Beasts of Beyond
Oh No! -- O; Blooding - Printable Version

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Oh No! -- O; Blooding - Kold - 12-14-2020

And Still We Do Slumber -

With eager energy did the acolyte begin their blooding. A once dead-gazed child now sported a smile, even though the smile was very shallow and often a ghost. With a burning excitement they began the first night within eternity. It was a quiet night, the acolyte slept peacefully before being awoken. it was a gentle gaze from afar, a large wolf watching her. Familiar. Family. Anger. Rage. Panic. No. Him. The sudden anger that urged them up and barreling into the wolf was surprising.

"Kold.. it.. its me!'" "We know. you made a mistake trying to come here. You are no longer our family." They bit into his neck without much issue, Heat swelling, making his and their blood boil. He struggled, yes, but there was little he could do as there was a rip, and he fell limp at their feet.

Dawn approached as they skinned the wolf, tenderly looking at the grey fur for a moment before wrapping the skull and shoulder bone up in it. "We will probably out grow this skull. But we will deal with such when that comes, won't we." They spoke to the hot noon sun, feeling their stomach rumble. With a groan they tucked their prizes within their makeshift tent and started for the wastes.

It did not take long for them to find food in the form of a ram. A lone ram, just bigger than Kold themselves. it was a standoff, and Kold would not lose. With a few spare flames spat at the beast, making it disoriented, the wolf-rottie dove in and bit down on it's front leg, twisting and turning until they ripped it off. While the Ram struggled Kold leapt and bit down on the skull, crushing it with a surprising amount of strength. The ram fell and Kold dug in, stopping only at dusk to go back to their hideout. The vultures could have the rest, they had their fill.

At their hideout they slept until dawn the next day, and then they packed up their prizes and began the trek back to the plaza. As they walked their steps became staggering and jagged. Energy, precious energy, wasted. But for good reason. They would now be loyal to the pitt, for better or worse.

They stepped into the plaza, sending a call into the sky. After all that has happened, they were a Pittian. "We have returned from our blooding; we have acquired our prizes."


Re: Oh No! -- O; Blooding - gael - 12-19-2020

As promised, the vulpine saw Kold embark on their blooding next after Flame.  The Ardent kept his ears perked for their return as the days past, patiently awaiting.

Gael inclined his head the second he heard the call, rising to his paws.  No doubt Kold's absence had been on his daughter's mind, but the Ardent saw they looked in good health -- with the prizes of their trail in tow.

"Welcome back, Kold," the faerie hailed, the hint of a smile finding its way on his face; finding it difficult not to feel a sense of pride for the acolyte that had become part of the vulpine's family.

"Do you have any injuries?" Better to err on the side of caution, though he possessed doubts of Kold avoiding the inevitable fussing by his daughter -- even if they were in perfect health.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby