Beasts of Beyond
and he flew too close 》scarlet - Printable Version

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and he flew too close 》scarlet - riftweaver - 12-23-2020


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Rift was exhausted. The last few weeks had been taxing on the tiguar, his mind weary from so much chaos. His mother was free, but the war not yet over. The male sat, silent as a statue, near the beach, two-toned eyes glazed with a sort of reverence. The sea did not care of the wars fought between the clans, nor of the betrayals that it had brought out in those who fought them. It cared only for the moon, and natural order of things. It was chaotic in a beautiful way, in a way that could only be seen by him as righteous. Ah, indeed. Riftweaver revered the sea for it's lack of care.
