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Story of a beast / Joining / with those four dirty paws - Printable Version

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Story of a beast / Joining / with those four dirty paws - SirDio - 12-22-2020

He didn't remember much. There was a rough current, he tried to fight it, but couldn't. He hit his head on a rock and thank god he had gills because if he didn't he would have drowned. Rough sand under his face roused him from the unintentional nap. Icthvan's body ached terribly. He attempted to move, to lift his long body up just a bit while his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. Went to place weight on his left talon and hissed as sand seeped into fresh wounds and missing fingers. Fins lit up in pain, and he went in and out of visibility so rapidly it almost didn't happen. The small prince, so small for his age and already past his growth spurt. He managed to stand in his 6'5 glory before his legs wobbled in and fell on him, making him fall into the sand.

Sea blue tears fell from his eyes as the memories came back, spotty and rough. [color=#9999ff]"Vana'an yiro manst... Vana'an yiro manst..!" he sobbed into the sands, voice forgeign and hoarse and dry. His tongue felt thick and heavy as he spoke, and suddenly he yelled and screamed his parents' names, [color=#9999ff]"VENATOR... TRENCH..." and he fell back into sobs.

Alone again. Alone on a strange beach with strange scents and strange sounds.

The prince was alone again.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Story of a beast / Joining / with those four dirty paws - Grimm - 12-22-2020

With the dawning blush of peach against the horizon promise was written anew, untold that which may transpire, routine formed yet, more often than not, broken. His own basic, rousing occurring as the sun arose above the duel edge, sky and ocean never met to meet though each seemed to try, easy meal giving way to destinationless wandering. Accustomed had he grown to walking the length of the shore, working back over his own steps before they grew muddled with further traffic. Always was it there, the hushed murmur, permanent the cycle tide enacted against sodden grains, the clamorous conclusion of each wave echoing thunder that silenced his mind.

Broken this simple routine, the pleasure found in action that involved no need for complex thought, begun anew those strands as worry peaked.

Names. To the one who bellowed in a voice broken and harsh such, yet to child they were little more than cause for concern, over shoulder casting a fretful glance. Not overly great the distance between his current placement and the camp, though ease allowed the notion to fall to the wayside. A child was he still in their eyes and a desire burned in his chest, a want to prove that which he believed a truth when he truly was nothing more than a foolish boy with his head too stuffed with dreams. Slow still his pace, but begun again with trajectory shifted, closer to where the tide ended and was forced into retreat once more Foam treading. Too soon it ended once more, surprise worn apparent, mouth opening for a moment, beginning to work over words that he gave no voice to.

Illumination cast bright bands through the thin membrane adorning felled beast, familiar yet stranger, prior encounters with similar enough to quell his fear, if only enough to take a few more unsure steps. Still great the distance between, robbed of his own voice tense the moments that passed as he watched the other grow silent beyond his sorrow, each sob accompanied by a new cascade. "No need cry. Do you… need help." Unnecessary such query, yet it fell from tongue caught between teeth upon its conclusion, closer still Foam crawling.
[Image: ezgif-5-dccafc75ccf5.gif]
i think that's a burn but we seldom learn, you know fire's too strict a teacher, stoking up the coal with another pull silence and smoke poured out, but there'll be time in distant days, time enough for me to shape my ways where my ambitions lift my indifference and no more of the day is a waste
code by Wisker

Re: Story of a beast / Joining / with those four dirty paws - SirDio - 12-22-2020

Foreign scent caught his nose and he moved a bit, wincing at the pain and then wincing at the reopened scars over his eyes, lavender colored blood breaking the surface. He forced his head and neck up a bit, meeting the feline's face with a similar shock. He tried to search for words, only watching as Foam crawled closer. [color=#9999ff]"Drun'hast.. gonyi assict..?" he forced through pained jaws, unsure if the child could understand. Foreign words tried to surface, english found hard to place and set into the air. He fumbled with words before giving up, his head dropping back into the sand as he heaved painfully, gills still not fully closed and body still adjusting to air-breathing.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Story of a beast / Joining / with those four dirty paws - RHINESTONE. - 12-23-2020

A strange scent on the air, followed by the frantic call of an unfamiliar voice, words spoken in a strange and foreign language. It was all so unusual that Rhinestone couldn't stop himself from moving over, long legs moving quickly so that he could come to rest just behind Foamkit. Despite Icthvan's young age, his massive size made Rhine think that he was an adult, ears pinning back with worry and caution as he spotted the wounds that littered the youngling's body. His "hands" were the most worrying part, considering the blood that ran down over missing fingers and split apart talons. Turning his head, the legate sighed before calling out, "[member=16248]VAAS .[/member] Got a new patient for you over here!" It really was unfortunate that so many of the newcomers that were coming around these days were appearing in some sort of injured state. The serval certainly didn't mind them getting treated and cleaned up by the Glades, but he also didn't want their herb supplies to be entirely depleted by newcomers. Even with the winter lightening up, things still weren't growing as well as usual, and it would take a while before stocks were refilled properly.

Turning his deep black haze back towards the injured stranger, Rhine sighed at the foreign language the other was speaking, unable to understand a word of it. He decided to try and translate as they waited for Vaas, clearing his throat before he questioned, "Hello there... who are you? Are you able to speak English? I'm afraid that I can't understand what you're saying..." The words sounded vaguely like some of the other foreign languages he had learned small phrases of in the past, but nothing so similar that he could entirely understand. Hoping that some body language would help, the tall feline gestured a long front limb along the beach, before tapping his paw to his own chest, "The lands you are on right now are the lands of The Palm Glades. My name is Rhinestonestar, and I lead this place. Don't worry if you can't speak the same language. We're getting you help right now, either way." Hopefully Vaas would arrive before too long, considering the other's injuries. Rhine didn't seriously think that Icthvan would bleed out from a missing finger or two, but stranger things had happened.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Story of a beast / Joining / with those four dirty paws - SirDio - 12-23-2020

Body strained again as another feline stepped beside the child, icthvan's heavy head unable to lift up, body too tired to do anything but watch as strange words left the serval's mouth. He felt feelers twitch, a soft glow coming back to them in little sparkling dots. Breathing became less pained, broken english tried to force itself back up but he only could muster a [color=#9999ff]"Buh.." that came out softly. He groaned inwardly, pushing himself up with his right talon, hind legs finding themselves back under his body and he found himself sitting in a cat-like position.

He blinked away lavender blood from his eyes, able to look a bit more comfortably at the two. [color=#9999ff]"Know.. little english... I.. Icthvan.." he rumbled gently, his long feelers moving forward, fin twitching and moving subtly.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Story of a beast / Joining / with those four dirty paws - VASS . - 12-23-2020

washed ashore by the crashing tides fins flexed and scales stretched as the beast heaved, breathed - every movement a gargantuan exaggeration in the jade eyes of the medeci. It was impulse- instict, when someone came across the border to not the threat they could bring- it only proved that Vaas was a born warrior before he was ever given the role of a healer, even here, he stalked closer towards the trio. Rhinestone was to earnest- kind in comparison to the way politics dictated them more as an agressor.

The scent of blood was present, injuries along the other's eyes and who knew where else. "... russkiy?" The tiger's voice was soft, he didn't know the language, but it sounded fimiluar. The mutterings of the levaithan drake his only real memory to it but he pushed the thought aside. As he drew closer he took careful note of the dragon's injuries, the special note of the ones on the eyes.

"I do not have enough drugs for a dragon on me rey." Still, the tear tracks down the dragon's face were noted, sad or lost- both? the tiger mused quietly to himself. it didn't matter that the stranger was a child, there was no telling how some of the herbs would effect another creature. He felt a migraine already starting. "I can patch up what we see, but the eyes... will be tricky." Eyes were delicate, and with no idea of the dragon's reaction to some of his herbs, he defaulted to poppy seeds. Pulling out a small pouch of them- holding a few tens of seeds and set them down in front of the stranger.

"what happened to ya? Looks like- no offense, you came back from downing." The medci asked, towards his new patient.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: Story of a beast / Joining / with those four dirty paws - rhosmari - 12-23-2020

There were always stories told of things coming from the sea. Some dangerous, and some beautiful. He counted himself as neither, just a wandering figure caught up in a bunch of mess he didn't want to be involved with. Yet he had little choice and this life he had been dealt had been a hard one to swallow. His injuries were healing that much he is certain but it will take time for everything to return to what it used to be. Still he can't stand just being cooped up inside as others go about their day and so he had left the boardwalk earlier. Guessed he made a good decision for there was something happening on the beach. Even now the ocean waves made him shudder and it was only because of what had happened to him. It was a hostile place now and honestly he would like to avoid it at any cost. So they hybrid kept his distance from the flowing water and instead he found himself creeping like a cornered animal over to the scene that was unfolding before him. Whatever this large dragon was his eyes widened at sight of them and their pain. Much like his own he would think but he tired not to compare the two. The ocean was a dangerous place, land was much more safe to him. ''...'' There were words somewhere in him but they stalled as he looked over the beast.

Their wounds were different and his own were healing up. He guessed he was stronger to some degree but hearing that Vaas didn't have what was necessary yet to help made him curious of the circumstances. He straightened his body to not appeared scared as he looked at the tiger, shifting one paw and then another before he finally found himself looking back to the beast that laid before him. ''Icthvan...'' He spoke the name in a soft breath, tasting it on his tongue before he slowly dragging his fin against the snow covered sands, light pulsing gently. He could at least try and he turned to Vaas, being careful. ''Is there something you need in particular? I can try to grow it for you.''
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How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux