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if it's with you -- open, killua needed - Printable Version

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if it's with you -- open, killua needed - london r. - 05-14-2018

When there was an issue, the most probable solution was to find a way to fix it, and do just that. But there were different ways of fixing the problem London had come across one evening, after she'd heard the  scream of someone dear to her. One involved healing, which had been the one that had taken place then, as seen by the bandages and stitched Killua now wore. But there was one more problem no one had really stopped to consider, or at least it hadn't seemed like it had been on anyone's mind. What if it happened again? While London usually preferred to be an optimist, she was not so blind as to believe that Killua would no longer have dreams that turned into night terrors, dreams during which he might possibly injure himself again. The girl would rather not see her friend in shock and covered in his own blood again, and so she had sought a way to fix that.

The first thing that had come to mind was a pair of mittens for his paws, but with the boy's unique claws, he would easily be able to slice through any old gloves. As he had told her before, he had brought down massive beasts before, like dragons, and other mythical creatures, so shredding a pair of cotton mittens, even subconsciously, seemed far too possible. There was no such thing as a completely tear-resistant fabric, so the girl had instead tried to find something stretchy, that would move with his claws, but still keep him protected. Eventually she'd come across a fabric that seemed likely to work, but even if she just made that into gloves, it likely wouldn't be enough protection. So the Arcticplayer added a cotton outer layer as a cushion.

London had first created an experimental pair for herself to try out, just to make sure that they actually worked. She hadn't really known the best way to sew the two fabrics together, but an npc had aided her in her quest. The clouded leopard knew claws weren't as sharp as his, but she supposed that if she put herself in a situation that required the use of her claws for her safety, it should be a satisfactory trial. So the girl attempted to make her way up a tree in the mittens. It had been close to impossible, which had been quite odd for someone who was so used to climbing. It was a skill she'd had mastered for practically her whole life after all, her species being one of the best at it. Each time she thought she would be able to get a grip on the bark of the pine tree, the girl soon realized that wasn't the case and plummeted back down to the ground after each attempt.

After several attempts failed attempts of climbing a tree, she'd gone for something little more risky, and climbed to the middle of a tree without the gloves on. Up there she would once again place the accessories on her paws, then try to hang off the branch. For safety, she'd only put the gloves on two paws, giving herself the ability to catch herself if and when she did fall. Which had been the favorable and obvious turn of events. The mittens allowed her to still sort of grasp onto materials, but her claws were rather ineffective in hanging on to the branch, no matter how hard she tried. And she had tried her best to grab on, but the number of cuts and bruises made it quite blatantly obvious how badly she had failed. Each injury was minor, so she'd been able to treat herself, even for the girl who froze when it came to most things medical.

This concluded her experimentation, proving that the accessories should work, for a little while at least, as the cotton would get ruined eventually, but she could just make him a new pair once that occurred. The only thing left to do was make Killua his new gloves and give them to the boy. She had done her best on them, wanting them to look perfect for her first ever friend. She briefly wondered if he would even like them, as he did not really seem the type to wear any accessories besides his snake, which one really couldn't even call an accessory. Still, her resolve did not weaken. The gloves were for functionality's sake only, and the boy had no obligation to wear them if he did not want too, she just thought it might be helpful. That they would allow him to get some sleep without endangering his own safety again.

It had taken a while to finish the four little mittens, but in the end they had turned out rather lovely. Though the crafting of them had caused her to break through her pads with the needle of quite a few occassions and she now wore some bandaging not only on the cuts she'd received from the experimentation, but around her paw too. The girl couldn't wait to show the albino serval what she'd spent so much effort working on for him. Now came the tricky part of finding him, which was rather difficult to do as he hid his scent. It was much easier to just call out and hope he could hear, or perhaps just place the box she had placed the gloves in over by the cave the boy resided in. She had chosen to attempt the former, seeing as the latter of the two ideas could always be used as a backup plan in case he didn't show up. "Killua, do you have a moment? It won't take long, promise!" the girl called out, her delicate voice not managing to project as well as she would have liked.

[member=186]| KILLUA ZOLDYCK |[/member]

Re: if it's with you -- open, killua needed - COSMIIX - 05-14-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_ocubwlXe4U1rifr4k_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #2E4053; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Hearing someone calling for his son figure would make the tiger roll onto his stomach and shake off a bit of the snow from his heavily striped form, he rose to his paws with his curved ears angled forward. He trotted over to where the voice had came from only to spot an umfamiliar face though that didn't stop a small smile from popping on his maw, he would stay on the sidelines letting his front part of his body stretch out until his chest touched the ground and he would slowly lay down a sigh being released from his slightly parted jaws. He wondered if this was Killua's special friend but he wouldn't know for sure until the man of the hour would show up, so, he would rest his chin on his forepaws having one of his science books underneath his paw. His whiskers twitched momentarily wanting to see how the kid would act but he was acting quite casual despite the smile that seemed to be hidden behind the books pages as he flipped through each page and taking a few notes on the side with a pencil.

Re: if it's with you -- open, killua needed - Character Graveyard. - 05-14-2018

[div style="width: 518px; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 10px; font-size: 12px; color: #b1bed3; line-height: 110%"]Upon hearing someone calling for one of their fellow Clanmates, Natasha would approach in her sudden curiosity. The she-wolf would take a seat next to Stark and offer a nod of greeting to the male.

Natasha would focus her gaze on London, smiling at the sight of the gift she had for another. Probably her loved one.
© madi

Re: if it's with you -- open, killua needed - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-14-2018

(I'm screaming this is so wholesome thank you array)

His claws were unique as they were deadly. He couldn't remember the last time that he had actually used claws that were made for him. It was a strange though but it was a realistic thought that he gave himself. Killua had metal claws for as long s he could remember, and he even remembered the first procedure he got to have them implanted into his paws. It wasn't something that was all that easy considering that he had been awake during it and he was barely the age of an apprentice once the procedure was done. It was for the better good, is what his family ended up telling him while they were cutting into his flesh to make sure that everything was going to be working properly. At least he was allowed to have one day off where he didn't have to do anything because if he did the claws would probably end up falling out of their sheathes quite easily. The assassin knew better than to ruin the work that his family went through because if he did he would probably be punished for it in the end. Once the scars healed over and that his family thought he was ready, he was allowed to start using his claws. His claws were also unique in the fact that they weren't as curved as a regular feline's claws. Instead, they were more pointed forward, almost like that of a canine. This meant that he would be able to make stabbing movements with his arms instead of worried about latching onto something and taking it down. His claws were usually long enough that if he was going at a certain speed he would be more than capable of reaching the artery in someone's throat. He didn't have the strength right now to go snapping necks in between his teeth, as most of the creatures he had gone up against in this group of clans were larger than he was. Which he was fine with because he wasn't worried about something that was larger than him. His dad was a dragon after all, and this meant larger species of animals didn't really put him in a panic. He had taken down dragons and other large beasts in his lifetime. However, the claws that he had now weren't the original claws that his parents had gotten him when he was much younger. Instead, they were newer claws that he had to purchase for himself out of regard that his oldest brother ended up ripping out his old claws from his paws, which had been one of the more painful attacks that his older brother had ever done on him before. He would never think that he would take the claws that had been through him and made him basically who he was.

One could say that he was being ridiculous for getting attached to his claws, but he did because his claws were a part of him. So when his brother ripped away those claws, it felt like his brother was taking something else with him, as well as taking the confidence he had once had when he thought that he would be capable of taking on his older brother. How naive he was, and his brother made sure that he would never forget exactly how weak he was. Once he had healed enough, he had to find someone that was willing to make him new claws based on his specifications and then be capable of attaching said claws to the tendons that were in his paws. It was a long and horrible surgery, but in the end, he got the claws he had now. They weren't as good as the claws that his family had made him, but they were good enough to get the job done and they were just as sharp. Since they weren't like regular claws, it meant that eventually, he would have to buy another set as the metal was bound to wear itself down whether he liked it or not. Although right now he wasn't using his claws for much except for climbing and obviously ripping into his own flesh, that was by accident. He knew that he was dangerous not only to others but to himself when it came to his night terrors. Part of him didn't do anything to protect himself when it did come to his night terrors, as he knew that the likelihood of him killing himself was pretty slim. After the most recent incident though, he wasn't so sure about that anymore as he nearly carved his own throat out by accident. It was a stark reminder that he could still be injured despite how high he constantly held himself. The injuries he had given himself wouldn't be able to heal for a good amount of time, and that's what frustrated him the most. He just wanted to be through with all the bandages as he knew that it would just gain him more strange looks as other's took his condition into consideration. They would look at him with pity and judge him for being weak. Hell, the only ones that had managed to injure him in the clans since he had joined them had been himself or his brother. Clanners barely had the chance to touch the likes of him when it came to a fight. Killua wasn't about to let that change, but right now he was in somewhat of a good mood. Once he was fully healed, it meant that he would be able to start training again, and probably ask Argus as well to help him train. He still didn't trust the Typhoon member but she said that she had a method of making him better, and it was going to be a win-win situation for him anyway so he might as well try. He couldn't train his elemental powers with his current injuries because he would just end up killing the new tissues that were forming over the wounds that he had created. Which would only slow his healing process anymore.

So, he was stuck with having to wait for himself to fully recover, every couple of days stopping himself so that he could stitch more of the wound closed on his right arm. Something he was now capable of doing thanks to the fact that his paws weren't covered in blood now. Trying to find Killua though, in general, was definitely a task in itself. Killua made sure that it was difficult for really anyone to find him. The assassin didn't want to be found half the time anyway, and if he did he would have turned his air elementals off in order to stop it. The young male was walking around in the snow with a lollipop in his mouth, having already made his rounds. He was debating whether or not he should go to the Ascendants and pay them another visit again. It was almost two months since he last interacted with the group. Killua wasn't really in his cave all that often unless he absolutely had nothing to do or had to feed Koru when he got back to the cave. There were still blood stains on the floor that he hadn't bothered to clean. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he turned to look up at a branch above him, crouching down before leaping onto the branch. He didn't flinch as he felt the stitches underneath his bandages tighten as he put a strain on them. If the stitches came loose he could easily replace them. The albino serval was leaping from branch to branch toward Snowbound camp when he heard a familiar voice that nearly made him fall off the branch that he had landed on. London was looking for him? There didn't seem to be any sound of concern in her voice from what he could hear, so he doubted it was an emergency. The silent wildcat made a path through the trees until he was on a branch a little bit off to the side where London was standing. With a box. Oh? Did she find something that she wanted to share with him? The assassin had never really been given a gift before. Although, he had been given plenty of foods in the past so he guessed that didn't really end up counting. Killua let himself fall from the branch that he was on, landing silently on the ground. His eyes flickered over toward Natasha and Stark that were sitting on the side. Why was there an audience? Killua became slightly nervous but snuffed the emotion away when he turned to look up at London, a grin spread across his jaws. "Yo London. What's up?" The Snowstriker would ask casually as he tilted his head. He doubted his sudden appearance in front of her would surprise her, as it never really surprised her all that much before. "What's the box for?" Killua finally asked curiously. At this moment when he became curious, he seemed to act like a regular kid despite the way that he had been raised. His ears weren't necessarily angled toward London waiting for her response and instead angled themselves toward the slowly growing crowd.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: if it's with you -- open, killua needed - london r. - 05-16-2018

Gift giving had always been a part of London's life. She always used to give presents to her brothers and her mother, just for no reason at all. Some inspiration just struck her and she did whatever she that creative energy desired of her. It had been a lot of fun and she had enjoyed crafting surprises for everyone, but to see their reactions was always the best part. Eveeyone always had a different reaction, and the clouded leopard was curious to see what Killua's would be. Had he ever even recieved a gift like this before? Surely there had been someone in the past who had taken the time to make or retrieve something special for someone as amazing as the albino serval. He had probably gotten loads of presents before, made with much better craftsmanship than these mittens. It kind of made the girl wonder once again if he would dislike her present for him, but she pushed those thoughts aside as she realized that it was too late to back out now.

Two creatures had already come to see what was going on, something that made London rather nervous. It had been easy to notice their arrival, especially when she was trying to sense Killua's presence, and he was rather difficult to trace. They were clanmates she wasn't as familiar with, judging by the unfamiliarity of their gait as they had approached. Perhaps it would have been better to just leave the box at Killua's cave, then the girl would not have to deal with the extra sets of eyes, but it was best to just ignore them for now. Once her friend arrived she would likely forget about them anyway. And it seemed that did not take all that much longer at all. A flash of ivory flew across her vision, signaling the arrival of the Snowstriker. A smile gradually expanded upon the female's features as her brilliant blue luminaries found the boy's saphire optics. "Hey." came the girl's quiet greeting, her nervousness briefly fading away at the familiarity of the creature before he eyes.

But like all good things, it did not last long, as his inquiry about the box made all those unnecessary thoughts return to cloud her mind. She had to remind herself of why she was even doing this, to help her friend, before she even managed to speak any words at all. "It's for you, a gift." the girl replied, handing over the item. This was the moment of truth, she would get to see his reaction to her hard work.  "I was thinking that, since you got yourself hurt while you were sleeping, it might help to cover your paws so that it doesn't happen again. Of course, you don't have to wear them if you don't want to, I just thought they might be helpful. And the material on the inside is stretchy, so it shouldn't tear that easily." she rambled, trying to keep her explaination short but obviously failing. Eventually she just found a good stopping point, knowing it was no use to keep talking unless the serval was actually interested.

Re: if it's with you -- open, killua needed - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-17-2018

Not only had Killua had never once received a gift in his life, he had never been one to give a gift to someone that wasn't nonlethal. At least none that he could ever really remember and none of that was his fault. He didn't know what it really meant to give gifts despite hearing it over and over again done in the clans in the first place. Killua remembered the first time he joined the clans and there were those on the borders that were willing to give them gifts. The assassin wasn't quite so sure as to why some clans were all too willing to trust whatever was in the basket. Which usually contained some form of human attire, herbs, and other random objects that one may find useful that some other's may consider to be the likes of junk. Of course enemy clans took this form of giving gifts to their advantage as they started placing their own baskets that had masked scents on them. From there someone would eat the treats that were inside and they would end up getting themselves poisoned. Whether or not the poison would become lethal depended on how long it took them to get medical attention. This was why Killua knew never to trust someone that was giving gifts to him, especially if he didn't know them. The same went with his family when he was given certain things and ultimately having them poisoned. Everything that was done in the household was to make sure that it was some sort of test too. There had even been one moment while in the clans that an enemy had stood near the border with their basket before going to hide in the nearby bushes. There was no known scent that was attached the basket which obviously meant it was a trap. Only an idiot would try to eat the stuff that was inside of the basket, but thanks to the training that Killua had gone through he could eat the food without any fear of dying from the poison that was inside of the food. He took a bit after it, and espite his taste buds basically being nonexistent, he could immeidately taste the poison that was laced in them. Especially since most clans used the likes of berries, and as soon as he felt something crunch inside of the pastry he knew that it was a trap. It also wasn't difficult for Killua to figure out where the creature was when they had left their basket, and the enemy came out of the bush as if he was successful. Only to realize that ther ewas nothing happening to the albino serval he went on the offessive as there was no one else around the serval at that time. So he was an easy target. That must have been the thoughts that were going through the creatures head, but sadly for him he had picked the wrong fight. Killua only took a couple of seconds to dispatch the enemy, but when other's arrived it meant that he couldn't kill him right then and now so he was forced to release him against his better judgment.

The only gifts that Killua had ever given to others would be what the enemy in the clan had tried to do. They weren't even considered gifts, but he had given something to someone so that they would die in what seemed to be a natural way before they even realized. A chemical that had no taste but was extremely deadly to those that ingested it. Using poisons wasn't his forte, but if the situation needed it, then he would use that method whether he liked it or not. The same happened when it came to writing letters to someone, as the only letters he has written were made to blackmail someone with a threat. Either way, the clouded leopard didn't seem at all surprised about his presence. That was one thing he certainly enjoyed, even if causing people to be shocked at the sight of him was also fun, it was nice to be around someone that was used to his presence in most regards. The albino serval sat himself down in the snow as he looked up at the female, and tried to give the onlookers no attention as he could see by her body language that she was slightly nervous. Especially with the presence of others, which he didn't really blame her as he didn't even do well when it came to crowds anyway. Killua's eyes went almost wide with complete shock as the other said that it was a gift for him. A gift? For him? Did he do something? Was this a trap? It couldn't be. This was London. Someone who probably wouldn't be willing to hurt the likes of a fly. But it was obvious by Killua's reaction, but the aspects of a gift were completely foreign to him. He had other's giving him food before, and he had a bag of candy that was left with him after his mentor figure's death that he refused to touch. But were those gifts? He wasn't entirely sure. "Okurimono?" Killua repeated the same word back to her but instead spoke in Japanese, which made it even more apparent to his shock. But there was no distaste in his reaction. He felt like he should have done something in order to receive something as the likes of a gift. His gaze looked down toward the box as they were pushed toward him, and the clouded leopard's explanation made pressure built in her chest. She made him something. To help him. That was a strange feeling. Once her explanation was done, Killua used both of his front paws and lifted off the lid of the box. There inside were four different gloves, and the designs on themselves were pretty cool, and not something to be embarrassed about. A smile spread across his face as he considered the gloves to be cool, taking one of them out and immediately putting the glove on his right paw. In which he immediately unsheathed his long metal claws, only to watch as the glove covered the claws and stretched with them instead of tearing. "Whoa! You weren't kidding it isn't cutting through them." Killua praised the craftsmanship as he looked up toward London, before he immediately became flustered over what he just said. Feeling as if he was showing too much emotion over how much he did enjoy the gloves. Of course, he would only wear them when he was sleeping and not out and about because that would just cause complicates. "I-I mean these are really cool. Thank you for putting so much time into these. They'll definitely come in happy." Killua said as he let out a shy chuckle from his jaws. If creatures were capable of blushing, he would have certainly done so. The young male never having something like this happen to him before. It certainly meant more than he was showing.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: