slinked into the conversation with a similar sense of guard.

"You've been here a while it would seeme, but you're only now stepping up to introduce yourself." It was a statement, beyond the smell of... dirt and rolling rot, there was the scent of home on her, not any lingerings of a loner, just an outsider finally stepping up to make a move, to join the clan properly- instead of leeching off of their resources. It was a statement, but there was room for the other to eplxain themselves, a silent question in the lion's own words.

"Name's Tim," he offered his own name into consideration, stepping around Sojourn's words while still demanding the same thing why are you here. He was, cuirous- enough to curb his own more volatile reaction- as it would've been- otherwise.

Re: HOPE FAILS | joiner - Lokisaurus - 01-02-2021

"Yes,"  Aubree drawled, taking a moment to assess both of the members of the Coalition.  Though she gave no introduction for herself, she took note of the name she was given.  A common name, perhaps for commonfolk.  Beneath the surface, names and titles were nothing more than markers of your past - indentifiers upon gravestones and tokens to cling onto as your soul searched for release from the mortal plane.  "This land, or at least, the earth beneath this land, has been my home for many years.  I was awoken by a tremor of sorts and the stench of breathing souls."

She paused a moment, if for effect more than anything.  It was good to finally have a chance to speak now that she was no longer trapped within the recesses of a weathered grave. 

"I believe you are still taking recruits for some war effort in order to find a more suitable home for your people, regardless of the status of their earthly confinement.  Do you have a training hall by any chance or do you wrestle in the mud like cats?"
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Re: HOPE FAILS | joiner - rhosmari - 01-04-2021

Her eyes narrowed slightly, lightly stepping back as her brother showed up. She had never been good with strangers and joiners alike. Just something that she had to work on she guessed. But everyone held a level of suspicion for her to some degree. As the other talked she snorted, been living in the earth. Sounded like a sad existence to her. And what in the world did she mean by breathing souls? Those that were alive? Regardless she found the strange woman weird. The blue tinged ghoul never once gave up her name and she was debating on it now. Tapping her claws against the sand caked earth as she continued to listen to Tim before he gave his introduction. Right. Wresting in the mud like cats. "Well most of us are big felines, so I guess so." She alos spoke the words sarcastically before she flicked her eyes up to the new comer.

"We still need a name from you if you are looking to join. Expect it actually." With ease she gave a fake smile as she sat down, waiting psitently for the other to give it. They could always use more members rather it was for their war or for other means.