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Night Spades ||| Guide/Tracker ||| UPDATED 7/5 - Printable Version

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Night Spades ||| Guide/Tracker ||| UPDATED 7/5 - Night Spades - 12-18-2020

Night Spades
In a small area, surround on three sides by a river and on one side by a lake, with mountains and flat lands, lives a group called Night Spades. A group of outcast that believed that they were wronged by their last group. This group wants nothing more than to destroy anyone that goes against them. They lived by a code that was set by the first Highter and has been followed to this date.

Because of this, Night Spades is very protective of their land and home and will do anything to protect it.

The group's first Highter was a bobcat that didn't play by the rules and quickly found herself on her own. She wanted nothing to do with the other groups and didn't care about if she would be hunted or killed. Soon this bobcat named Alinia, found others like her, who didn't want anything to due with their old homes. The group traveled for days before coming across an area that had a lake out front and a river surround the other three sides. The group was able to get past the lake, but a few were killed traveling through the tall grass. Once in the flat area, the group settled down and talked over what to do going forward. They decided that since Alinia was the first one and got everyone together, that she would lead them. Within the next few days the group started calling themselves Night Spades and were very picky about who they let in the group.
Night Spades has flat land with mountains in the distances. The flat land near the mountains has a forest. The temperature ranges between warm in the summer times to being cover in snow in the winter. South of the territory has a lake, while the west, east, and north side have a river to surround it.

The Lake and The River
At the south entrance of the territory lays a lake. The lake in the middle is very deep and takes a good swimmer to get across. Once across the lake, there is a stone arch that is covered in vines. Depending on the time of the year the lake's temperature is affected. If it has been cold with snow, the lake will freeze over to a sheet of ice. When it starts to warm up the sheet of ice becomes very thin and dangerous. The river surrounds the rest of the territory, like the lake, the middle of the river is very deep.

Because of the amount of bloodshed, the lake will turn blood red twice a month. This is a remind to the group that they are continue to shed blood. If they don't shed blood during these two nights, the group fears that they made Alinia mad and will face her wrath.

Every month on a full moon, the the water in the lake will become crystal clear. This to the group is a time of blessing from Alinia and the promise that they will look out for one another.

Three times of month and at different times of the month, the water will turn green. When it turns green, it means it's time to hunt outside of the territory.

The Tall Grass
The tall grass is the area in the southern part of the territory. This area is a dangerous area to anyone who doesn't know of the dangerous creatures that live in the tall grass. This can get anyone serious hurt. Despite the tall grass being dangerous it is a good place to lay and hide to attack intruders, as long as the person knows how to stay safe.

Because of the dangers, Littlys are not allowed near or in the tall grass for fear that one would be hurt or killed.

The Flat Area
The flat area is in the middle of the territory. It's a good spot for sunbathing for any age animal. It's also a good spot for Littlys to play and to learn the history and traditions of the group. It is also where Helpers and Lessters are trained.

The flat area has a small pond in the middle of it. That is were Littlys are taught how to swim.

The Forest
The forest covers the areas east, west, and north of the flat area. Because of how big and dense the forest is, it provide protection for the camp because it is very easy to get lost in them.

Because of this, the Highter, Nexter, Knights, Sweets, High Hope, and Oldys are the only ones that can go through them on their own. The Lessters, Hope Low, Helpers, Littlys, and anyone new would need a guide.

The Main Camp
The main camp is in the middle of the forest with a path that leads to the mountains. When you enter the camp to the left need the entrance is the market. Just north of the market is where the feast are held. To the right of the entrance is where the food is kept. The right of the path leading to the mountains is where the Highter stays, to the left of the path is where the Nexter stays. The Lesster live next to the Nexter. The Hope High and Low share a place just south of the Highter. Knights, Helpers, Littlys, Sweets, Oldys, Nukes can live anywhere south of the Hope High and Low. In the middle of the camp is a rock that the Highter calls meets at that are not war meeting.

The Mountains
The mountains are north of the forest. This is were the war meeting are held, but it also acts as an escape route in case the camp was to be attack. When war meeting are going on, only certain ones are allowed in the Mountains.
The Highter is the leader of Night Spades. It has been said that Alinia, the first Highter, come back in spirit form to pick the new Highter. The Highter is responsible for everyone in the group, and for deciding whether to attack or form a solid bond with other groups. The Highter is the one who accepts new others in the group as well as the Nexter, Lastter, and some Knights.
-Satoru Gojo played by Poofy

The Nexter is the second in command and if the Highter can not do their duties the Nexter can take command until the Highter is able to. The Highter relies on the Nexter to help when it comes to war.
TBA played by TBA

The Lastter is third in command and will fill the Nexter job, if the Nexter has to fill the Highter position. The Lasster is in charge of portals and deciding who will go with the Highter and Nexter to meetings.
TBA played by TBA

The Lessters are the apprentice to the Nexter and Highter. They have to be in top shape and have to be able to keep up with the Nexter and Highter. They are chosen by the Nexter and Highter after the Oath.
TBA played by TBA
TBA played by TBA
TBA played by TBA

Hope High
The Hope High is responsible for training the Hope Low and is in charge of treating the other if they get hurt or sick. Not only are they responsible for teaching medicine to their apprentice, but they are to teach them how to fight as well in case they need it.
TBA played by TBA

Hope Low
The Hope Low is the apprentice to the Hope High which are the healers. The Hope Low is chosen by the Hope High before the Oath is to take place. When one is chosen, the Littly does not take apart of the Oath, but starts learning their duties in helping the Hope High. Later on they are taught some combat.
TBA played by TBA

High Knights
As the knights are the warriors of the group, there are three head knights that are over the rest of the nights. With the help of the Nexter, Lasster, and Highter they make decisions for the knights.
TBA played by TBA

Knights are the warriors of the group. They help keep an eye on the Littlys and Oldys, but also are responsible for training the Helpers. When they think the Helper is ready they let the Nexter and Highter know that they are ready to move up.

Helpers are apprentices to the Knights. They are trained in combat, rules, and traditions of the group. They are to listen to the Knight in charge of them. And until they reach Knight they are not allowed to leave the main camp alone.

High Scanners(First, Second, Third)
The head scanners is in charged of the scouts of the group or scanners. When the Highter, Nexter, Lasster are unable to complete their duties or until a new ones are found, they act as the ones in charge.
TBA played by TBA
TBA played by TBA
TBA played by TBA

Scanners are the scouts of the group. They are responsible for looking for food, water, and possible more territory. They are good at what they do.

Sweets are the mothers of the group. They stay with their child away from the rest of the group until their child reaches six months, then the mother returns to her duties.

Littlys are little ones under six months old. Littlys are looked after and start their Oath training six days before the six month mark of their life.

Oldys are the elders of the group. They are retired from the Knight position or from the Sweet position if a mother has had too many Littlys.

Nukes are newcomers to Night Spades. This rank is given to anyone who was not born into the group. It is easy to get one of the other ranks, just by following the traditions that are set. Nukes are welcome to join in with group on event or feast.
Night Spades is very picky about who they will consider talking to. Since the group is made of outcast of other clans, they can be easily provoked.

Allies: - None
Neutrals: - None
Enemies: - None
~The Highter is to be listened to, her word is law. If her orders are not follow, death/exile/or escape.
~Disrespect to higher ranks results in a warning, after that is death or exile depending on how bad the situation is.
~Littlys are to be looked after since they are the youngest members, the same when the Oldys get where they can't do anything.
~Slavery is allowed, but it can not be another member of Night Spades. The person who has the slave can decided how they are treated.
The Oath
The Oath is when a Littly is able to become a Helper. This six days of training that starts six days before the six month mark. Now when the training is completely by the parent, the Highter holds a feast to welcome the new Helpers and assigns a Knight to continue their training.

This is a ceremony in where a Helper becomes an Knight. This can be any time between 12 months to 18 months old. It's where the new Knight goes on their first patrol on their own and when they return a feast is held in their honor.

Death Rite
This happens when a member of Night Spades dies or is killed in battle. The whole group gathers for a time of mourning and peace. For six hours there is no fight or harm, and no one is allowed to leave the main camp unless the Highter says.

The Hunt Of Time
This where outsider that wish to be apart of Night Spades can prove themselves and become a full member. For those that are already members, it's a right of passage. It marks when Littlys are ready to become a Knight.

Crimson Fall
This falls on the full moon of the month, in where Night Spades chooses a group to either kill another or capture and torture, and possible kill. It was started by the first Highter and is carried out by the Highter. A group of Knights, Helpers, the Lessters, the Nexter, and the Highter are all involved in it.
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Last Updated: 7/5/22

Re: Night Spades ||| Guide/Tracker ||| UPDATED 1/2 - teef - 01-02-2021

tracking on main

Re: Night Spades ||| Guide/Tracker ||| UPDATED 1/2 - Poofy The Dark Master - 01-04-2021

tracking on main account

Re: Night Spades ||| Guide/Tracker ||| UPDATED 3/27 - Za-atar - 04-07-2022

track on sub

Re: Night Spades ||| Guide/Tracker ||| UPDATED 3/27 - SirDio - 04-07-2022

Tracking on main :eyes:

Re: Night Spades ||| Guide/Tracker ||| UPDATED 3/27 - Cobra - 04-11-2022
