Beasts of Beyond
Egg-citing discoveries | Open - Printable Version

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Egg-citing discoveries | Open - Onyxdreams - 12-20-2020

~ ☼ Gazing down at the round, white objects between her paws, Onyx couldn't help but liken their appearance to that of the shell that she had come out of. A little lighter in color, and so, so much smaller, but still, they were unmistakably the same thing in the end. Sniffing at one revealed that it still smelled so much like the nest that she had pilfered it from, like the bird that had been watching over them. There had been no plans in her head to take these eggs, the only reason she had gone up that tree in the first place had been to try and catch that bird, and for her first hunt, it hadn't gone very well. A few spots on her head still hurt from the swift, punishing pecks the little bird had given her as it flew out of her range, again and again, before taking off into the distance, leaving its eggs and nest unguarded.

Getting those eggs down from that tree hadn't been all that hard, tucking them under her wings, but, when she had dropped one of them, she hadn't quite expected such an enticing smell from the remnants, left there on the sand. Giving the eggs another curious flick of her tongue, sat outside the nursery with her prize, she wondered...just how would they taste? She couldn't exactly remember just what the stuff in her own shell had tasted when she had broken out, so...what would these taste like. The clawed digits on her wings gently lifted one of the white objects off the sand, lifting them up to eye level, tongue flicking out faster not, as she did her best to shake off what sand she could. Then, in one swift move, she opened her mouth wide, fangs gleaming in the light, and dropped the egg straight into her waiting mouth, biting into it with a crunch that could be heard for yards in every direction. The shells were a bit tougher then she had expected, and didn't offer much flavor, but what was inside was an entirely different story. It was amazing. Such a different taste from everything else, a flavor that she lacked the words to describe, but one that was absolutely incredible nevertheless. Her signature, strange hissing purr built in her throat as she enjoyed her treat, crunching down on the remaining bits of shell in her mouth, finding that she liked the feeling, eyes flicking down to the remaining three eggs at her paws, suddenly grateful that she hadn't dropped any more of these...these treasures

Re: Egg-citing discoveries | Open - RHINESTONE. - 12-21-2020

Rhinestone had to admit that it was a bit... concerning, to see Onyxkit crunching away on an egg. It wasn't as if the legate hadn't known that snakes occasionally ate eggs, and considering Onyx's hybrid nature, it shouldn't have been so strange to see his daughter eating bird eggs. However, considering the fact that she had come from an egg herself... he had to wonder what had gone through her mind. Did she realize that other creatures came from eggs as well, and that tiny birds had once been destined to emerge from those eggs? Or did she simply think that all eggs were like hers, and if they weren't as large as her egg had been, nothing was growing inside? He wasn't sure, but these questions plagued Rhine's mind as he caught sight of her from afar, wondering how she was eating them as well. Didn't the shells hurt her mouth? He had never tried eating an egg whole, admittedly, but he had to imagine that the shell broke apart into shards. Wouldn't that end up tearing into one's mouth, causing cuts and welling up blood? Or maybe her hybrid nature made it so that she didn't need to worry about that. Perhaps her teeth were so sharp or her mouth was so protected that she had no reason to feel any anxiety – it certainly didn't seem as though she was in pain at the moment.

Finally deciding to make his way over, Rhinestone got to his feet and took several long strides over to where Onyxkiy was sitting, his dark gaze lingering on the eggs still sitting in front of her. He hesitated for a moment before he spoke, his head tilting to one side, "Onyx...? Where did you find these eggs? Birds don't usually just leave them laying around..." Well, technically they did, but they usually left the eggs nestled safely up in nests, where no predators would be able to reach them without a bit of work. Of course, the larger feline would be rather startled by the thought of his daughter climbing her way up and into a tree all on her own. For one thing, he didn't really want her straying very far from camp, where she could potentially be harmed by lingering threats. For another thing, he didn't really think she was ready yet to try any sort of hunting. She still had plenty of time to just relax and be the kid that she was, and to think about her climbing all the way up into the high branches of a tree... it was concerning. Sure, she had her wings, but Rhinestone had yet to see her actually fly with them, and if there was even a chance that her wings wouldn't help her, and she'd end up collapsing... well, needless to say, the thought caused Rhine's stomach to twist up in knots.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Egg-citing discoveries | Open - Grimm - 12-21-2020

Loosely laid the foundation, the building blocks upon which all it settled and construction is based upon. Yet time bore plans alone it may parse, smudged and blurred those lines until the ground rules may be discarded in their entirety. Had been this outcome for the best, or the opposite that had been snuffed out by the mere fact reality reflected this change, an unknown. Possibly it was, though the scape had shifted, populated the traversable terrain with creatures mixed, veins painted with ancestry that differ in a great fashion thus produce a unique product.

Lacklustre has grown the familiar paths he tread, reduced to a routine tiresome as closer seemed to draw the restrictions about his movement as the impeding transition became a focal point. Too long still the time between, tantalisingly close and yet suspended at a point he decreed too far, his voiced complaints hushed with reassurance. Upon the memorised path did he once more walk, nought else offered the stimulation he desired as to and fro others went on tasks their own to dictate, restless the energy caught beneath his skin.

Interruption arose in odd sound, apparent the initial break, pressure exerted producing a startling crack. While loud the volume of this softer those that followed in wake, a crackling and almost popping noise that drew his attention, halted for only a moment before momentum begun with a new trajectory. Almost expected the origin, witnessed the manner Medusa consumed her food whole and incited a curiosity that was ignited here, though dampened by the identity of the one that dined on the stolen eggs. Issue addressed, though Foam would be lying had he spoken of thinking of the original home of the eggs in questions, he did not add his own voice, instead he opted to stand behind Rhine, obscured in part his vision as he peered around him to continue rather obviously staring at Onyx.
[Image: ezgif-5-dccafc75ccf5.gif]
i think that's a burn but we seldom learn, you know fire's too strict a teacher, stoking up the coal with another pull silence and smoke poured out, but there'll be time in distant days, time enough for me to shape my ways where my ambitions lift my indifference and no more of the day is a waste
code by Wisker

Re: Egg-citing discoveries | Open - SirDio - 12-21-2020

There's only one reason you've lost.
You've pissed me off.

Medusa wasn't an egg eating hybrid - she stuck to rodents and hares with the occasional bird. Hearing the crunch of an egg being eaten was uncommon for her - neither Stheno nor Xhocoatl were egg eaters and thus neither of them ate eggs. She leaned her head out of her den, catching sight of Onyx and Rhine and Foam, and she slinked out to greet them. "It's possible that a bird decided to lay their eggs on the ground. That, or the eggs rolled out into the soft ground. Would explain the fact that they aren't broken." She said softly, sitting down near Onyx. She looked to the fellow hybrid with a fond glow in her eyes.

"I've never had a bird egg. I wonder if they taste good?"

Re: Egg-citing discoveries | Open - Onyxdreams - 12-21-2020

~ ☼ It was just a little bit of a strange feeling, actually chewing on something for once. Almost everything that she ate she swallowed whole, despite encouragement from some of those in her new home to use her teeth for once and take her time eating. She could easily do the same with these eggs, but why would she, when they tasted as good as they did? There was still something so strange about discovering that birds hoarded these, maybe they ate them too somehow? It must not have been too hard to get them, they were very obviously defective in some way, being as small as they were, it probably found them left in the sand. Oddly warm though, despite there being no life in them, but that only made them all the better.

Lifting another one of her prizes up to her mouth, Onyx opened her maw to devour that one as well, only to pause and turn her head towards the sound of pawsteps approaching, tongue flicking out once more as she did. Oh, her papa was here, and he was eyeing her prize himself, she could see it. Did he...maybe want one of them? She didn't want to give them up, but...if it was for her papa, then she could part with one or two. Ears flicking as the sounds of a question reached her, she turned her attention back to her papa and away from the eggs at her paws. "Tree!" was her cheerful reply, a wing unfolding and twisting to point one of its digits at the big tree, just at the edge of the really big group of trees beyond her camp. It had been a bit scary at first, going out so far, but the reward that she had now seemed well worth the journey! Slit oculars flicked away from her father, just slightly to his side, to the sort-of-gray form peering out from around him. Sibling, Foam, that was his name, Foam. She could not say she knew him well, or had really played much with him, or talked much with him, or...well, or been around him much, but he was watching her too. Did he want her prize too? He couldn't have any, papa could, because he was papa, but no one else.

A voice, one she had never heard before, reached her ears, the kit's head swiveling to fix the new arrival with her gaze, and froze once she did. Scales, so many scales, more even then she had, yet there was still fur, there was still hints of a cat, despite it being so obviously not a cat. The face was a bit different, a bit flatter, and longer then her own, looked a lot like her, it was one of the closest things to herself that she had yet to see in her life. Her head tilted to the side, tongue flickering out faster now as she leaned closer to the not-cat that was so close now, that smelled so much more like kin then anything else had, a look of wonder on her face. "Mama?" It was soft, nearly inaudible, for a question that was as important as it was. She already knew who her papa was, but this...was this really her mama? Her wing dipped down suddenly to the sand at her paws, claws grasping for a few seconds, before finally extending out in her kin's direction, a comparatively small white object held in their grip. "Egg?"

Re: Egg-citing discoveries | Open - VASS . - 12-23-2020

The careful discovery of the world through a child’s eyes: Vaas had to wonder how the clan handled shoving the realities of life at [/i]children[/i]. Vass had seen first hand the time of rearing happened in the wilds, where Quasar had been risen with wide open eyes no matter how much he too played up the act of ignorance. It was revealed in his hair trigger temper- one his apprentice and him both shared. Children were small, frail things, soft as an unready mind to be molded into- what? A weapon? A clanmate.

Vaas had seen onyxkit around, the small little dragonling was a wonder of scales and wings and fur. A little beast that Vaas enjoyed the sight of- for nothing else what they represented in the clan. Change. Without a true chance to meet the other, or even know beyond the distance of his duties. She looked a great deal like medusa as well, which was- interesting. To say the least,

A fact that caught his ear when he heard the soft utterance of the kit not a few paces away. He couldn’t help the smile that broke across his face then. Pulling up towards Rey with a ruble in greeting towards them. A gentle smile on his maw. “I turn around for a few seconds, and you’ve already got another one?” He murmured, soft voice playfully accusatory towards RhinestoneStar. A ward of the glades- and a ward of the leader himself. He just couldn’t help ribbing out of the leader. “leave some of them for us, Rey

He wouldn’t mind his own kit someday, adoption or a bastardization of his older home. The pondering was waved away with a flick of his tail as he grinned towards medusa “looks like one of us is already taking claim too, ah what a wonderfully kit-napping place this is, hmm?” He chuckled aloud.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "