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to make you stare - o;joining - Printable Version

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to make you stare - o;joining - quinn - 05-15-2018

It'd been a long time since Quinn had set paw down on another territory. In fact, it'd been nearly a week at this point, but they weren't counting, and neither was anyone else.

If you were to ask Quinn what they were doing right now, they'd probably tell you something about an adventure, and maybe a pirate or two, but in reality, they were looking for a home. Of course, they wouldn't admit it, as most creatures wouldn't, but that didn't change the fact of the matter that this place- snowbound, to be precise -seemed perfectly fine to them.

Quinn took a seat on a large rock that happened to be conveniently placed- as things often were -and settled in. "This place is nice, but the people aren't very... present. Do you think anyone lives here?"

a pause.

"Ah, good point." responded Quinn, nodding thoughtfully at the group of pebbles in front of them. They didn't actually believe that the little things were talking to them, but, Quinn had spent quite a time alone, and had learned to improvise in the absence of company.

So there Quinn sat, awaiting whomsoever happened to come across them first.

[glow=#f4d35e,1,000]strangely, I feel at home in this place[/glow]
[Image: artflow_201805150043_by_chervani-dcbkhee.png]

Re: to make you stare - o;joining - melantha - 05-15-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]"Uhhh..."

A golden head can just barely be seen peeking through a dense thicket, a pair of sagacious olive orbs gazing curiously upon the stranger. Truth be told, Melantha has been following this person for quite some time. Simply confronting newcomers gets boring sometimes, so Mel has been trying to spice things up recently. For example, creeping up behind an unsuspecting stranger as close as she can possibly manage before being noticed. This time, she is within several meters. But it's the awkward experience of observing the new person talk to themselves which finally forces the young predator to break her silence.

Ever so carefully, the powerful huntress emerges from the cover of the low-growing foliage, an impeccable pelt of tempered gold shining beneath the merciless eye of the sun. At this altitude during the Summer, the sun does not set for quite some time. For a creature of the night, it is less than pleasant. "Yeah, people live here." The words are awkward. Melantha sucks at talking. She's trying to be friendly but the mean, judgmental voice in her head is still reeling from experiencing someone talk to rocks. Growing up in the Wilds certainly changes people. Some talk to inanimate objects, others, like Mel, become paranoid and suspicious of everyone and everything.

The powerful huntress steps closer, chiseled muscles rippling beneath her tawny pelt. "Is there somethin' I can help ya with...?" Melantha trails off, signalling that the stranger provide their name and business. The sooner this is over-with, the sooner Mel can run home and kick herself for being so terrible at talking to people.

Re: to make you stare - o;joining - quinn - 05-15-2018

A stranger appeared, and Quinn quickly brushed the pebbles of. They weren't ashamed, but it may be hard to explain to some other people.

"Hello there! That's great the people live here, because I'm looking to join. M'name's Quinn, some people call me Quinny or Q, and I'm perfectly fine with that too!" they replied, offering a large smile. The feline slid off their rock gently, turning and waving at the pebbles as quickly as the could.

Maybe this person thought they were crazy? Probably, but that was fine, sometimes Quinn thought they were crazy too.

[glow=#f4d35e,1,000]strangely, I feel at home in this place[/glow]

Re: to make you stare - o;joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-15-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Atbash may not be from around here, and she's definitely seen some weird things in her life, but a stranger talking to pebbles was not one of them. The feline followed after Melantha, staring at Quinn in confusion. She stood beside the mountain lion, patiently waiting for Quinn to answer. To which she did. "I can't see why you can't join," Atbash stated with a smile. "My name's Atbash Cipher."

//ninja'd lol
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: to make you stare - o;joining - quinn - 05-15-2018

Quinn looked up as yet another appeared, producing a smile upon the feline's features. It seemed this place wasn't empty, after all. The other spoke up, dubbing themselves Atbash Cipher. Wait, was Quinn supposed to introduce themselves with their full name? Well, they'd done and messed that up.

"Ah, m'bad, I didn't realize I was supposed to state m'full name. Uh, It's Quinn Josephina Pavot. Thanks for accepting me so quickly, it's a pleasure! I guess I'll see you two around, can't wait!" and with that, the rather odd feline began to walk towards the direction the others had come from, and where the assuming camp was.

