Beasts of Beyond
ALL SENSE OF THOUGHT AND REASON ☆ confession - Printable Version

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This had, quite honestly, been a long time coming. It had been fairly easy to see from the outside, in the way that Rhinestonestar and Vaas danced around each other, yet always stayed close. Their relationship had started off a bit rocky, considering the serval at the time had been forced into a position of making a deal so that his group could get back home, but things had improved rapidly. Rhine had begun to see Vaas's positives more and more as each day passed, and Vaas had begun to see more and more of his in turn. It had been pretty impossible to ignore the emotions that had been present when Rhine had returned from the dead, with the tiger embracing him as soon as his meeting was done. In that moment, the legate had been overwhelmed by emotion, surprised and flustered by how happy Vaas was to see him. Although it would've been a good moment to finally make a move, he had been too stunned at the time. He had just come back from the dead, and he was exhausted from coming back home. He hadn't exactly been in a mental state to go around professing his love.

However, it was now weeks later, and Rhine couldn't take the game of cat and mouse anymore. He actually wanted something with Vaas, and although he had been nervous about asking for such a thing – and still was, honestly – he was filled with a newfound sense of confidence. He knew that the other cared for him, and he wanted to show that care in turn. So, he had gathered supplies for a gift for Vaas. A necklace, of sorts. Similar to the ones that most of the group wore that bore their rank and accomplishment seashells, but this one had different little tokens on it. Charms, carved out of bone and antler, strung along and shaped into different little symbols. Stars, blades, fish hooks, and even tiny skulls adorned the string, making it look both dignified and vicious. Rhinestone really hoped that the other would like it, so that it wouldn't take away from what he had to say. Once the necklace was done, Rhine had taken it up in his jaws, making his way to the vibrant warehouse that Vaas used as both his home and medical facility. As he slipped inside, the legate hesitated momentarily before calling out, his heart pounding wildly in his chest, "[member=16248]VAAS .[/member] Are you in here...? I was looking to talk to you about something." He could only hope they'd have a bit of privacy, despite the wide variety of different types that often frequented the warehouse.

( feel free to post before vaas does )
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: ALL SENSE OF THOUGHT AND REASON ☆ confession - VASS . - 12-12-2020

All was silent, still. Seldome held in reverence for the medicus legionis's true patience, strained when under the concentration thrall of herbs - drugs either under the influence of or careful tending to. The concrete warehouse was a place guarded and warded by the very same creature that freely gave them out. Vaas was careful at work under the flecks of rosemary were brushed into his pelt, the scent of burning sage inside the large building and flowers carefully crushed between his paws.

It made an interesting scent, one that the tiger lulled himself to even at the sound of a vistor along the edge's of his attention. The doors were shut firmly now, in comparison to the summer where the scent of the sea drank up and drowned that of the once drug laden den. A small hearth of burning herbs and logs lit casualy inside the center of the lodge, smoke billowing harmlessly through the air and escaping from scant windows no one knew how to truly replace. The tiger stepped closer towards the door, bushing even on his own strength to open them and blinking at the sight of the leader.

"It's cold rey, come inside." True to character the tiger's voice was soft. He had an inkling where this conversation would go, and refused to meet the other's eyes for it. After all the tiger hadn't never really discussed it, but there was no denying his actions the last meeting, the intention. Even as Vaas had stuck rather closer to RHINE the careful non reaction was answer enough.

At the moment, there was no one inside the warehouse beyond the few dozing that Vaas let lay, most too out of it to care about the scents of the rattling of the tiger's own work to disturb him. "Winter's getting colder, it wouldn't do well to catch a cough again, hm?"
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: ALL SENSE OF THOUGHT AND REASON ☆ confession - METEOR - 12-14-2020

: eyes emoji :

Re: ALL SENSE OF THOUGHT AND REASON ☆ confession - RHINESTONE. - 12-15-2020

Vaas's arrival to the door caused a mixed bag of emotions within Rhine to rise up, nearly choking the legate on the spot. It felt as though his heart was soaring and dropping at the same time, and briefly, he even considered running. However, he knew what he wanted... what he needed to do. So, after taking a deep breath inwards, he smiled and nodded, head still vaguely spinning as he stepped inside the towering warehouse. The necklace was still dangling from his mouth, preventing him from just blurting out whatever misguided thoughts decided to launch their way to the surface. Once they were safely inside, and the wind was no longer whipping at his fur, the serval leaned down to place the necklace carefully on the floor. He chuckled upon hearing Vaas, shaking his head at the tiger before he was able to speak clearly, "No, I certainly don't want that... it was awful enough the first time. I'm very glad to be free of it nowadays." It seemed as though he was finally safe from his former sickness, and he had been being particularly careful not to catch anything once again. He didn't want to leave his group without a leader again, if only for a day.

For a moment, the male just sat there, clearly struggling to get across the thoughts that were raging in his mind. However, he knew he couldn't stay silent forever. After all, he had said that he had come to talk about something. Taking in a deep breath, he closed his dark eyes briefly, stabilizing himself before he spoke once more, "I brought the necklace for you. I've been making it for a while... figured you would appreciate it, as a little gift for all you've done. The charms are made out of bone." Well, that was a start, but it was hardly the main event, was it? Swallowing thickly, the tall feline glanced to the side before he continued, "I must look like an idiot, stumbling over my words like this. I just... I came to talk to you, about... us. I've felt like maybe there was something here for a while, but before now... I just didn't have the guts to bring it up. I thought maybe if I came now, and talked to you about it.... maybe we could... figure things out?" It was hardly the most graceful confession – hardly a proper confession at all – but hopefully Vaas would get what he was trying to say.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: ALL SENSE OF THOUGHT AND REASON ☆ confession - VASS . - 12-15-2020

It was a study in guards: Rhinestonestar and Vaas both. When they met he had acknowledged the wall between them. Two different groups unified into a single force. Vaas' own disquiet rebellion against the glade's customs never felt true on the outward perspective, in comparison towards the tiger's almost brazen welcome to the glade's people. When it was still a clan fully under the cowl of the stars. It was a careful balance then, between the open dislike of the clan's beliefs while still holding true to the meaning of clan- fuck -family (because Vaas was not native to a clan, native to a clan's island yes but- it all got mixed up in his head - too much so that he forgot which was what )

Family, clan: it didn't matter in the end.

He understood the concepts, the principles of them both. But Palm glades wasn't simply a clan anymore, not to him. It was his now, his to claim to and wholly his : the same way that he was a member of the glades. He found a sister in Medusa, brother's in Quasar and Dovah. Rhinestone and him, it was hard to describe, hard to fit him in any singular title. Rey - King was a term of endearment, an encouragement all in one. From what once was a leader to another, Vaas submitted any role of leadership when the two parts of the territory merged together. He didn't want leadership- never did.

Rhinestonestar came inside the den of the once boss and he felt a loose chuckle escape him. Tone dry and depreciating of the true words worry that they both knew hid there. Almost everyone saw Vaas at his weakest point, when rhinestone had passed, before he renounced the star's for turning away from them. Vaas' own shouts and roars that night... He didn't want to loose him again, couldn't. Looking at the new form of the leader was a reminder of how much he had failed as a medeci legionis, yet he was still there: the only one they had. It made him want to try harder, do better.

His eyes caught to the necklace as Rhinestone spoke, it was interesting, full of bone and teeth and everything in between, strung together on a cord that looked sturdy. He watched Rhinestone quietly for a moment, an unreadable expression, he let the silence pass- never one for the discomfort of it. Instead watching the other's face, expression- never the eyes. "Like adults, we should talk about this, hm? So responsible."

Vaas wasn't one for being wel thought out, as much as he bluffed it: a creature of impulse. He could calculate- plan to an extent. He dealt well with confrontations, but he found himself out of his element here. Sitting down on the concrete of the floor sent a chill up his back but he looked up, met void-red eyes and breathed. Taking comfort in the fact that he wasn't alone about it. "I'm not- fuck, I am not the kind of person to really talk about things, we know this. M'not..."

He sighed the last words out, looking imploringly. He wasn't responsible, wasn't kind, he wasn't the kind to fall in love. Yet he was holding one of the crutial ranks in the clan, he made cloaks for the winter chill- to prevent what happened to rhine happen to anyone else - he felt for Rhinestonestar - was it love?

"I'm not going to promise you something i cant do, but i need to know what you want, Rhinestonestar." Vaas spoke, his paws pulling the necklace closer to him to inspect while he spoke. Marveling at the necklace made for him. "When you left, when you... when we thought you dead[i] I didn't think i could even function." Vaas looked up, looked towards Rhinestone with an emotion he couldn't name uncurling in his chest. Soft like affection. "I'm not going to pretend what is between us isn't there, but what is it you want out of this?"
[Image: a.gif]
"[i]take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: ALL SENSE OF THOUGHT AND REASON ☆ confession - RHINESTONE. - 12-21-2020

It was certainly new, feeling as though he was the less vulnerable one in a conversation between himself and Vaas. Of course, that wasn't to say that the legate was completely comfortable, and in his element. Although he had been the one to come and initiate the conversation, there was an undeniable sense of nerves in his chest, nearly choking him. Before this, he had never really had similar feelings for... well, anyone. When he had been younger, his life had been wholly dedicated to the group, and although the same was still true now... he felt as though he had relaxed somewhat. He allowed himself to make attachments more easily, and he cared more for The Palm Glades as a whole, because he knew and loved everyone that lived there. Of course, he loved everyone in different ways, and Vaas had always been the one person where it was so hard to fully define what he felt for him. Over time, the tiger had become an undeniable presence in his life. A force that he didn't feel as though he could go without. Even when Rhinestone had passed, and he had been forced to stumble his way back to Glades territory... Vaas had been on his mind. Right alongside everyone else that he missed so dearly, Vaas's presence had been one that he missed so desperately. He honestly almost felt like a fool for it, allowing himself to fall so hard, when it could easily all come crashing down on his head.

When Vaas initially responded, Rhine found himself wincing, the serval ready to be rebuffed and pushed aside. While he didn't really think that the medic would do such a thing, the emotions in the other's voice were hard to read, as always. It was clear that Vaas was struggling just as much as he was, and Rhinestone actually found himself chuckling at the whole situation. Shaking his head from side to side, the legate muttered in amusement, "We're both fools... we negotiated a whole merger together, yet we can't even talk about our feelings. It's a miracle that we've gotten this far." Despite his words, it was clear that the smaller feline wasn't annoyed or displeased with the situation. Rather, he was just trying to think. It was hard, when his emotions had taken the wheel and were definitely the driving force behind this entire thing. However, Rhine knew how to use logic, and he was fairly sure of what he wanted. Whether or not he could have what he wanted... well, that wasn't up to just him. It was up to Vaas as well, and that was the horrifying part. The chance of being rejected, and the chance of having his heart crushed, intentionally or not.

The serval managed to wrench his gaze upwards after a moment, pausing when he saw the emotion in Vaas's eyes. Not only was it surprising to see any emotion living so freely in the others gaze, but when it was something so soft and caring, it certainly took Rhine off guard. It made him want to move forward and bury himself in the tiger's fur, just to return the feeling and let it grow. There would be time for that later, though, if all went well. Taking a deep breath inwards, Rhinestonestar finally managed to speak again, his thoughts gradually slowing to a pace he could understand, "I want... you. As soon as the words left his mouth, Rhine found himself laughing, shaking his head before he quickly continued, "Oh, that sounded horribly cheesy... I'm sorry. I mean... I want to be with you. I care about you more than I can truly express, and I want to stay by your side, come hell or high water. And I realize that you're not really the heartfelt lovey dovey type, but I'm alright with that. I just want to know that we're together. That you care, you know? Because I care." That unbearable sense of vulnerability had returned once again, and Rhine found himself struggling. Trying to keep his dark gaze locked with Vaas's, not wanting to give in to the anxiety and let his eyes linger on the floor, instead.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades