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it hurts - open; waking up - Printable Version

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it hurts - open; waking up - rhosmari - 12-21-2020

Quiet, darkness. There had been no dreams as the aquatic hybrid slept. His body slowly recuperating and drawing in energy. There was no need for dreams here, just emptiness. But soon he began to stir, his eyes slowly opening up to the world around him. Groggy was the first thing he felt, a thick layer of strain on his muscles as he attempted to move. Soreness, body bandaged and constricted as he looked at the wall that was closest to him. Where was he? A name laid on the tip of his tongue and his memories like shifting sands tried to pull it forth but to little avail. Swallowing thickly his tongue felt like glue against the roof of his mouth but he forced himself to sit up. Fins curled against his shape and he pushed further despite his haggard body to go outside. The sun was shining brightly and there was a thick layer of snow all over the ground.

It was beautiful in it's own way, serene. Like a lie. He blinked slowly his bright colored orbs and allowed his gaze to roam over the boardwalk that he could see. There he saw it, the ocean and it was like everything came crashing back down on him. The witches, his mother, her cry to be let go. For him to run. Pain eclipsed him and his body shook as he faltered. "Why...." He slowly sunk to the wooden ground and grabbed at his own muzzle as he tried to keep tears from dripping from his eyes. "You fucking coward. You- you ran! You should have done something but you ran and now.... now she's gone." It was truly all his fault and he knew it. He knew it was. He felt his claws digging into his snout but he didn't care. He deserved the pain after all and now he had even saved. To face his guilt that he let his mother die.
[Image: e0934557b53a61d89dd9702007efc443f324a653_00.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: it hurts - open; waking up - SirDio - 12-22-2020

There's only one reason you've lost.
You've pissed me off.

You throw Medusa into any situation when one is in pain and you can guarantee she will comfort. Something motherly in her always showed when someone was down, something defending always showed when someone was being discriminated. It was all tenfold when she became Primus.

It wasn't often she strayed to the boardwalk, not since the brush with a watery death did she step on the wood. But she wanted to make sure the newcomer was okay. She didn't visit every day, with her eyes becoming slightly cloudy with the coming shed.

She shuddered against the cold as she walked along the boardwalk. Her cloak helped a bit, but she was neither fully warm-blooded or fully cold-blooded, so temperatures really fucked with her. Golden eyes locked onto the new hybrid, ears pricked and she was close enough to catch a few words. it was enough to make her move. With haste she started toward Sorbet, taking off her cloak and going to gently drape it across his shoulders as she stepped up beside him. "Hey.. what's wrong? Don't get me wrong, it's good to see you up, but.. what happened before you showed up here, if you're willing to tell this near stranger?" She flicked her paw, a bright blue flame arriving that slowly faded to yellow as she held it close to her chest.

Re: it hurts - open; waking up - rhosmari - 12-23-2020

A sudden twist of his body, a jerk of fear as something was placed over him made his body hiss with agony. He hadn't heard the other approaching and now he felt horrified. She had seen him during a moment of weakness, something he had learned early in life to never allow to happen. His claws pulled from the flesh of his maw as he trembled, squeezing his eyes shut tightly to stop what tears had managed to squeeze past his control. Taking a deep breath the finned hybrid would shake himself slowly before he pushed himself to sit up. Just gather himself, he didn't need to keep looking weak and he shook his head a little bit before lowering his eyes to the fire that she held. Warm seeping into the coldness of his bones before he just sighed. What was the point in keeping it a secret anyway, not like they could do anything to help him with what was happening. The damage had already been done and she wasn't coming back, no one had the power to do that and soon he would follow. Cursed to be a part of the briny depths forever if he stepped paw back into the water. ''Thanks...'' He began awkwardly as he rolled his shoulders, stiffness hurting.

''I... we were traveling. My mother and I. It was just a small trip and we had done it before, normally by boat. Mom was always nervous though and I never asked her why. I should have asked her way.'' She didn't want to stop the trip, she knew how much it meant to him. But she had changed so quickly when new markings appeared on his pelt. ''We hit as storm, got thrown overboard. Then these things attacked us, horrible twisted things. I...I wanted to fight them but my mother she forced me to go, told me to run. I should have fucking stayed with her. I still hear her screams in my ears....'' Shallow was his breathing as he remembered the scene that had left him twisted and battered. Claws grasping at his body and trying to drag him back into the cold waters of darkness. A shiver ran down his spine and he closed his eyes shaking his head a bit.
[Image: e0934557b53a61d89dd9702007efc443f324a653_00.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: it hurts - open; waking up - SirDio - 12-23-2020

There's only one reason you've lost.
You've pissed me off.

She smiled a bit, remembering when she got so scared over being caught off guard. But as he told his story, the smile faded. She held her paw of fire out for both of them to gain warmth from as he retold the horror he underwent. An ache formed in her chest, knowing that his mother loved him, a love she would never feel. But it wasn't about Medusa. She pressed her muzzle gently against his shoulder as he finished, pulling away with haste. "It's okay to cry. Crying doesn't show weakness." She said softly, looking to the ocean beyond. "Your mother wanted you to live on, she loved you so much that she sacrificed herself so that you could live. Sorry if that sounded cheesy, it's just what came to mind."

She looked at the boards below her, a sigh drifting from her mouth. "I know i can't do anything to help, but.. I'm always gonna be here if you need to vent out or say anything." She smiled gently.

Re: it hurts - open; waking up - RHINESTONE. - 12-23-2020

Well, it seemed as though the new guy was finally up. Unfortunately, it didn't seem as though he was doing so well. Rhinestone had actually been lingering around the medical building for the last few days, mainly due to the influx of new joiners who had arrived while injured. It was all a matter of unfortunate circumstances, but the least they could get once they were awake was a welcome from the leader of the group whose lands they were on. Whether they chose to stay or not was, in Rhine's mind, completely irrelevant. While the Palm Glades advertised itself as a vicious group that always defended its own, that didn't mean that they were needlessly cruel. They helped others when they believed it was the right thing to do, and that was something that the legate intended to continue to do – and he was fairly sure that Medusa would, as well. So, if Sorbet woke up and wanted to stay, that was just fine. But if he woke up and decided he needed to go and find his family, or wherever he had come from? That was just as fine – although Rhinestone would probably insist that he stay at least until his wounds were more healed.

The serval had been passing by the large warehouse turned medical building when he heard the sound of voices inside, one new and one familiar. Figuring that at least one of the injured people had woken up, Rhine slipped easily inside the building, feeling right at home. He did have a tendency to visit here more often, after all, ever since his and Vaas's talk. Arriving a bit late, the lanky feline had missed the beginning of Sorbet's story, but the ending certainly wasn't a happy one. A frown pulled at his muzzle, and he couldn't help but imagine what he would do in a similar scenario. After all, he had ended up losing his mother, but that was to natural causes, not something quite so... vicious. He was sure that Medusa's words of comfort would mean much more to the other, but he still spoke up, a soft hum leaving him, "Hey there... we weren't sure when exactly you would end up waking up. Although I think I see now why you needed to rest for so long..." He glanced temporarily at Medusa, as if trying to think of what else his primus would say, before continuing, "I'm very sorry for your loss... you're welcome to stay here for as long as you need to, or want to." He would've wanted that to go without saying, but he knew some groups were much more blunt.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades