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Not asking nicely / Going into Blue - Printable Version

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Not asking nicely / Going into Blue - SirDio - 12-21-2020

There's only one reason you've lost.
You've pissed me off.

It was obvious that something was happening to Medusa's scales. They had become dull, almost a dull blue in coloration now. Her eyes were slowly becoming more and more cloudy as the days went on. Medusa knew what was going on. She was going into blue, the preparation for her to shed her scales. It wasn't fun, though.

She bumped her nose onto rocks, trees, rock faces, the whole nine yards. This happened so much that she ended up having some of her scales rubbed away. So after a few attempts to function as a proper Primus, she gave in. She set up patrols and then hid away in her den. She had to explain to a few immunes that she was unable to correctly function until the shedding had complete, but did promise she would keep handing out patrols and duties for them.

For now she would hide away in her den until midday or evening, where she would again hand out patrols.

Re: Not asking nicely / Going into Blue - rhosmari - 12-21-2020

As he got better he took time to watch others. To learn just what group this Palm Glades was. He did not remember them from before so they must be knew or maybe they had always been and they didn't notice. He remember the Ascendants, Sunhaven, The Pitt, Typhoon..., and Tanglewood. There was another called Rose something but he drew a blank after that. Like his memory was engulfed. Parts were missing and oddly enough a lot of them had to do with his family. Yet his mother, she shined the brightest in his mind's eye. He wished he could forget but this was his punishment. Shaking himself he had noticed something odd about the woman he had seen doing a fair amount of work. Like she was struggling with moving around.

At one point he caught a glimpse of her eyes and they were cloudy, shaded over by something. With a weak wince he pushed himself to his paws and his finned tail swayed across the ground, lights pulsing through the almost translucent membrane as he walked forward. The stronger he stronger the stronger the pulsing but it was pretty dull right now. He wandered, closer and closer still till he was near her den. He didn't know her but he felt obligated to at least ask if she was alright. Bandaged body sat down, feeling the sliding pain from working muscles as he opened his jaws. "Hey, um, is everything alright? I saw you earlier and just wanted to be sure."
[Image: e0934557b53a61d89dd9702007efc443f324a653_00.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: Not asking nicely / Going into Blue - SirDio - 12-22-2020

There's only one reason you've lost.
You've pissed me off.

With someone's voice hitting her ears, she moved a bit and poked her head out a small bit. Oh, it was the new kid. At least it smelled like him, as she flicked her tongue out for a quick scent. "Ah.. yeah, I'm fine. I'm just going into blue and it's not fun. I get stiff and nearly go blind. I kept bumping into things, so I decided to take a break for the day." She smiled painfully with the rubbed away scales.

"I can't wait to shed and see properly again."

Re: Not asking nicely / Going into Blue - RHINESTONE. - 12-23-2020

Over the last few days, Rhinestone had definitely noticed that something was off about Medusa. It was impossible not to notice, considering the semi-permanent frown on her face, and the way that she was struggling to move around without difficulty. However, that didn't mean he knew what was going on. After all, Rhine actually knew very little about snakes, beyond what he had learned through associating with Medusa and Onyxkit. So, the concept of going into blue was pretty foreign to the legate, who had been considering recommending that Medusa go and see Vaas for a while now. However, he hadn't wanted to accidentally offend her, or make her think that he thought of her as weak, or something similar. He only eventually opted to speak up when Medusa holed herself up within her den, seeing that Sorbet was heading over to talk to her.

Pushing himself up from his laid down position, Rhinestone walked up beside Sorbet, his ears perking up as he caught the last of what Medusa has to say. Tilting his head at the Primus's dilemma, the tall feline muttered curiously, "Going into blue...? I never knew that was something that happened. Although, honestly, I never knew much about snakes... why would you go blind for shedding?" That didn't really make much sense in the legate's mind. After all, it wasn't as if her eyes were shedding, were they? And if they were... well, that would certainly be a bit unsettling. He couldn't imagine just going blind for a while, until eventually a layer of his eyes peeled off. Just the thought of that was enough to make an unsettled shiver go down Rhinestone's spine involuntarily.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Not asking nicely / Going into Blue - Onyxdreams - 12-25-2020

~ ☼ It was hard for Onyx to miss the fact that there was something wrong with her mama. At first, the kit had just wondered if maybe she was a little...clumsy? She had seen the other scaled-not-cat bump into a lot of things, rocks, walls, and she just wasn't moving the same any more, almost like she had her eyes closed the whole time, but Onyx knew her eyes were open, so that couldn't be it. Then, the change in color came, and that could only mean bad things. The Sini...Signa...the other mamas had told her that someone's pelt changing colors was a bad thing, that they were sick, or really old, and her own mama was changing colors now, so did that mean that she was sick and old too? If her mama was sick, then...then she'd have to help her get better!

She had never been sick herself before, never ever, so she didn't know what it was like, but she heard it was bad. She didn't know how to fix the sick either, the other mamas had said eating plants made you better, so she had gotten some grass to help, and, most importantly, one of the eggs she still had. It was her last one, but her mama needed it more, especially if she had to eat grass, it tasted awful, but the egg would help, because she could eat it after, and it would taste much better! Ambling her way over to her mamas den, the hybrid stuck her head through, met with the sight of two of her groupmates already there. "Blue?" she quietly repeated as she passed further into the den, her mama was looking really blue, was that bad? There was another word she immediately recognized however, blind. Her mama...she was so sick she couldn't see? That was awful, that was so much worse then she had thought. Moving quickly now, she scrambled to get up in front of the other scaled-not-cat, wings stretching out, claws depositing the bundle of grass and single egg in front of her, the kit taking a step back and sitting down afterwards, looking expectantly at the Primus. "Herbs, to help! Egg too!"

Re: Not asking nicely / Going into Blue - SirDio - 12-25-2020

There's only one reason you've lost.
You've pissed me off.

She turned to face Rhine, a small smile on her face as she sat up a bit. "Well, blue is- oup." She looked at Onyx as the child scampered in and dropped grass and an egg before her. She chuckled and gently nuzzled her child. "Blue simply means I'll be shedding soon. I'm not sick, my body is just preparing to grow a little more."

Turning her clouded eyes to Rhine, she continued, "If I don't shed my eyecaps, after repeated sheds I'll be permanently blind. After I shed, I'll be back up at full speed. Unfortunately," she chuckled, looking at the egg. "While in blue I don't have much of an appetite, and after i shed I should be pretty hungry."