Beasts of Beyond
out of time - private; vaas - Printable Version

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out of time - private; vaas - rhosmari - 12-23-2020

For the most part he had been wandering, knowing full well that he wasn't supposed to be. That his body still needed to heal but he couldn't sit still. He was thinking too much, having too many nightmares to try and sleep so the next best thing for him to do was to wander. To try and walk through all of his problems. It wasn't a bad idea but his body was sore still, wounds that had scabs breaking over and dripping small strands of glowing blood into his thick black coat. Yet he continued to walk his way away from the boardwalk, ignoring the looks of worry and even some that were annoyed. He didn't know them, he wouldn't be bothered by them. Some wanted him to stop but he disagreed and continued on his way as he normally did because he needed something other than just sitting there. His paws were light as he moved, forcing winces to stay way from his face as he entered the forest. He didn't know the name of it, couldn't have considering he had just gotten to this place through unfortunate circumstances. Instead he just looked around, watching and learning were to tread. His ears stayed forward as he listened to the animals that scurried though the undergrowth and he felt a sudden twisting in his stomach. A realization hitting him that it had been a while since he had eaten something.

Licking his jaws a bit he moved forward with care and the hybrid lowered his frame against the thick underbrush covered in snow. The sleeping trees hung above him as if watching for what he would do. There was food here that much was certain but if he would be able to catch it in his condition only time would tell. His glowing orbs narrowed as he watched the ground, looking for hoof prints that would lead him to perhaps a herd of deer but as he continued he was able to find something else. Something that wasn't food but he found a bit more intriguing to ignore his hunger. Lifting his head up he looked at the stone structure that smelled strongly of what used to be herbs he was sure. Slowly he walked in, elegant finned tail trailing behind him and he sighed softly as he noticed that this must be the place that they got a lot of their herbs from and tended to them. He knew nothing of remedies and such but he knew that his mother had been one to know a few things. He'd never asked her about it and now he would never be able to do so.

Closing his eyes a bit he tired not to let the grief overcome him as he sat down heavily, lifting a paw to gently brush against the small buds of a flowering plant. Did they feel things too? His tail coiled around him and he just shook his head, slowly about to head out of the stone structure but wanting to keep it in his mind as a retreat for himself when he wanted to be alone maybe.
[Image: e0934557b53a61d89dd9702007efc443f324a653_00.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux