Beasts of Beyond
as the story goes / newcomer - Printable Version

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as the story goes / newcomer - FARE - 12-14-2020

Lucent had looked to the stars for as long as she could remember. On cloudy nights when she could no longer see them, she knew that she could still feel their presence. They were always there, always remaining steady when she needed that stability in her life. She prayed to them, sent up offerings sometimes, and no doubt believed wholeheartedly in them.

There is a lot you can tell by a map of the stars. Lucent had often dreamed of swimming far away from the small island she had come from, dreamed of getting out and seeing the world. Because what was out there but the sea, she had thought to herself more times than she could count. She wasn't sure when things began, back when she had been a child born on that lonely island.

However, she digresses that the island has kept her safe for all these years, helped her grow enough food and eat enough meat from the small mammals that lived there.

Alas, it had been time for a change for a long time.

That, she supposed, was how she ended up here: on a hastily-made raft just big enough to fit her large form, and one single small companion perched on her shoulder. A small, all-white serval kitten. She of course couldn't have forgotten Noah, her dear friend, even though he couldn't speak. Either way, Lucent didn't have much to say, she was much too focused on the intense fog they had come across. Now, though, it seemed to be clearing. And was that land?

The stars had always been her guide, ever since she was young, still trapped on that island. She was glad she escaped, even if it was on a rickety floating thing, albeit with her best friend. The stars mapped out every move she made, so it was no wonder that she followed them now, even to an unfamiliar place full of unfamiliar smells. Would the stars make this her new home?

The two reached the land rather quickly, the waves depositing the pair gently onto the beach. The elderly wolf set down Noah onto the sands first and then herself stepped out on the gritty-feeling ground. She wondered what the stars held in store for her now, if she would be welcomed or chased away; one thing was for sure, she could smell other creatures here. Time to find out if they played nice.

"Hello, is anyone around? My name is Lucent and I've come from an island far away from here. I've come to see if I will be welcomed someplace." she called out, voice raspy from disuse, grey and grizzly maw shutting soon after she announced her presence.

Re: as the story goes / newcomer - RHINESTONE. - 12-15-2020

Lucent's presence may have been a new one, but it certainly wasn't one that went unnoticed by the majority of The Palm Glades. For a while, the camp had been peacefully quiet as members milled about, talking about various subjects, eating their daily meals and occasionally play fighting or training if the occasion arose. However, the entire place seemed to light up with activity as someone noticed a pair of newcomers arriving from the water. It started with a few frantic whispers, excited exchanges wondering where the mysterious canine had sailed in from. As Lucent had grown closer and eventually come ashore, the whispers had evolved into outright excited chattering, catching Rhinestone's attention and causing the legate to raise his head. It was rare that they had someone actually sailing in from another place. It wasn't unusual for them to have various newcomers wash up on their shores, disoriented and soaking, but Lucent didn't seem to be in that particular group. Instead, it seemed as though she knew what she was doing, especially if her rickety and hastily constructed raft was anything to go by. Rhine had to wonder if she had actually meant to come to the Glades, or if it was just where she had washed up.

Either way, the male found himself thoroughly intrigued, moving away from his den and slipping out of the group's sandy main camp. Her rasping words were direct and friendly, which caused Rhine's pelt to settle slightly, a bit of a smile coming to his face. It seemed as though she had meant to arrive here, even if she hadn't known that The Palm Glades would be her ultimate destination. Once he grew close enough, the dark blue serval found himself purring, his pitch black eyes briefly closing as he spoke, "Hello there, Lucent. You've washed up on the shores of The Palm Glades. We'd be more than happy to welcome you into our ranks, if you're looking for a place to stay." Her talk of an island far away was certainly intriguing, but there would be time to discuss that later. For now, Rhinestone just wanted to make sure that she felt comfortable, and maybe get some food into her. He didn't know how long her journey had been, but he couldn't imagine she had much to eat during it. With this in mind, he introduced himself simply, "My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the legate, or leader of the group. I can lead you back to camp, if you'd like. I'm sure that others will come to say hello" If the excitement going on within camp was anything to go by, Lucent would get plenty of welcome.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: as the story goes / newcomer - Silas Draek - 12-16-2020

Although the two may not have remembered each other, their histories were intertwined in ways neither of them could fathom. They had been through so much together, and if the fates saw fit, perhaps their reunion, though unbeknownst as such to the duo, would bring with it a new season for their friendship. Long lasting as it was, their shared histories had faded as much from Silas' memory as surely as it had from Lucent's.

In any case, the dragon had arrived - crash-landing in a pile of scales and grunts in the snow, of course, but there nonetheless. The male straightened, shaking snow from his limbs and wings, a sheepish look on his rounded features. "Sorry 'bout that. I'm not the most graceful creature. In fact, I'd wager I'm the most bloody clumsy of any here. Name's Silas. Silas Draek." The British dragon dipped his head, sweeping his leg out in a dramatic bow.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px; color: #3973ac;"] SILAS