[glow=#f4d35e,1,000]strangely, I feel at home in this place[/glow]

Re: to make you stare - o;joining - PIERCE - 05-15-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Oh, this person seemed nice. Odd, but nice. Pierce respected them for not trying to hide that, at least. As he approached the scene, he offered them a kind smile and came over to stand by Mel, his tail waving behind him. "It's nice to meet you, Quinn! I'm Pierce- I love your eyes!" He paused, amber gaze quickly flicking over the younger feline(?)'s figure. They were little, not super young but certainly small, almost like he had been when he was younger, before he'd become more active around his old clan. "I can show you around, if you want," the serval went on to offer warmly, blinking down at the newcomer. It was the first time he'd offered that to anyone since he'd joined, and honestly, it felt good to finally start acting normal again.


Re: to make you stare - o;joining - quinn - 05-15-2018

This other newcomer appearing made quinn stop in their tracks, offering a smile. "Hello Pierce, I like your eyes too." Quinn replied, waiting for the inevitable next question.

Quinn had found that to be the pattern, mostly, two questions per greeter, per say. Upon the question, Quinn grinned and glanced at nothing in particular to whisper "hah, i was right." before turning to look at Pierce again.

"Oh, sure! That'd be great, ifya don't mind."

[glow=#f4d35e,1,000]strangely, I feel at home in this place[/glow]

Re: to make you stare - o;joining - jacob w.c. - 05-17-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob knew a thing or two about looking for adventures and pirates. Although coming to Snowbound had been an adventure with purpose, he was still happy to leave the city. He would never say that out loud, especially his his Babbo was around, but it was the truth. Yes, his life had been in danger and that was technically the purpose for his 'disappearance' but it was also because it was time to go. He couldn't stay under Vito or his Pa's shadow forever. He needed to live the life the way he wanted to and Snowbound had given him the opportunity to do that. He could be whatever he wanted to be here because his last names didn't matter to anyone. They didn't strike anyone with fear or anger because there was no one here that even knew what they were and it was better that way. He didn't want people to be afraid of him. He just wanted to live a peaceful, and relatively normal, existence. He'd never been one for all the lights, anyway. The stars were so beautiful when they were turned off but anyone from the city would never know it. As for the pirates, well... Jacob didn't want to dwell on that for too long. Usually he was looking for one specific pirate, a pirate with very nice eyes and a deep voice.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a few voices chattering nearby. His legs were starting to ache, as they always did, and he thought it'd be good to take a short break and let himself rest even if it was only for a moment. The bandaged husky made his way towards the sound before arriving among the small group that had come to greet the newcomer, Quinn. He offered a smile and spoke, "'S nice ta' meet ya' Quinn, 'm name's Jacob. If ya' need anythin' or 'ave any questions, jus' lemme know. I know ya' jus' got 'ere so if ya' need somethin' ta' eat tonight, ya' can jus' get a hold ah' me in the tunnels. I like cookin' n' I 'ave quite a bit ta' spare until ya' can get some prey or food for yourself." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: to make you stare - o;joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-18-2018

instead of letting his thoughts go out to open air, the wildcat simply kept his thoughts to himself instead of thinking out loud. If he started to think out loud it would just mean that other's would begin to wonder whatever the hell he was talking about anyway. The assassin needed to be careful with exactly what he said considering that there were plenty of creatures that would shun him for who he was, and who he was trying to be. The only one he could trust right now with the secret that he held with himself would be London. Stark was up there, but he wasn't sure what to consider the old man just yet. He just knew that he would be slightly protective of the tiger despite the fact that they would be on each other's cases all the time. It was rather fun in that regard. The albino serval had bandages across his throat and his right arm as he approached the group. Deciding not to approach through the means of the trees like he was used to doing right now. The albino serval looked at the feline that was on the border, and he had to admit that she had an interesting color pattern. But he had seen plenty of strange things in his life anyway. The wildcat moved himself off to the side, his air elementals making it so that each movement that he did didn't make any noise an it was impossible to catch his scent, basically making him smell like nothing in the end. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he stopped himself near a tree, leaning up against it. He opened up his jaws and conjured up a lollipop, which his mouth quickly surrounded. He flicked one of his large white ears as he kept his metal claws sheathed. He looked a bit tired, which was probably because of his injuries in the end. Quinn. Interesting name. She obviously wasn't a clanner considering how her name was anyway. His sapphire blue eyes flickered over toward Mel, giving the other a small nod of greeting toward her before the Snowstriker began to speak to the joiner. "Yo. So where did you end up coming from?" Killua would question the female in a calm tone, as his facial expression remained fairly neutral. Like Mel, Killua didn't introduce himself right off the bat, and probably wouldn't introduce himself to a stranger until he deemed them to be safe enough to know his name. Knowing someone's name gave them a sense of power after all.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: