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STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - Printable Version

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STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - Starrynight ! - 05-14-2018


He was late. How could he let that happen? Oh, he was such an idiot! Losing track of time was awful. Maybe he'd put a little too much focus into the new tradition. Well, it wasn't all bad. It was just a day late. Starrynight puffed out a breath, annoyed with himself as he clambered up the metal stairs. Standing up straight, a milky white chest seemed puffed out before his shout echoed through the Grand Circle. "Heeey! Everybody! It's time for the meeting! I'm sorry I didn't get to it yesterday. Busy day, wouldn't you know!" The Seraph giggled.

Once again, he waited for a couple members to take their seats below, eager eyes turned up to him. "Right! So to start things off, for those who don't know yet, we have a new tradition that's being set up! I'm quite proud of it, if I do say so myself. You have to go, too! Everyone's gotta, or it won't become a tradition!" That was the goal, anyway. "Also, don't forget that we have weekly tasks! We always need people to sign up for them all the time. Thanks in advance!"

Next was one of his favorite parts of the meeting. (Spoiler; most, if not all of them were his favorite). "We have new joiners this week! Everyone extend a warm welcome to [member=575]✧ alcor ✧[/member] , [member=573]mizar[/member] , [member=570]starjelly[/member] , [member=598]imperia[/member] , and [member=629]Sonia Nevermind[/member] ! Thank all of you so much for joining us here- we're glad to have you!"

Was that it? He couldn't think of anything else to announce at that moment. With a soft shrug of his purple-dusted shoulders, Starrynight sat down to wait for the rest to arrive before continuing.


Re: STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - Margaery - 05-15-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaery seemed to be among the first to arrive, chocolate ears angled forward attentively as she took a seat. She was excited for this new tradition of theirs and, upon being reminded, made a quick note to actually go through with her weekly task. If she recalled correctly, she was to teach her clanmates the basics on flowers and gardening- a job practically made for her. But she'd think about all that later, right now, her priority was listening to Starry's announcements.

[color=#b14767]"Welcome, everyone!"

Re: STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - Suiteheart - 05-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
Suiteheart arrived just after Margaery. The bear contemplated sitting beside her wife, but recent events in their lives caused her to linger far too long on the question. She did eventually come to a decisions, and that was that she would sit near the back of the Grand Circle. It served a dual purpose: one, she wouldn't make Marg uncomfortable, and two, she wouldn't block anyone's line of sight.

"Glad to have you all," the Starstruck Guardian rumbled, a tiny smile upon her lips. She was glad to see new members. It meant the Clan was growing and thriving. She hoped its ranks continued to rise.

The polar bear then focused her attention solely on Starrynight. Surely, this wasn't the entire meeting. No, there had to be more, didn't there?

Re: STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - Luciferr - 05-15-2018

Re: STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - BASTILLEPAW - 05-15-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
With a yawn -- he had burned out a lot of his energy in recent days, trying to finish off his bunker and fix Margy's roses, and for once (for once), he actually felt like his efforts were burning off excess energy. Maybe the build up of his elemental powers trying to escape really was the sole cause of his previous irritations, because it finally seemed as if he could actually burn himself out with exertion. Bast wasn't complaining, though -- he could fucking use a break from constantly feeling the need to be doing something. The boy could very easily for stir crazy without.

He settled beside Suite idly, gaze flickering briefly to Margy, before he was turning his attention to Starry. New tradition, weekly tasks, blah blah -- nothing particularly out there yet. He idly ran through the names in his head, confirming newcomers, and then blinked. "And Rin," he supplied, in a lazy tone. Technically there was that Kura guy, but Bast had seen him once and never again, so he didn't bother to welcome him. Harsh? Maybe. Did he care? No. (What was more shocking: that Bast actually payed attention to their newcomers, or that he bothered to point it out?)

Re: STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - Warringkingdoms - 05-15-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Okay, meetings were normally supposed to be on Sundays then- that was important to know. As Rin approached, she listened in to Starrynight's announcements. Weekly tasks and traditions, she had already heard about, but some others probably hadn't yet. She hadn't met most of the newcomers that Starrynight mentioned, though; she had heard some of their names before, but nothing more than that. "Welcome to the Ascendants," she echoed, glancing around in search of them.

  Overhearing Bastillepaw speaking her name, she blinked as well. Right, this was her first meeting too- she hadn't even thought about that. Hopefully whatever had taken her old memories wasn't beginning to affect her new ones as well. "Thanks," she added, with a nod in his direction.

Re: STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - ★ HAZEL - 05-15-2018

Hazel actually hadn't been far away when Starry's call echoed through the Grand Circle. Curled up against the wall with her nose tucked under her tail, the girl had decided to take a nap in the most inconvenient place just because she could. Just because there was no one there to tell her that she couldn't. Not to mention the nice sliver of sunlight that cast a summer-warm beam across the one spot, making Hazel comfy and sleepy.

Starry's call wasn't her favorite sort of alarm, but it was more preferable than some. Nevertheless, triangular ears pricked upwards at their leader's voice, a set of golden optics joining them a beat later as Hazel pulled herself away from her sunbathing. She could have stayed where she was, Hazel liked feeling as if she were a part of things. The girl settled on the other side of Bastille, tucking her paws underneath her.

It was nice of Starrynight to mention the newcomers; he'd done the same for her, and it only made her feel all the more welcome. A slow grin spread across her lips at his enthusiasm over the new tradition - it was a fun one, she had to say. A fun, crafty, wonderful tradition that Hazel hoped didn't die any time soon. Trying to blink away the sleep from her eyes, she searched for the newest members of the clan in the crowd. "Welcome, guys." Hazel said.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - Character Graveyard. - 05-15-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
The Starstruck Guardian would approach the meeting, a smile on her facial features as she looked upward at Starry. For the sake of her Clanmates who seemed to be in stormy moods recently- she attempted to keep her chin up.

"Welcome everyone!" Luna would say before she fell silent, listening for what Starry had to say next.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - Roy Mustang - 05-16-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
[ a little rushed sorry! ]

Roy was the next one to pad into the scene, shortly arriving after Lunafreya. He looked into the small crowd that was gathered, and from what he could see, Hughes hasn’t arrived yet. He was sure Maes would arrive soon enough, he felt some concern for his friend, especially how close he was to committing the taboo. If he had arrived one moment later, Roy might have been stuck in the Ascendants alone again. Thankfully that wasn’t a reality, instead he focused his attention onto Starrynight as he sat himself down at the edge of the crowd. He wondered what exactly Starrynight would further announce, but he just has to wait to find out.

Re: STEP INTO THE FUTURE // meeting 5/14 - Starrynight ! - 05-17-2018


While Bastille spoke out, Starrynight's expression evolved into that of sheer horror. He knew he'd forgotten something! He always did! "I'm so so sorry!" the Seraph gasped, eyes turning to Warringkingdoms. How could he have done that? He'd been too focused on everything that was currently organized in his mind.

Starrynight sighed before looking around the gathered crowd once more. "I want to announce that I'm going to break the alliance with the Typhoon. Pincher was the one to suggest it, and although I will be glad to continue to be friends with them, they haven't done anything to even acknowledge us since creating it. We'll be neutrals from now on. If anyone would be willing to carry that message to them in a kind way, please speak up!"

"HD, I know you kind of came back recently, but before that, I hadn't seen you in weeks. For now I'll just give you a warning. You can't keep up your rank if you don't do the work, y'know! It's not fair to the others!" Starrynight laughed uncertainly.

Next up was... "I forgot to welcome Rin and I'm sorry about that, but I didn't forget about this! Even though you just joined, you've certainly made yourself known. Big shoutout to you! I'd also love to acknowledge Lunafreya, Eternalwar, and Hazel for all their hard work and effort these last two weeks. Well done, everyone! On top of that, everyone please welcome back Vinny, who recently returned to us! In his original body, no less!"

His grin widened. Here was a big chunk of the meeting. "I just want to say that all of you have done an utterly outstanding job since the last meeting. Thank you so much for your continued dedication to the Ascendants!" His heart pounded with excitement, the flickering aura that was ever-present on his paws swaying and waving. "Maes, Roy, Margaery, I'd like the three of you to step up to Starstruck Guardian." Stars above, they deserved it.

His biggest announcement - request? - had come. He'd pondered over it for days before coming to his final conclusion. "Bastillepaw. Suiteheart. I've thought long and hard about this. I could really use some help around here! Would the two of you be willing to jump up to the rank of Cosmic General together?" They fit the job. When it came down to it, the two was always there to offer a helping paw- and they always did their work flawlessly. He scanned the group below with bright, sparkling eyes. "That's all I have for now! That I can think of, anyway. Anything else to say before this meeting is concluded?"