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THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - Printable Version

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THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - bubblegum - 12-19-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

The smell of the ocean in her senses, sound of the waves, sight of seagulls flying above. Home. How she'd missed it. The captain could not help but stare for a moment, before it was time to charge. The plan had been fairly simple - gather your allies, your weapons, and take those greedy bastards down. The tigress' aunt had much more credit to take for this step, as the female had been prisoner for some weeks before being given time to heal in Tanglewood. The idea of others needing to take care of her, work for her, it did frustrate the workaholic. But, she'd had her share of war, her share of victory. It would always be a group effort, this was never something that could be denied. And, in the end, she would likely not be here at all had she not allowed herself the rest. Potentially not even breathing. And so, she would keep the complaints to herself, move along, be grateful that she was even alive to begin with, and figure it out.

Boats had always been the traditional manner the pirates had used to get around, and this would be no different. Most of the sailboats they'd owned remained docked at their home, however that didn't mean they could find new ones, build new ones. And so, once they'd get close enough to the archipelago of the Typhoon, the tigress would open her wings and take flight. Rolling thunder could be heard, electricity in the air - the warning of the demigoddess' arrival. She did not intend to keep this attack quiet, or a surprise. No, this was her home, and she would take it back loudly, angrily. Shifting her paws, she aims a spark towards the Typhoon's gate, hitting the bell and causing it to ring loudly in the air for all to hear. In another motion, the flying tigress strikes one bolt at the beach, a full announcement to their arrival to the shores.

"Party's over, assholes." She announces loudly, looking down on the lush territory, before splitting off from the crowd. She'd two goals in mind for this raid, and she knew one would be accomplished fairly easily, with or without her, but the second, she'd been waiting for. She'd been hunting the snake for a long time now. There was no more running away. And, she wanted to have a specific cutlass in her grasp as she did it. So, the female lands upon the Tempest, quickly moving her body to the captain's quarters where she could grab her cutlass scimitar.


Well, it seemed as though the time had come for action. A small portion of the Palm Glades had been lingering on the edge of the Typhoon's territory, just waiting for this to happen. Once the news of the Typhoon's approach from the sea had reached Rhinestone, he had immediately leapt into action, ready to gather his troops. However, they wouldn't be fighting on the side of the Coalition. Their deal with the Coalition had already been fulfilled, and now Rhine had no intention of protecting Stryker, or any of his little friends. This was why a large group of different creatures were now approaching the Typhoon's territory over the tracks, with Rhinestonestar at the head of them. The serval had a determined look on his face, and the wind seemed to arc and whip around him, hopefully keeping away anybody who tried to get too close, too soon. He could see lightning crashing into the shore in the distance, and he winced, able to sense the surge of power from Goldie all the way across the territory.

Turning to look at those behind him, Rhinestone called out firmly, "Palm Glades! It is time for us to show our true colors! We no longer have to show any sort of obligation or loyalty to Stryker, and his misguided attempts to take over everything in sight! Go, and attack the Coalition! Help the Typhooners get their home back!" Once he was done with his little speech, Rhine turned and charged forth across the low water and onto the sandy lands of The Typhoon's territory. His teeth were bared, and he kept an eye out for any Coalition members that tried to attack him. Hopefully, the other groups would be able to see that The Palm Glades were here to help them, rather than assist the Coalition.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - SirDio - 12-19-2020


There were moments where Medusa reconsidered her own life, reconsidered her choices. There were moments she reconsidered her revival, thinking her unworthy of it. But now, on the fighting lines of Palm Glades, ready to help take back Typhoon's land, those reconsiderations were thrown away. She was Primus. Fire lit up her forepaws as she followed the group, keeping to the front. 

Something snapped within the hybrid. The Coalition caused so much issue, so much suffering. She wordlessly listened to Rhine as he spoke, and when he charged, she followed in quick step. She felt power thrumming in her body, fire surging up to her shoulders.

God give mercy to the coalition.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px COLOR2; font-size: 24px;"]— MEDUSA

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - gael - 12-19-2020

The time had come for the Coalition to suffer for their arrogance.  The Ardent marched with steady beat, hazel eyes cold with a fire for blood -- armored and prepared for a fight, Gael led the Pittians to the railroad tracks.

The presence of the other groups only further demonstrated exactly what the vulpine had expected; in their blind conquest, the Coalition completely surrounded themselves by enemies with no hope of holding onto what they thought they could obtain.  Even their former allies are turning on them -- for Stryker failed to invoke true loyalty or trust.

Gael halted for a single moment, the air snapping around him in warning for the storm to come.  He possessed no doubts of the ferocity of his clanmates -- there would be no hesitation to spill blood today.  He smiled; a dark and promising expression before he turned to those who followed him, with only one command before diving into the fry.

"Show no mercy."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - j a c k . - 12-19-2020

It was not too long ago that Jack stood in this very state, the kodkod eager for battle, for blood to needlessly be spilt- to proove his loyalty with the life of another. Cementing his role as a killer, as a member of the Pitt. It was before the proving rite was made that the Pitt found solidarity in war; in ruthless battle and a need to spill it. Jack once thought himself someone who needed that, needed that blood to stain his pelt and blight the land- stain him in the way that couldn't be undone. In a time of relfection: Jack could appreciate the difference, he had a reason to fight, beyond the violence. Gael had given him that, something to fight for where once there was nothing but the needless need for blood.

It felt impossibly good.

The kodkod remained in form, their small feline body shifting with a fluidity that didn't match the ice that coated their fur like a cloak: an armor of motion, of power. The only true admission to any form of plating from their neck where bleached bone met white fur, icy eyes watched along the rest of his own group's march towards the isle, a feeling of deep rooted electricity thrum under his pelt, rippling with the power that showed outward in the ice he commanded.

[Image: dciuesh-4df47b16-7f5c-409e-b368-3ab12739...Zt1O0xOz_k]

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - Kold - 12-20-2020

And Still We Do Slumber -

Heat radiated within the Pittian's body, wolf-rottie form shed for their Salamander one, Kiln once again entered into the mind-space. While most of the Pitt stuck to the railroad, the being known as Kold stuck to the waters, causing the salt water to boil and bubble. Their hunger would be fulfilled today.

For the most part they stayed under the water, breaching to breath every now and then. Kiln and Kold said nothing, neither voice surfaced the mind, neither voice came from monstrous jaws. Their head surfaced, along with a full third of their entire body, heat radiating off of them like a pulse, a heartbeat. After Gael's words did they echo out a horrendous screech, metal on metal the sound. With ferocious energy they dove back into the water and sped toward Typhoon's shores.


Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - SirDio - 12-20-2020

Xhocoatl, though wounded and tired still, kept up on the battle front in Tanglewood, and would do the same here, ready to take back his home from the bastards who thought they could take it. Hopping off his boat he would speedily limp toward the coming battle, war cry ripping from him. He killed Stheno, the shadow in his life for months. Now there was another snake to kill, and another snake to find.

He hoped and prayed that she was still on Typhoon's side.


Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - ROSEMARY - 12-20-2020

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
The slender medic grit her teeth, nervous and on edge. Her satchel tapped her side as she trotted on the beach, hiding behind rocks and well behind the Typhoon’s fighters. The herbs and ointments created a floral perfume around her, instantly marking her as a healer, so she took care to stay out of the main throng of fighting.

She hated these things, from the battlefield screams to the tripping over fallen bodies. Her forked tail lashed as she hunkered down behind a rock on the beach, all four eyes half-closed as she centered herself on her breathing.

But she would assist, of course she would assist. The Coalition had taken the Typhoon’s home, and she refused to sit on the sidelines waiting for others to return from the pivotal battle. Even if she had no idea how to fight, she would still stand on the beach with them, ready to tend to the wounded when they fell. If they must fight for their home, so be it, but Rosemary would minimize the casualties. Otherwise, how could she call herself a Roux, a pirate, a healer?
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - METEOR - 12-20-2020

Quasar charged behind Rhinestonestar out of loyalty to his home. The Typhoon? He cared little for the pirates; he hardly knew them, aside from Rosemary’s occasional visits, and he had no skin in the game for reclaiming their home. But the apprentice loathed Stryker for his pompous, dumbass words, and raiding with the Typhoon was an opportunity for him to smack the two-tongued bastard when he couldn’t before.

He gnashed his teeth, lightning zipping between his two ears, lowered his head, and readied himself for a fight.

Re: THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN / raid - salem - 12-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Small, dark and discreet, the kodkod had awaited his crewmates return from Tanglewood, the vines curled around his legs tight with expectation.  He breathed out slowly and quietly, dark eyes alert in the shadows he easily disappeared within -- Salem knew little of fighting, but the Typhoon was his home and he would see the Coalition driven out by the end of the day.

He may be reluctant to attack as always, but the beta would defend without mercy.