Beasts of Beyond
topic of the heart - private; dazir - Printable Version

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topic of the heart - private; dazir - rhosmari - 12-15-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
Teaching, she had never been good at it. The only thing that was good was when she instructed others on the principles of battling, training. That was where she excelled. But this was a different case. This was someone she had taken in and had adopted as her child. As her daughter. Would she even be a good mother? She wanted to ask Dazir what she wanted though. She had been through hell it seemed and she wanted what was best for the young child. She did not want her caged, isolated from Tanglewood as that wouldn't be a life at all. So she had gone out early in the morning to capture another water buffalo. Taken the horns as a gift for her child and then split the carcass up. She tried to ignite the charred areas where her paws had scorched the flesh and skin. Ignored the memories of the keening cries as the beast burned. She offered the tongue to Cipactli and then continued on her way.

Now in town with the food she called out, a chittering noise leaving her throat as she sought the kid. Her tail wavered in the air back and forth as she sat down and once the other approached she would lightly tap her paw against the ground. "We begin lessons today. She needs to learn to speak. Speaking is key, tells stories and personality. Her tongue is still but will soon open up."


Re: topic of the heart - private; dazir - Dazir - 12-16-2020

Dazir lay upon her side basking within the light of the sun something she had come to enjoy very much. They only other time she was graced by the star's warmth was after being released from her cell to go fight. However there was no time to enjoy it during a battle between life and death. The shallow rise and fall of her barrel showed that she was content and had she been a little more trusting of her surroundings she might even fallen asleep.

But the savory smell of meat made her lift her head with lightening speed. Round eyes snapped in the direction Elsweyr was in and the child lurched to her paws, the sound of her stomach violently rumbling. A forked tongue flicked out of her mouth and rasped along her lips as she slowly stalked over to where the king cheetah sat. Dazir's muscles were taunt and bunched as she slowly lowered herself into a seated position. She could hardly remember the last time she ate but this held her full attention.

Nicked ears swiveled forward as she listened and while her eyes would periodically meet Elsweyr's they would always fall back to the food. Speaking had been something she never had real desire to do. The arena forbid it. The wardens assumed that they would try to organize a resistance if any language was allowed. The child was a bit apprehensive but for the sake of food she was willing to try anything and so she admitted a low chuff.
"better start running" —-- Dazir / Tanglewood / misc. / [color=black]kagome