Beasts of Beyond
Open Heart . Bleeding Knife - Printable Version

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Open Heart . Bleeding Knife - Zen - 12-17-2020

NAME ;; zen tribolde. [sub]generation one[/sub]
NICKNAME ;; asshole
names 'pon names 'pon names are collected in the teeth , yet only one matters .

AGE ;; -
GENDER ;; not an issue .
BIRTHDAY ;; may 21st
SPECIES ;; not an issue , ( ring-tailed lemur )
born before the ash covered the sun swallowing the tribe , zen was born a ring-tailed lemur to his mother (NPC) . it did not take long till zen was found to be with powers , and his mother took to quickly using his morphing ability to take care of himself. for he is weak, so let she be born instead

Maaz Tribolde . [sub]mother[/sub]
Umbra Tribolde . [sub]father[/sub]
ORIGIN ;; the islands of typhoon
born on an island and behind the Typhoon border , Zen became that which would most benefit him her . Calculated and calm , it was a game of numbers so long as he she learned to play his her cards right.

being little has it's perks , small enough to hide despite your silver coat, dipped black hands and nose , the only thing to see in the shadows jewel red eyes that peek from treetops . a long , ringed tail curls naturally as fingers pick at everything . flat teeth and unassuming to predators ... but not everything is always as it seems .
HEIGHT ;; 18.6 in.