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eye of the storm // winter tasks - Printable Version

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eye of the storm // winter tasks - METEOR - 12-18-2020

The fluffy sparkledoggo sat his butt on a particularly comfortable rock: the sort with a flat top, a bit of moss, and not a lot of dirt. He raised his muzzle and looked at the Glader-aitors wandering around the camp, in various states of hustle and happy nap time. “Hey, you! Yeah! All of you!” he barked, tails flaring out behind him.

“Time for some winter tasks! Get them before my creative juices freeze!”

[ you may also request ooc prompts here too! ]

Re: eye of the storm // winter tasks - Onyxdreams - 12-18-2020

~ ☼ Onyxkit's head twisted to the side the moment a call went out, completely missing the catch she had been about to make as the ball softly impacted the side of her head. Not a meeting, that wasn't her papa, so it couldn't have been a meeting, was there something going on, was this a warning of some sorts? Crimson eyes scanned over the one doing the shouting, and found them to be...shiny? Colorful, beyond belief, brighter then any colors she had ever seen before, with three, differently colored tails, this was far and away the strangest looking not-cat that she had seen yet. There was no panic in his voice, no signs of alarm, not a warning then? He had gotten all of their attention though, what was this about?

Tasks, a simple word, short, she liked short words like that, a word that implied work, or a job to be done, in fact once the word bounced around her head for a while, she remembered hearing it before, several sun-ups ago. Something about getting these tasks, before something freezes, but it didn't feel all that cold right now, not enough for things to freeze. Confusion clear written on her face, mouth turned down into a slight frown, the hybrid made her way over to the colorful one, wondering just what it was that she was missing here, what she needed to make what he had said make sense. "Tasks?" she asked, hoping that the colorful not-cat would talk her through this, give her some kind of explanation.

[ I will absolutely take a nice little prompt! ]

Re: eye of the storm // winter tasks - VASS . - 12-19-2020

The sight of his apprentice handing out tasks made the tiger grin, a cheeky smile in comparison to the exhaustion that he had been feeling all morning. Ah, had he slept yet? Probably not. The stripped medeci made to come closer, spotting onyxkit as well, the same smile sticking true- honnest even as he responded towards the kit. "Gotta start giving these out, otherwise the lazy ones won't be doing much." the tiger made a point to nod towards the rest of the camp at large, the ones et to stand up and offer their availability for a task. Winter made most people grumpy, it would seem.

"I'll take one too"

// i'll nab a prompt as well!
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: eye of the storm // winter tasks - rhosmari - 12-20-2020

'Get up, repay them for their kindness. They didn't have to help you at all. You have rested enough.'

His eyes were half open as he thought. Knowing he needed to rise up and do something even if he was still trying to heal up from his wounds that he had acquired. The hybrid was trying not to think of what had transpired to get him here to this point, the only thing that mattered was repaying his debt to this group. When he had been lucid enough he had gained knowledge of their name. Palm Glades. It was a nice name. Telling of the group as a whole and now he struggled to his paws to try and meet the day. Pain glazed over his vision for a moment as he stubbled out of the place he had been placed, not really taking in his surroundings. Not till a voice he thought was familiar took hold of him and made him drag his wounded and heavily bandaged frame over. Blinking up at the bright colored youth he would slowly look over to the rest of them before he tried to speak. A grating sound left his jaws and he cleared his throat because he knew his mouth was just dry. He hadn't drunken anything in a while nor had he eaten. ''I'll take something.'' Even if his body screamed for rest he felt obligated to do something.

-- ooc prompt me too
[Image: e0934557b53a61d89dd9702007efc443f324a653_00.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: eye of the storm // winter tasks - METEOR - 12-21-2020

Quasar blinked down at Onyxkit, the first of the crowd. “Yeah, they’re little things people can do, in addition to their regular duties, to help liven up the place.” He tilted his head—the kid would probably want to be included, but he didn’t want to give her anything too challenging. “Like, if you wanted to, you could ask Cherry to help you paint a gift for Rhinestonestar? I’m sure he’d love something like that.” A mischievous grin flashed on his muzzle as he remembered his Halloween gift for Rhinestonestar—yeah, the serval would probably appreciate Onyxkit’s gift better than his… Quasar’s gifts tended to be less for the recipient and more of wild creative energy.

“Vaas, use your ice elementals for something, why don’t you?” he said, looking over to his mentor. “Make some ice sculptures or decorations around the camp. It might be cold, but it can be cold and pretty.”

“Sorbet, why don’t you try making fancy hot chocolate for everyone? Could be a fun way to keep people from freezing once the sun’s down.” His right eyebrow twitched as he silently added. And keep your dumbass self hydrated.

// ooc tasks ! i drew some tarot cards. I put in a quick blurb, but totally feel free to look up the meaning or come up with your own interpretation.

7 of Swords, Reversed: excessive use of intellect without success. Perhaps Onyx tries to puzzle something out, but fails in bizarrely fantastic ways until someone helps?

[member=16248]VAAS .[/member] 
The Emperor: authority, masculinity, furthering your goals, stability, and control. Perhaps he flexes his medeci role in the group?

[member=16927]SORBET •[/member]
Page of wands: exploration, freedom, and new opportunities. Sorbet has a fresh start in the Palm Glades. What does he do about it?

Re: eye of the storm // winter tasks - RHINESTONE. - 12-21-2020

Winter tasks. They certainly sounded fun, especially considering the fact that it was Quasar that was giving them out. The canine had a habit of making tasks pretty exciting for all those involved, and Rhine couldn't help the small smile that curled on his muzzle as he approached. He waved a paw in his son's direction, questioning, "Hey, Quasar. Sorry I'm a bit late... could I get one too?" Thankfully, the legate hadn't arrived in time to hear the talk of Onyxkit potentially getting a gift for him. So, once again, if a gift did come, the male would be entirely taken off guard and delighted. The same had happened with Quasar's gift, even if the other's surprise had been a bit... unorthodox, to say the least.

( could I get an ooc prompt too? <3 )
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: eye of the storm // winter tasks - Grimm - 12-21-2020

A kaleidoscope of bright hues, enough sufficiently seared the retina had prolonged exposure been conducted, against the dull hues surrounding, eye catching rather suitable descriptor. Secondary the call that fell from his lips, mesmerising swirl the tails that arose and parted behind, entwined mass in perpetual motion. Brief the thought of discarding his attempt to seek attention, purpose for such lost beneath displeasure that curled across his own lips, in place afixed a frown. Reasoning meagre, and rather childish at that, but held all the same.

Others draw, congregated about self imposed task master, interest piqued and suppressed his prior annoyance. Or it may be he never held such, mere allowed the notion to continue, unaccustomed and thus incapable of handling the prior actions performed upon a basis only of protecting him. And rather correct had been his reasoning, a supposed magnet for issues, though he may simply have lacked the initiative to look after his own skin.

Quiet sigh bypassed tightly pressed teeth and forth was Foam drawn, offering only a wordless little noise to get the attention of Quasar.

( down for an ooc if I may )
[Image: ezgif-5-dccafc75ccf5.gif]
i think that's a burn but we seldom learn, you know fire's too strict a teacher, stoking up the coal with another pull silence and smoke poured out, but there'll be time in distant days, time enough for me to shape my ways where my ambitions lift my indifference and no more of the day is a waste
code by Wisker

Re: eye of the storm // winter tasks - METEOR - 12-23-2020

The sparkledoggo smirked at Rhine, pleased the legate showed up after Onyxkit’s task. Perfect timing, almost like a god planned this whole thing. “Dadorito, let’s get a bonfire. When it gets hella cold, we should totally eat some roasted fishies around a fire.”

Ah, and one other! Quasar tilted his head as he looked down on Foamkit, squinting as he tried to come up with a suitable task for the child. “Hmmm, Foamkit, try making a snowman? Something your size, maybe, but scary. Or cute? Whatever you want, kiddo.”

// more tarot cards!

3 of Swords, Reversed: healing, forgiveness, repressing emotions
When the 3 of Swords is upright, it signifies heartbreak, grief, and loss all intertwining in horrific emotional turmoil. But since this card was drawn reversed, it may mean these things all lie in Rhine’s past, but he has yet to fully heal from these past terrors.

The Fool, Reversed: recklessness, carelessness, distraction
The Fool represents a youth on a new journey; however, when this card is reversed, it signifies the follies of inexperience and youth. Perhaps Foamkit is starting to see the consequences of his wanderings or other such normal child things he does?