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what a wonderful time *blooding time* - Printable Version

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what a wonderful time *blooding time* - Flame - 12-14-2020

Flame | 1 year | Cat | The Pitt
*This is a oneshot, but it's open in case someone wants to reply*

Flame at the last meeting that she and her mother were introduce at, Flame became curious about the the blooding after hearing about it. She learned what she need to do and was ready. She wanted to become loyal to the Pitt in every way.

Flame had taken off into the forest area, she knew she need a rib, skull bone, and a tooth. Flame of course is excited to be able to show the others that she wants to be completely apart of the Pitt. She knew that the nights of solitude were going to be long, but she was willing to do it.

The first day, Flame looked around for a spot where she could spend the night, watch and the day sleeping. She figured it would be easier hunting at night, instead of spending the day hunting. Flame eventually found a spot near the desert and started looking for materials to make a spot to sleep. She carefully walked around, trying not to disturbed anything around her, but also watched to see what she could hunt down.

After finding materials for her bedding, Flame settled down and watched everything around her before falling asleep, but she was a light sleeper, so if anything was to happen while she slept, she would wake up. It was her way of making sure that nothing would happen to her.

After sleeping for a few hours, Flame woke when she heard a noise nearby. She got up and moved quietly, knowing that if she's not careful that she could get hurt or worse. She wanted so badly to find an animal to kill and take the bones of back to camp. Flame waked a few feet away from her bedding and soon spotted a large cat hunting another small animal. Flame watched a moment before crouching down before jumping on the back of the large cat with her claws out. The large cat let out of a hiss and went to try and bite Flame. Flame quickly jumped out of the way.

You won't get past me."
Flame said as the smaller animal took off as the large cat faced Flame. The large cat then lunged at Flame, with claws out. Flame watch and then slashed at the large cat as it got closed and got one of the eyes on the large cat. It let out another hiss before backing up. Flame took the chance and lunged at the large cat and bite down on the large cat's neck. In the process the large cat slashed and got Flame on her back. Flame didn't let go and started scratching the large cat trying to take it down.

After a bit of fighting with the large cat, Flame with several scratch marks lunged at the large cat and bite down on it's neck again, finally killing the animal. The large cat was covered in scratches, bite marks, and blood. Flame smiled realizing that she had beat the large cat and sat down. She could see the sun rise in the east.

That was interesting."
Flame said to herself before dragging the large cat back to where she had her bedding. Flame smiled laying down once she got back to her bedding. She just had to take the skull, a rib, and the a tooth with her back. She watched the sun rise, then looked at the large cat. She then got to work on removing the flesh off of the large cat. She knew that this would take some time and she was happy to be able to a full member of the Pitt.

Flame stopped for a moment and went and gather some leaves and pieces of grass, so she would be able to carry the bones and tooth back to the camp. Once she was back to the large cat, she continued to remove the flesh of the large cat. By the time Flame finished removing the flesh, Flame had put the skull on the leaves and a few ribs around it and the teeth around the ribs. Flame then laid down to rest. She soon fell asleep. She love the feel of the sun on her pelt.

Flame ended up sleeping through the day and night. When she woke the next day, she wrapped up the skull, rib bones, and teeth. She picked the bundle up and headed back towards the Pitt camp. She was ready to be welcome back. As she walked, Flame thought about how things were going to be when she got back.

Flame headed back to the Pitt camp, she smiled with every step as she got closer to the camp. Once she saw the camp up ahead, her smile grew bigger. Once she stepped into camp, she stopped and set the bundle down.

"I'm back from my Blooding. I have a skull, a few ribs and teeth."
Flame said smiling happily looking around her. She was happy to be back.
"Where do I need to take these?"
She asked happily.

Re: what a wonderful time *blooding time* - gael - 12-14-2020

The blooding remained an intriguing ritual established by his most recent predecessors, but one the Ardent decided to remain supportive of.  It demonstrated the skill and hardiness of the Pittians who succeeded.

The vulpine's ears perked attentively at Flame's voice, halting in his preparations for his daily patrol.  Swiftly, Gael trotted forward, inclining his head in acknowledgement of the feline's accomplishments.  She seemed in bright spirits and good health, too.

"The blacksmiths; in the marketplace," he offered in direction.  "You can give them your specifications, to turn the bones into armor pieces."

"You should see Aine too, when you are done. You don't look very injured, but there is no harm in making sure nothing minor becomes something infected."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: what a wonderful time *blooding time* - Kold - 12-14-2020

And Still We Do Slumber -

"Good job, we congratulate you." Came the quiet voice of the acolyte as she approached, a shadow of a smile on her face. They looked over the feline for a moment, before nodding. "We will have to do our blooding soon. We are very eager." Black eyes blinked to Gael, then back to Flame. They looked as though they were in thought, before the acolyte smiled a bit brighter. "yes, we will do our Blooding soon, and we will join Flame in the celebration."


Re: what a wonderful time *blooding time* - Flame - 12-14-2020

Flame | 1 year | Cat | The Pitt
Flame smiled hearing Gael and then at Kold. She was happy that she had completed the Blooding. Flame had sat down for a moment.

"Thank you and I will."
Flame said happily before she still looked at Koid. She smiled at Koid. She then stood up and started over towards Koid.

"I can't wait for that."
She added before heading off into the marketplace. She wanted to get her armor made.