Beasts of Beyond
THE PRICE | raid announcement - Printable Version

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THE PRICE | raid announcement - gael - 12-19-2020

Ice blazed in the hazel eyes of the Ardent as he stood at the base of the ruined pyramid; stood tall and adorned in simple armor -- leathers and the bones of a hawk.  It felt like years since he dressed for war, but the faerie had never forgotten his time as a general.

"Pittians!" His call rang out with cold fire; a call for battle.  "There is blood to be spilt today."

"The Coalition of the Condemned believe," in their blind arrogance, "that they are powerful; perhaps unstoppable -- but it would take a fool not to see how they have overextended their reach.  And they have foolishly decided to cross us."  Surely, Stryker could not have believed there would be no consequences -- or perhaps Gael was giving the egotistical tyrant too much credit.

"The Typhoon has called for aide, and I say we answer their call this once -- to teach the Coalition not to run from the consequences of their actions."  It had been obvious to the Ardent who Vale could request aid from, and like Aston, they simply left the scene of the crime; cowards.

With that, the vulpine stepped away from the throne, destination set for the Typhoon.

"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby