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Just IMAGINE! -- DeadWonderland - Printable Version

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Just IMAGINE! -- DeadWonderland - SirDio - 12-12-2020

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[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px pink; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: #79194e; margin-top: -16px;"]DEADWONDERLAND !
full name. DeadWonderland Riea
nicknames. Wonder, Dee, Wonderland

sex. female
gender. female

physical age. 1 year
mental age. 1 year
spiritual age. 1 year

group. The Iron Forged
rank. Ironclad
titles. None

species. Jaglion
appearance. Dark grey base fur with fading in jaguar rosettes in a red-pink color, fading magenta undertones. Dark pink striped tail, pink toes, pink underlip, metal spike peg leg
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. Missing her left hind leg from ankle down, acquired a metal spike as a peg leg

discovered powers. none
mastered powers. none
future powers. unknown

deep inside.
personality type. answer
positive traits. Honest. Loyalty-driven. Open to all. Gentle to close friends
neutral traits. Analytical. Honest.
negative traits. Often sarcastic. Honest to brutal stances. Dominating. Authoritative.
personality description. DeadWonderland is all about making sure her homeland is safe and secure. She is harsh to outsiders, knowing that if they can't handle her chide shit, they wouldn't be able to handle the rough and ragged of The Iron Forged. She loves her home and family. Those who are close to her know she is gentle and soft, especially to the ones she takes a further, deeper liking to.

mental disorders. answer
emotional disorders. answer
quirks. answer

goals/dreams. Rising through the ranks of The Iron Forged, finding a love and starting a family
fears. Being abandoned, watching her home fall.

history. Born to a lioness and jaguar within the keeps of Iron Forged. At only 8 months of age, she lost her leg to a dragon, a punishment she accepts for messing with the sacred beast. Most of her history is hidden to others.

generation. 2nd
parents. Lioness NPC and Jaguar NPC
siblings. only child

romantic orientation. Demiromantic
sexual orientation. Pansexual
crushes. None
love interests. none

romantic partner. none
children. none
best friend. none
mentor. none
apprentice. none
enemies. none

song name by artist name
song name by artist name

Re: Just IMAGINE! -- DeadWonderland - SirDio - 12-12-2020


OF CANDY, AND JAM, AND ICE CREAM! [color=#ac778f]"Dead Speaking"

Re: Just IMAGINE! -- DeadWonderland - SirDio - 12-12-2020

[align=center]LEAVE 'EM IN THE GUTTER!