Beasts of Beyond
Life and death | open, joining - Printable Version

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Life and death | open, joining - WATCHKEEPER - 12-23-2020

✯ — remember the taker
Something was different. Something was evolving, moving, breathing through venerable lungs. A visitor was approaching the border of Tanglewood, and he certainly wasn't a stranger to the domain. Father Time moved through interlaced vines and spindly Cypress groves with the ease of an evening stupor. Tendrils of frigid air seeped through the cavities in his ivory mask, and not a hint of daylight dared to magnify his presence under the dense canopy. It was a pity that something so rotten was shrouded behind his ethereal disguise, but the world tends to be filled with rotten things regardless. Rather than spend his nights coercing the locals or dispersing his supply of nefarious artifacts, Father Time simply slept. He didn't remember when it began or why, but the once maleficent beast had retreated into a phase of impermeable slumber. Perhaps it was the prolonged isolation, or the dominance he failed to achieve over others, but at some point the creature had lost his direction.

While he woke up weaker than he was before, a devious ember still blistered within his soul. Perhaps his wicked ambitions were still waiting for his return, perpetuated by the ones he regarded as inferior. Father Time refused to acknowledge the inexplicable weakness that encumbered his vigor, or its gradual influence over his mind. He would never rely on others for security, at least, he would never truly admit that to himself. So then, what brought him back to Tanglewood's doorstep? To put it simply, he was borrowing time.

But eventually, everyone runs out of time.
✯ — male. no group. 7/10 difficulty. BIO. — ✯

Re: Life and death | open, joining - rhosmari - 12-23-2020

Quietly the king cheetah watched from the canopy of thin leaves, eyes aglow and body seeping waves of heat. But she was herself, she knew that. She believed that and she was trying her beat to maintain this. Her paws moved nimbly from one branch to another as she made her way along the path that she knew of, easily watching the one that had come toward their lands. Who was it? Her mind twisted and warped, gaze before burning steps took her from the tops of the. branches and to branches swampy grounds below. Her eyes remained on the individual and she was simply here to ask a question. Easily enough she followed and soon her muzzle parted, smoke trailing from her throat and into the open air. "Who is this one? Do they need something?" Though her voice held little warmth within it. She had come to trust little after the Coalition had taken them over. And this was no exception even after they had driven them out. Her eyes were hidden behind a crocodile skull she wore over her head and she slowly sat down, waiting for an answer to her questions.

Re: Life and death | open, joining - WATCHKEEPER - 12-24-2020

✯ — remember the taker
The wolf's head pivoted as if to acknowledge the presence of another, yet he was perfectly silent for what seemed like an uncomfortably long time. The rest of Father's lofty physique eventually followed the turn of his head, carefully readjusting itself like a staggering tower of building blocks. His posture resembled that of a marionette tossed haphazardly into a child's trunk, as if it were a sad attempt at minimizing his size. As Father listened to the Cheetah's request, he tilted his head in a gesture that almost indicated a nonexistent smile. Had his flat, featureless face not been adorned with a Hannya mask, his mannerisms would have seemed rather pointless. Oh dear, it looks like I've been caught by surprise. He attempted to communicate to Elsweyr telepathically, given his lack of a mouth. His bleak delivery didn't quite match the alleviating verbiage behind his response, but he carried on regardless. Not need, but rather, want. Tanglewood has been a star in my sky for many seasons, and I was tempted to have a closer look. Father rose to his feet once more and approached the area beneath Elsweyr's perch. to put it simply, i would like to join.
✯ — male. no group. 7/10 difficulty. BIO. — ✯

Re: Life and death | open, joining - wormwood. - 12-29-2020