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a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - Printable Version

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a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - rhosmari - 12-17-2020

'Let go of me! I said let go!'
'You need to run! Get far away from this place, away from the ocean! Go!'

'I don't want to... I'm scared! Please!'

Coughing scratched at his throat, salt burning wounds that spilt blood long ago. The fear still clung to him from the memories. So distant but he knew what happened to her. What could potentially happen to him if he was not careful. Fate was a cruel thing and he pulled himself up from the waves, shivering and shaking. His mind muddled and unfocused. He had no real notion of where he was and his head was a jumbled mess. Sunhaven? Typhoon? Nothing looked familiar and when he tried to grasp at what he could remember it slipped though like water. What did they do to him? Swallowing the glowing youth would step forward on the sands, dripping water against the ground. His finned tail was curled against his own body in an effort to protect himself, pulsating energy lighting up the markings on her body and along the membranes of his fin.

His chest hurt but at least he was alive. Yet he carried guilt, dropping heavy on his chest. His mother was dead and he blamed himself. He had no idea where his father was? Perhaps still in the Typhoon, but he barely remembered him. He...knew he should but he just couldn't. Shaking his head he tried not to allow the fear to overwhelm him and instead he took a deep breath as his ink colored form stood upon the shores of a place he could clearly see was inhabited. With shaky legs he continued on, large size rather daunting considering his hybridization but he looked like he had weathered a hurricane and lived to tell the tale.
[Image: e0934557b53a61d89dd9702007efc443f324a653_00.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - METEOR - 12-17-2020

Quasar trotted on the beach, his paws kicking up clouds of sand and leaving a messy trail in his wake. Despite the chilly breeze rolling off the ocean, the sparkledoggo pranced without a care for the winter cold. His eyesore of a fluffy coat kept the chill off, even if it did fuck up his stealth and drew far too many irritating comments—especially from outsiders.

He stopped in front of the wheezing hybrid, his blue eyes narrowed. Even if the stranger looked in a bad way—and had a cough that sounded like shit—the apprentice remained on guard. Even so, he desired to help. Most strangers to Palm Glades never raised a paw to hurt any one, so Quasar had started to think of himself as, perhaps, a touch paranoid.

“Yo, Fishbait, you look like an orca pod chewed you up and spat you out on our shore.” His nose crinkled. “And you smell like it, too.”

Each of the canine’s three tails flicked behind him. Red. Then purple. And, lastly, green. He stood in front of the stranger, clearly blocking his way, and didn’t intend on budging. After all, the stranger’s health hovered right around “shitty but miraculously conscious,” and the dude probably shouldn’t be moving around too much anyway. The sparkledoggo sighed as he finished appraising the other’s beat up body.

”Name’s Quasar. I live here, obviously, with the rest of my group. We’re the Palm Glades, if you weren’t aware, and you’ll probably want to stick around. Even if it’s just so Vaas can look over your health. Since, like I already said, you look like fishbait, Fishbait.”

Re: a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - SirDio - 12-19-2020


"Yeah, you look horrendous, kid. You look like you'll fall at the slightest breeze." her melodious voice carried on the wind as she walked up beside Quasar. Her tongue flicked out, tasting the air, before seamlessly traveling back into her mouth. Golden eyes seemed to waver with worry as she stepped a bit closer.

[color=#004620]"Do you think you can make it to our camp? It's not too far." Medusa's hind legs shook gently, but it caused her little issue right now.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px COLOR2; font-size: 24px;"]— MEDUSA

Re: a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - rhosmari - 12-20-2020

What he was met with just made his eyes stare. His gaze glued to the youth and he just couldn't look away. The colors were mesmerizing, swirling in his already shaky vision and he took in a slow breath as if he could make it all stop. But the colors were so bright and pretty, a voice trying to speak to him through that and he pulled his rounded ears back before forcing them forward to try and understand. The waves of colors were actually an animal and he was trying to speak to him. Saying words that sounded like jumbled up languages all pushed together. He looked like something.... Was being called something but his mind didn't seem to want to retain the information. A slow and pained grimace pulled across his face as he tried to take another step forward toward the bright colors, blood beginning to slowly ooze down his nose. ''They killed her....'' He needed to say it to someone, anyone. Something that would listen to his pain. ''She made me leave and they killed her....'' It felt as if the weight of this confession was too much and he felt his legs buckle before he hit the sand, chin scrapping against grains of sand.

Another voice arose like a siren from the sea and he tired to make himself move. But there was just not enough strength left. There was nothing left save for the sound of his rasping breathing. He was glad...he was glad that whoever these creatures were that they couldn't see him cry. That his tears were masked by the water that still drenched his body. It was all he had left, his pride and he closed his eyes to try and stave off unconsciousness even if the darkened abyss was so close to sweeping over him. ''I'm sorry.....'' To his mother, to them for having to deal with the mess that he was right now. He had only been thinking of going and going and not stopping. And now that he had stopped everything was hitting him. He hated this curse.
[Image: e0934557b53a61d89dd9702007efc443f324a653_00.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - METEOR - 12-20-2020

Quasar lunged forward too slow to assist the hybrid before he fell into the ground. The sparkledoggo’s brow furrowed deeper with each word the stranger spoke; he glanced at Medusa, as though validating the truth of his reality. Quasar’d seen joiners in bad shape and confrontational bullies show up at their borders before, but not a washed up glowy-boy like the finned hybrid.

Nosing the other’s face, Quasar murmured and tried to keep the other awake. “Hey, hey, stay awake.” Quasar pulled a waterskin off his shoulder and pawed at the bioluminescent hybrid to force him to hold it. “You need some fluids and food, probably, not to mention the all clear from Vaas before you take a nap.”

Honestly, Quasar had no idea if what he said made any sense, but he guessed dehydration definitely fucked this guy over. And if he passed out, well, then getting fluids in him would be almost impossible. Hence his I’m-not-a-medic-but-here logic. “Uh, Medusa, maybe we need Vaas right now? He looks real bad. And smells even worse up close.”

[member=16248]VAAS .[/member]

Re: a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - RHINESTONE. - 12-21-2020

Sorbet was certainly a new sight, as well as a worrying one. The kid wasn't the first injured stranger that the Glades had seen arrive on their shores, but he was certainly one of the worse ones. It was because of this that Rhine had a worried look on his face as he approached, the serval's tail lashing behind him. He only caught the I'm sorry from Sorbet before the other collapsed onto the ground, looking dangerously close to passing out entirely. Looking between Medusa and Quasar, the legate found himself questioning, "How long has it been since you found him...? He looks... in a bad way, to put it nicely." Certainly more nicely than Quasar was putting it, anyways. Either way, Rhinestone moved in even closer, gently nudging his head against Sorbet's shoulder. Despite the other seeming young, the size difference between him and those gathered around wasn't insignificant, and that represented a bit of a problem. It would be easier for Vaas if they could get Sorbet closer to him, but considering the circumstances... would they even be able to get him to the boardwalk den?

Turning back towards Quasar and Medusa, he questioned them once again, one blue paw pointing down at the nearly unconscious newcomer, "Do you think that the both of you would be able to help me move him? If we can get him towards the boardwalk, Vaas can work on him more easily." Even though Rhine knew Vaas to not go wandering around the territory without at least a few herbs on him, being closer to his base would be much easier. Plus, there was no telling of how many injuries Sorbet had truly sustained. Although it was clear that the other wasn't doing well, Rhinestone was hardly a trained medic, and he couldn't tell what internal injuries the other may have had. If they were truly that bad, then it would be good to get him to Vaas's den as soon as possible, so that he'd have somewhere to comfortably rest. Not only that, but also somewhere that he could comfortably be questioned at, as well. Not that the legate really thought that the young hybrid was a threat, but he was curious about Sorbet's story.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - SirDio - 12-21-2020

There's only one reason you've lost.
You've pissed me off.

She gasped gently as Sorbet fell, moving toward him with a sudden and urgent speed. "hey.. hey kid, stay awake for us. Try and drink something. Just try and stay awake, or I'll smack you on the nose with my paw." She was only half joking - if Sorbet fell and passed out she wouldn't hesitate to smack him on the nose with a paw. With a small flame on the paw. She turned to Quasar, going to answer before Rhine showed up. "We just now spotted him. Quasar got here first, though."

She turned her attention back to Sorbet, moving to try and hold his body up from underneath him. "I think we can help him, but someone has to tell Vaas that he's gonna be having some company." She muttered, "Stay with us, you pretty hybrid."

Re: a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - rhosmari - 12-21-2020

His eyes opened back up slowly, gaze rolling around as he attempted to fix them on something that was in front of him. Those vivid colors becoming his go to for now. He tried to look at them and felt something press against his paw. Turning his head slightly he stared at the waterskin, barely understanding what it was that he had been given. But slowly his brain worked it out and he pulled it closer to himself, mouth feeling super dry all of a sudden. Clumsily he sloshed the water into his jaws, drinking what he could as some spilt onto the sands. A thank you was on his lips before he felt someone lightly nose him again and again. Voices dancing in his ears.

He didn't know what to make of it but he was just too tired to force himself to make more sense of their words. As he felt himself being pushed up ue grit his teeth as wounds shifted and broke open, blood dripping down his body before he just closed his eyes once more, the waterskin leaving his paws and dropping to the sands. Hmm...someone had said something. Was it pretty? He guessed....
[Image: e0934557b53a61d89dd9702007efc443f324a653_00.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - METEOR - 12-21-2020

“Yo, Dadorito, glad you’re here. Yeah, I’d help move him, but this mofo is massive. Might be faster—and cause the mofo less pain—if one of us sprints to Vaas and brings the medicus  to the beach. And some muscle to move him, maybe.” As he talked, Quasar assisted with the waterskin slipping out of the hybrid’s paws, big bulky blobs caked in sand and blood, abrasive and sticky. His two favorite things. The sparkledoggo’s nose crinkled. “Yeah. Like Medusa said, found him a hot minute before you. The dude was standing, looking better from a distance. No, don’t mean pretty like Medusa said.”

Quasar looked over his shoulder at Medusa, green tail rhythmically flicking and breaking his sightline. “Hope you’re joking. Doubt this mofo needs to add burns to his injuries list.” Nah, the primus had jested, but the kid needed a distraction from all this serious shit.

“Fuck. This would be one occasion I’d kill for wings or that fancy fart magic. Air elementals. Whatever.” He gave up on the water skin, left it between the stranger’s paws, and grimaced. He titled his head to the right, popped his neck, to the left, popped that side. “Aight, Dadorito, say the word and I’ll run off to the boardwalk. Let’s not squabble ‘bout it. I’m the species here most adapted at distance running, so I’ll bust my ass for the stranger.”

Re: a tired throne - open; washed ashore/joining - Grimm - 12-22-2020

Sea treasure. Rather ineffective refuge deposited among the golden grains, pleasant upon the eye though bearing little else. A term once used in conjunction to a search, smoothed the fragments the sea had left in wake of retreating tide. Inanimate object this was not, befitting the term all the same, a lost treasure left by the ocean.

Comotion drew attention, though prior task bore little importance and abandonment was conducted with ease, brief the broken snippets caught. Intrigue a gentle rise, slight the cant of head, observation continued for a moment that seemed incapable of conclusion, arising as lips move. "Oh." Together pieces fall, a domino striking the next until there may be no end until the last is felled, eyes once narrowed grown wide.

There is no grace in the haste of his rise, tide and sodden grains tugging with each step, sought the end to his useless endeavour, distance closing with each bounding step. Too soon it closed, pace slowing as their voices grew defined, once inaudible din given meaning. Each looked upon, short the time vision settled before away it skipped, next in focus for a moment before descent was made, focal point regarded with a light frown drawn across his lips. Apparent the poor state he was within, continued the conversation as it circled back upon itself, ignored for what good might he do in voicing a baseless opinion.

Closer did Foam move, forth extending to gently press his nose against that of the stranger. "Gotta wake up, Vaas can help."  The words tumbled forth in a whisper, though his volume exceeded such by quite a bit, head lifting so chin may rest atop nose. Outward paw reached, tiny compared and thus minimal his reach, still he tried to lightly paw as close to a cheek as he could. "He help, good medicine make feel better even if it tastes yucky."
[Image: ezgif-5-dccafc75ccf5.gif]
i think that's a burn but we seldom learn, you know fire's too strict a teacher, stoking up the coal with another pull silence and smoke poured out, but there'll be time in distant days, time enough for me to shape my ways where my ambitions lift my indifference and no more of the day is a waste
code by Wisker