Beasts of Beyond
Noble Barque I Steer / O; Joining - Printable Version

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Noble Barque I Steer / O; Joining - SirDio - 12-25-2020

The large wolf, from his one-man ship given to him by the collective of his old fleet, locked eyes with the shores. Tropical. Winter Surge hung at his side, an old war-horn on his other. A deep sigh left the grizzled wolf, noticing the wreckage that seemed to have taken hold of the lands. Once a fair distance from the shore, he dropped the anchor into the water and waited for the boat to lurch into a stop. Then he took the horn and blew into it with a mighty noise, knowing it would alert the natives of the beaches.

Not willing to wait, he threw himself over the edge and landed in the water, moving toward the shore with ease. Setting his paws on dry sand, he looked toward the group that had begun to encroach on him, knowing they weren't too keen on a stranger arriving. But he only shook his head and smiled. "Such hostility. Who leads this group here, or do you all lead each other? Come now, lower your guard, I come alone." His deep voice boomed, causing the group to stop in their tracks. Seeing this, he rumbled a laugh. After all, he could somewhat understand - this massive hunk of a wolf just swam to their shores from his own ship. They had some room to be a bit spooked.

//Post Raid, if that's okay.//

Sköll Lokrun - The Typhoon - Penned by Astral
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Noble Barque I Steer / O; Joining - Lokisaurus - 12-25-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]FOR YOU, I'D BLEED MYSELF DRY, IT'S TRUE — 。+゚.[/glow]
Among the throng of oglers was Pearlcatcher, who merely looked on the scene with slight bemusement.  How odd it was to see a creature suited to a wintry climate among the tropics.  This wolf no doubt realized this as well - he didn't seem like an idiot at least - but Pearl couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the heat that poor wolf was suffering through under the thick coat.

"No guard here, handsome stranger, just a grumpy old tabby trying to enjoy a beach day.  Our captain is a bit busy at the moment, but I'm sure I could finagle up a hearty welcome for you in exchange for a woman and a bottle of something dusty and strong." Pearl was joking, of course, and he prefaced his little greeting with a lop-sided, cheeky grin.  "All that and also your name, of course."

template credit to guppy

Re: Noble Barque I Steer / O; Joining - SirDio - 12-25-2020

The hefty wolf turned to look at Pearlcatcher, inclining his head in a small nod of greeting as the old tom talked. He smirked, then let out a chuckle deep enough to shatter a mountain. "I'm afraid that the only thing I could pass as a woman would be my Winter Surge," He motioned to the battle axe, "And she doesn't change hands easily. As for my name, it is Sköll. It's only fair I ask of your name, good man." He returned the grin, for the time ignoring the heat that built up against his back and seeping into his fur. Man, if he was gonna stay here he would have to get it cut, and he knew she liked his fur long. Just imagine if she were to show up on the island and see him with shorter fur. He almost shuddered at the image of her wrath.

Sköll Lokrun - The Typhoon - Penned by Astral
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Noble Barque I Steer / O; Joining - Lokisaurus - 12-25-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]FOR YOU, I'D BLEED MYSELF DRY, IT'S TRUE — 。+゚.[/glow]
"Pearlcatcher."  Was the simple reply.  "Would you like a tour or does you ship also have legs to explore the land?"  The cat gave the newcomer a rusty purr, a friendly gesture.  He wouldn't be too offended if Skoll declined the offer as he was new himself, but Pearl did like to share his knowledge whenever he could.

Somewhere far beyond the ship that Skoll had come from, a seagull called out to its brethren.  Pearl thought briefly of his long-forgotten crew far away from here, a group of rag-tag scholars and sailors that had been lost to the waves years before.  Maybe another sailor would do him good.

template credit to guppy

Re: Noble Barque I Steer / O; Joining - Grimm - 12-26-2020

"It would do well for you to not make such a racket." Once soft the lilt that had grown sharp against tongue housed in frigid silver, yet low still, a volume barely escaping the confinements of a murmur. Unkind time to child once graced by lenses dipped in rose, taunt still the draw, however, wings pulled to sides even as head arose in mockery of courage. The urge was present, to flare their growing width and bind herself in pale rose blush, escape a world reduced to shifting shade and light, a pair of washed out ink blots the two standing upon fine grained shoreline.

Regarded, as best she may which lead to glance sliding over empty space before touching on shoulder or forehead rather than intended placement, for a moment each in due turn, stranger both though to be expected. How long had she wallowed, locked away in a small abode rotting alongside the flowers she had allowed to become her life, the world continuing even as she refused. Such thoughts useless, and thus discarded with a flick of an ear, the larger once more receiving a rather off the mark glance.

"You must excuse us for the welcome, you will understand later," explanation lacking, though lightened her tone as the atmosphere grew cordial, apparent grown no further battle would be occurring. "If you have need of anything simply call for a Roux, there is that many of us I'm no longer certain who is not one." Gentle the smile that curled upon her lips, light the laughter allowed to trail after. Of course lacking the name for one such as Pearlcatcher, though preferred her chances of merely deeming him one, their family seemed a plagued beset on most well established groups.
[Image: ezgif-3-3eac18844960.gif]
We woke up to the thunder we huddled under covers, we didn't say anything, if you hadn't come over I would be so much colder, I would be much less confused. and then the water came and washed it all away, it left me with nothing to say. could not believe my eyes I could not recognise your face in the rubble
code by Wisker

Re: Noble Barque I Steer / O; Joining - michael t. - 12-29-2020

Under normal circumstances, a newcomer would be an exciting and welcome sight for The Typhoon. In a way, it was still an exciting sight, but Michael wasn't quite sure how welcome it was anymore. After everything that they had gone through with the Coalition, it was understandable that everybody was a bit on edge. Despite this, the thief tried to keep a welcoming grin on his muzzle as he made his way over, coming to settle beside Eulia. The jewelry covered bobcat dug his claws briefly into the sand, small tail twitching behind him as he spoke, "Nice to meet you there... Sköll? I hope that I'm pronouncing that right. Not really used to associating with vikings... at least not many." Viking culture was certainly appreciated within The Typhoon, but that didn't mean that everyone was a viking, and Michael certainly hadn't heard many viking-esque names before he had joined.

Glancing between both Eulia and Pearlcatcher, the dealer briefly dug his teeth into the inside of his cheek, wincing at the sudden pinch. Even after several months, he still wasn't used to his extra sharp vampiric fangs. Sighing a bit and hoping that his mouth wasn't bleeding, Michael explained, "We've been dealing with quite a few enemy attacks and annoyances lately, unfortunately... hence why everybody is a bit on edge at the moment. You don't exactly look as if you're here to raid us, though. Or, if you are, I don't think you're doing a very good job of it." The male then cracked a small smile, making it clear that he was joking. He then introduced himself, chuckling lightly as he glanced towards the ship Sköll had come in on, "Anyways... I'm Michael Townley-Phillips. I'm one of the dealers around here, basically one of the heads of espionage and social events. So... if you've got a question about either of those things, feel free to ask me, or Keona, the other dealer." He didn't mind answering questions as much anymore, since he had finally become used to his job as a dealer.