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Stupid, not Dumb / Onyxkit - Printable Version

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Stupid, not Dumb / Onyxkit - SirDio - 12-22-2020

He was starting to recover, his scarring had healed back and wasn't bleeding, he had bandages over his mangled talon, and he had set himself up a den just outside Palm Glades' camp. But he still didn't understand their words, their language. At least, not completely. He knew some basic words, Hi, Hello, How, What, Okay. But aside from those spare words, he knew nothing.

He lay coiled up in his den, head sticking out, fin resting flat against his back. His eyes appeared closed but his feelers twitched and glowed with a vibrant white. He had only taken a small glance into camp, spotting a few oddballs but they seemed to make good company with everyone else. He saw.. two that looked feline but reptilian at the same time. Huh. Strange.


[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Stupid, not Dumb / Onyxkit - Onyxdreams - 12-23-2020

~ ☼ The issue of communication and language was still one that Onyxkit was struggling with every day. A month of learning just wasn't enough yet, to properly communicate with those who lived alongside her in her new home, much less follow a great deal of what they said. They spook much too fast, moving from word to word faster then she could currently process, leaving her spending several, long seconds, sometimes even near minutes, just trying to catch back up. There had, however, been a lot of improvement in her speech over her past month of learning, words came much easier to her then they had before, pronunciations started to feel a bit more natural as the weeks went by. She knew so many words now, but there always seemed to be more and more to learn.

The newest addition to their home hadn't been missed by the kit, in fact it was hard to miss a brand new scent just outside of camp, and a den there that hadn't existed before. With her trips outside being few and days apart, she made sure to explore and remember everything that she could, to enjoy her time where she could, and it was why it was so easy to notice the change. The inhabitant was different, something completely and entirely new, looking so much different from all of the cats and not-cats that she had seen to date. He looked like a fish, a very skinny fish that also had legs, with that long thing that fish had ('Fin, a fin!') running down his back, and big, he was big, huge, the biggest thing she had ever seen before, towering over her even laying down. Lots of bandages too, had he been hurt? That must have been why she had been smelling blood back then, it was coming from him, but that smell wasn't so strong any more. Those long whiskers he had though, the way they glowed and waved in the air, it was...pretty. Slowly slinking across the sands, the hybrid stayed crouched low to the ground, near silent in her approach, save for the occasional sound of shifting sand when her tails twitched from the cool grains they glided over. Finally closing in, she crept closer, and closer still, her aim? To get right up beside the massive creature...and bat at his strange glow-whiskers with a paw

Re: Stupid, not Dumb / Onyxkit - SirDio - 12-23-2020

He should have known that it was only a matter of time before someone stopped by. In all honesty he should have dreaded it. If he knew it was going to happen. He heard sand shuffling nearby but thought nothing of it. At least, until he felt something paw his feelers. He blinked and opened his eyes, red irises seaching the area until he spotted Onyx next to him. Jaws opened and closed, searching for words. A feeler twitched slightly as he smiled shyly, waving his mangled paw in greeting. [color=#9999ff]"He.. Hello."

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Stupid, not Dumb / Onyxkit - Onyxdreams - 12-26-2020

~ ☼ It was such a nice light, the kind that she had never seen before in her life, kinda like a fire, oh, or the sun, but in someone's whiskers! Ok, not the sun, it was nowhere near that bright, but sorta like a smaller, less bright sun, that was also white, not the eye searing yellow the sun was. She couldn't really understand the point of having glowing whiskers though, maybe if it was really, really dark, but even at night time it wasn't really that dark out, so the whiskers wouldn't help that much. Spotting movement, and a flash of red out of the corner of her eye, Onyx twisted her head, only to meet another pair of eyes, big eyes, red, much like her own. Seeing his jaw open and close held her attention for a moment, but the sight of that glowing whisker moving in the corner of her eyes had her attention flickering back and forth, from him to his whisker.

Oh, a greeting! A smile too, that was good, smiles were nice! The kit was more then happy to return with a smile of her own, a bright and cheerful thing as she did her best to keep her attention focused on him directly instead of on his cool whiskers. "Hello!" she replied in turn, enthusiastically waving a paw of her own to their new arrival, before gesturing bringing that same paw down to gesture at herself. "Onyxkit! You? Name?" she questioned, listening intently for a few, long seconds, before that glow caught her attention once more. She couldn't help it, it was just so shiny and full of light, and it was just so cool, even if she had no idea what they were supposed to be used for, they were just such cool glowing whiskers...glow-whiskers..."Glowskers!"

Re: Stupid, not Dumb / Onyxkit - SirDio - 12-26-2020

It was a bit of surprise that someone would be so invested in his feelers. It was cute, though. Onyxkit was very invested with them, and he thought that was cute. So he let her focus on them as he introduced himself. [color=#9999ff]"Name.. Icthvan." He tilted his head as the feeler-lights shined and pulsated.

He blinked, hearing the new term for his feelers. Glowskers. A low rumble of a laugh rose from his chest. [color=#9999ff]"Glowskers!" he repeated, as if affirming the term.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Stupid, not Dumb / Onyxkit - Onyxdreams - 12-29-2020

~ ☼ How did they glow, she wondered, was there fire in them? No, that would probably hurt, but she couldn't think of how else they could glow like that, and fire was red and yellow, not white like these. While her focus was mostly on the two bigger glowskers, particularly the one closest to her, the other glowing bits were also cool, but they just didn't capture her attention like the one she was focused on now. The name that she was given in turn was a strange one, it just sounded different to everything else she had heard, but he was different himself, so it made sense that his name would be too! "Ick...Ichd...." Onyx mumbled to herself, progressively butchering the name she was given worse and worse, until finally she let out a huff. "Ichy!" It was a good nickname she reasoned, short, easy to pronounce, it was perfect!

Watching intently as the glowskers bobbed and shifted as his head tilted, as they suddenly shined and pulsed, she wished that she too could have them, oh, but on her head, like horns, but glow-y! Blinking in surprise as she heard a rumble from the much larger not-cat, she slowly came to the realization that it was laughter, and her own smile brightened when he repeated the term she had made up. "Yes, glowskers!" she repeated back, wondering if maybe that was the right word for them, it was something she'd have to ask papa later, but whether or not it was, she was still going to call them glowskers. "Glowskers, really cool!" They were, they were the coolest thing she had ever seen on someone, beyond even Drift's feathers, and maybe even her own wings!